kerseys, shal.oons, broadcloth, blond lace, and porcelain ; there is also a considerable ship-build- ing trade at Barnstable. The woolen cloth man- ufactures at Tiverton and Great Torington, and the wool-combing at Chumleigh, were formerly extensive, but have now much decayed or van- ished. Besides the Tamar, which divides the county from Cornwall on the S. W., the other principal rivers falling into the English Channel are the Dart and the Exe, and into Bideford Bay, on the side of the Bristol Channel, the Torridge, and the Taw ; Devonshire contains one city*, Ex- eter.
Devon, a river of Scotland, which rises in the S. E. part of Perthshire, and, after a course of 40 miles, enters the Forth at Clackmannan, only eight miles distant from its source. In Perthshire it forms some romantic waterfalls, called the De- vils Mill, the Rumbling Bridge, and the Caldron- linn.
Deuren, a town of the Prussian states, in the duchy of Juliers, with manufactures of cloth and paper, and some iron works. It is 14 miles E. of Aix-la-Chapelle. Pop. about 3,500.
Deutz. See Duytz.
Deux Ponts, a late duchy of Germany, lying AV. of the Rhine ; it is about 30 miles in length from N. to S., and 12 in mean breadth, and tole- rably fertile. It was ceded to France at the peace of Luneville in 1802, assigned to Austria at the general partitioning after the peace of Paris in 1814, and by Austria exchanged with Bavaria for other districts on the E. It now forms part of the Bavarian circle of the Rhine, and is supposed to contain from 50,000 to 60,000 inhabitants ; besides the chief town of the same name, the other prin- cipal towns are Kussel, Honiburg and New Horn- bach.
Deux Ponts, the chief town of the preceding district or duchy, is seated at the confluence of the Hornbach with the Erlbach, a short distance above the entrance of the united stream into the Blise near the S. end of the duchy. Its castle, the former residence of the grand duke, is a state- ly edifice; and it has two spacious churches, an academy, and an orphan house, and was formerly celebrated for a printing establishment, which pro- duced a valuable edition of the Greek and Latin Classics, since removed to Strasburg. Pop. about
5,000 ; Deux Ponts is 55 miles E. by N. of Metz, and 65 N. W. by N. of Mentz. Lat. 49. 15. N. and 7. 22. of E. long.
Dewangunge, a town of Bengal, on the W. bank of the Burrampooter, 110 miles N. N. W. of Dacca.
Deivarcotta, a town and district of North Hin- doostan, between the Ganges and the Jumna; the town is seated on the W. bank of the main branch of the Ganges, 175 miles N. by W. of Dehli, and 90 N. AV. of Sirinagur.
De Witts Land, the name given to about 10 de- grees of lat. of the N. W. part of New Holland, after the Dutch navigator of that name, who first made it known to Europeans.
Deicsburgh or Dewsbury, a parish and town in the west Riding of Yorkshire, England. The parish which includes the townships of Osset, Soothill, and Clifton-cum Heartshead, contain- ed in 1821, 16,261 inhabitants. The town of Dewsbury is a place of great antiquity, being mentioned as early as 626, when Paulinus, the first archbishop of York, preached Christianity to the inhabitants of the surrounding country ; it is now distinguished as the seat of an extensive commerce, having upwards of 50 establishments for the manufacture of blankets, carpets, and other heavy woolen fabrics; and Heckmondwike ad- joining, has 40 other establishments for the like purpose, chiefly blankets. Dewsbury is seated near the N. bank of the Calder river, 5 miles W. by N. of Wakefield, on the road to Halifax, and in 1821, the town contained 6,380 inhabitants. |
Deynse, a town of Flanders, seated on the S. bank of the Ly, 9 miles W. S. W. of Ghent.
Deyrah, a town of Upper Hindoostan, on the frontier of Dehli, in the province of Sirinagur.
Dcsaigne, a town of France, in the N. part of the department of LArdeche, 25 miles W. N. VV. of Valence. Pop. about 3,500.
Dexter, p.t. Penobscot Co. Me. Pop. 885.
Dczensano, a town of Breciano, situated at the S. end of lake Garda, 15 miles E. of Brescia. Pop. about 3,500.
Dezful, a populous town of Persia, in the pro- vince of Chochistan, seated on the banks of the Abzal, over which is an elegant bridge of 22 arch- es. Dezful is 130 miles N. by E. of Bassora ; the Abzal falls into the Ahwas, which joins the Tigris, at its junction with the Euphrates.
Diadin, a town of Armenia, seated near the source of the Euphrates, and frontier of Persia, 80 miles S. S. W. of Erwan.
Diakovar, a town of Sclavonia, about 20 miles S. S. E. of Essig, on the road to Brodo Pop. about 3,000.
Diamond Harbour and Point, on the Hoogly river, (see Calcutta).
Diamond Isle, a small island lying off the S. W. point of Pegu, and S. E. point of the Bay of Bengal, in the lat. of 15. 51. N. and 94. 12. of E long.
Diamond Point, the N. E. point of the island of Sumatra, at the entrance to the strait of Malacca, in the lat. of 5. 18. N. and 97. 48. of E. long.
*** There is a river of Sumatra, called Diamond river, falling into the strait a little S. of the point. The S. W. part of the island of Mar- tinique in the West Indies, in the lat. of 14. 25. N. and 61. 9. of W. long, is also called Diamond Point.
Diano, a town of Naples, W. of the Apennines, in Prineipato Citra, 15 miles N. by E. of Poli- castro. Pop. about 4,500.
Diarbekir, a district of Asiatic Turkey, in the province of Algazira, the whole of which extend- ing from 33. 20. to the lat. of 39. N. was for- merly called Diarbekir : and the Pasha or gover- nor of the province is still called the Pasha of Diarbek. It formed the ancient kingdom of Mesopotamia; but the district of Diarbekir is is now confined between the 37th and 38th de- grees of N. lat. ; it lies E. of the Euphrates, and is intersected hy numerous streams, forming the head waters of the Tigris. It is beautifully di- versified with mountains and vallies, and to a social people would form a most delightful resi- dence.
Diarbekir, the chief city of the preceding dis- trict, or as it is called by the Turks Karle Amid, which signifies a black wall, in reference to a lofty wall of black stone with which the city was formerly surrounded, is seated on the banks of the main branch of the Tigris, in the lat. of 37.
55. N. and 39. 22. of E. long. 570 miles E. S. E. of Constantinople, and 180 N. E. of Aleppo. The Pasha resides in an extensive castle on the N. side of the city. Extensive manufactures of silk, wool, cotton, and leather, and in metals are |