Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 250
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DES    250    DEV

Deikus, a town of European Turkey, in Ro-
mania, on the coast of the Black Sea, 30 miles
N. N. AV. of Constantinople. At some former
period a wall appears to have extended from this
place to Erekli, 100 miles W. of Constantinople
on the coast of the sea of Marmora.

Dermon, t. Fayette Co. Pa.

Derne, a town of Barbary on the coast of the
Mediterranean. It is the capital of the district of
Barca, and is a pleasant town, surrounded by
gardens, and watered by a number of rivulets.
The government is a dependency of Tripoli, and
during the war between the United Stales and
that power in 1808, Derne was stormed and taken
by the Americans under General Eaton.

Derry, townships in Dauphin, Mifflin, West-
moreland and Columbia Cos. Pa and Guernsey
Co. Ohio.

Derry, see Londonderry.

De Ruyter, p.t. Madison Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,447.

Derwent, the name of4 rivers in different parts
of England; 1st rising in the peak district of
Derbyshire, and after a course of about 50 miles in
a direction .S. E. by E. falls into the Trent about
10 miles below the town of Derby, from whence it
is navigable. 2nd rises near Whitby, in the N.
Riding of Yorkshire, and after a winding course
of about 25 miles is joined by the Rye, when the
united stream runs S. for about 35 miles falling
into the Ouse, and 6 miles below Selby. 3rd
rises at the foot of Kilhope Law Mountain, and
for about 15 miles in an irregular course forms the
boundary between the counties of Durham and
Northumberland, when it intersects for about 7
miles the N. W. corner of the former county, falling
into the Tyne about 5 miles above Newcastle. 4th
rises on the border of Westmoreland, intersects
the S. E. part of the county of Cumberland, and
after a course of about 30 miles through Derwent
and Bassenthwaite waters, and past Cockermouth,
falls into the Solway Firth at Workington ; this
river abounds in excellent fish.

Derwent-water,neax to Keswick in Cumberland1,
is of an oval form, three miles in length, and a
mile and a half wide. It is surrounded by rocky
mountains, broken into many fantastic shapes.
The precipices seldom overhang the water but are
arranged at some distance ; and the shores swell
with woody eminences or sink into green pastoral
margins. The lake contains five islands ; one of
which near the centre, is famous for having been
the residence of St. Herbert, the ruins of whose
hermitage are yet remaining.

Desaguadero, a river and lake of Bolivia, com-
municating with the S. end of the lake Titicaca.

Desaguadero Chahalge is the name applied to
part of the channel of waters concentrating in the
great plains E. of the Andes, between the lat. of
36. and 41.S. whose outlet is into St.Matthias’ Bay.

Deseada, a small island 12 miles E. of Point
Chateau, the eastern extremity of Guadaloupe, to
which it is dependent; it is about 25 square miles
in extent, and contains about 300 white inhabitants
and 600 slaves; it was the first land-mark of
Columbns on his second voyage. Lat. 16. 40. N.
and 61. 20. of E. long.

Deseada, Cape, the N. AV. point of Terra del
Fuego, forming’ the S. AT. point of entrance into
the straits of Slagellan from the Pacific Ocean,
hat. 53. 48. and 74. IS. of AV. long.

Deseada River, see Port Desire.

Dessau, a strong town of Upper Saxony, capi-
tal of the principality of Anhalt-Dessau. It has
manufactures of cloth, stockings, and hats ; and
is seated on the Mulda, at its conflux with the
Elbe, 37 m. N. of Leipzig. Pop. about 9,500.

Detmold, a town of AVestphalia, in the county of
Lippe, with a fortified castle ; seated on the river
Wehera, 17 m. N. N. W. of Paderborn. Pop.
about 2,400.

Detroit, the capital of Michigan territory. Its
trade consists in a barter of coarse European
goods with the Indians for furs, deerskins, tallow,
&c. It is situate in a fruitful country, on the
W. side of the strait, or river, that forms the
communication between the lakes of St. Clair,
and Erie, and the boundary line between the
United States territory and Upper Canada. Long
83. 0. W. lat. 42. 40. N.

Dettenheim, a small town of Bavaria in the
district of Pappenheim, in the circle of the Upper
Danube, it is seated on the E. bank of the Ahlt-
muhl, and is remarkable as the place from near
which Charlemagne in the 8th century under-
took to unite by a canal, the waters of the
Ahltmuhl with the Rednitz and thereby the Dan-
ube with the Rhine.

Dettlebaeh, a town of Franconia, in the princi-
pality of Wurtzburg, now included in the king-
dom of Bavaria, circle of the Lower Maine, seat-
ed on the Maine, 8 m. E. of Wurtzburg.

Dettingen, a village of Bavaria, in the territory
of Hanau, circle of the Lower Maine, 4 miles S.
E. of Hanau. Here George II. gained a victory
over the French, in 1743.

*** There are three small towns of this name
in the Duchy of Wurtemburg.

Deva, a considerable town of Transylvania
seated on the S. bank of the Marosch, about 12
m. S. W. of Carlsburgh.

Deval cotty, a town of Upper Hindoostan, on
the E. bank of the main branch of the Ganges, 10
m. S. of Gangotry, in the lat. of 32. 40. N.

Devaprayaga, or Deuprag, another town of Up
per Hindoostan, on the E. bank of the Ganges,
a few miles S. of Sirinagur, (
which set), and
near the junction of 4 united streams from the
N. with the Ganges, and where the water is es-
teemed most sacred by the Hindoos. The town
contains the celebrated temple of Ramachandra,
the resort of numerous pilgrims who contribute
to the support of numerous Brahmins who form
the principal population of the town. It suffered
considerably by an earthquake in 1803.

Deucar, a district of Nepaul, bordering on the
province ofOude, a town of the same name is
about 90 m. N. of the city of Oude.

Develto, or Zagora, a town of European Turkey,
in Romania, the see of a Greek archbishop; situ-
ate on the Paniza, near its entrance into the gulf
of Forus in the Black Sea, 58 m. N. E. of Adri-
anople, and 106 N. N. VV. of Constantinople
Long. 27. 22. E. lat. 42. 35. N.

Deventer, a city of Holland, the capital ol
Overyssel, with a college. It is surrounded by
strong walls, and seated on the Yssel, 50 m. E. of
Amsterdam. Pop. about 10,000.

Deveron, a river of Scotland, which rises in
the S. E. of Banffshire, and enters the ocean at
Banff. It forms the boundary between the coun
ties of Aberdeen and Banff for about 50 m.

Devieotta, a town on the coast of the Carnatic
at the mouth of the Colran or N. branch of the
Cavery river in the lat. of 11. 40. N. This place
surrendered to the English in 1749, and for seve-
ral years was one of the principal factories of the
East India Company on that coast; the entrance
to the harbour, is impeded by shoals.






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