Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 253
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DIE    253    DIM

carried on at Diarbekir; and their dyed fabrics in
wool and cotton are justly esteemed for the beau-
ty of their colours. As in most eastern cities,
the streets are narrow and dirty, but many of
the houses are spacious and elegant within. It
contains several commodious bazaars, a magnifi-
cent mosque, and also a noble cathedral belong-
ing to the Armenians. As a place of residence
to Europeans it is considered among the most
agreeable of all*the Turkish cities. The popu-
lation is variously estimated at from 40,000, to

80,000, consisting of Armenians, Kurds, Chris-
tians, Jews, and Turks.

Dickinson, ph. Franklin Co. N. Y. Pop. 446.
Also a township in Cumberland Co. Pa.

Dickson, a County of West Tennessee, about
23 miles from N. to S. and 25in breadth. Duck
river, which falls into the Tennessee, washes all
the S. part of the county, whilst the E. and W.
corners of the N. side jet upon the great Cumber-
land river: a collateral ridge of the Alleghany
mountains intersects the county from the S. E.
to the N. W. Pop. 7,261. Charlotte, N. of the
mountain ridge, is the principal town.

Didier, St. a town of France at the N. E. ex-
tremity of the department of Upper Loire, 40
miles S. S. AV. of Lyons. Pop. about 3,200.

*,* There are three other small towns of the
same name in different parts of France.

Die. a town of France in the department of
Drome, situate on the N. bank of the river
Drome ; it is the seat of a prefect, and in lr'25
contained 3,509 inhabitants. It produces excel-
lent wine, and has a mineral spring in its vicini-
ty. It is 30 miles S. AV. of Grenoble, and 8U S.
S. E. of Lyons.

Dieburgh, a town of Hesse Darmstadt, seated
on the N. bank of the Gerspienz river, 7 miles
E. by N. of Darmstadt, and 18 S. S. E. of Frank-
fort on the Maine.

Diego, St. a town on the coast of New Albion,
in the north Pacific Ocean, capital of a jurisdic-
tion of its name. It stands in so barren a coun-
try, that in the dry season cattle are sent up-
ward of 20 miles for pasturage. The port affords
excellent anchorage. Long. 116. 53. W. lat. 33.
12 X.

Diemen's Land. See Van Diemen’s.

D-epholtz, a town and castle of AVestphalia,
capital of a county of the same name. It has
minufactures of coarse woolen and linen cloth,
and stands on the river Hunte, near the lake
Dummer. 30 miles N. AV. of Minden, and 38 S.
S. W. of Bremen ; the county comprises about
265 sen are miles, and contains about 15,000 in-
habitants : and now forms part of the kingdom of
Hanr-ver. xe2x80x98he inhabitants subsist chiefly by breed-
ing of cati'.r. which they drive down to the mar-
kets of Holland.

Dieppe, a sea port town of France, in the de-
partment of Lower Seine, with a good harbour
farmed by the mouth of the river Arques, an old
zad two piers. The principal trade consists
in fish, ivorv. toys, and laces. It was bombarded
by the English in 1694, and is not so considera-
ble as formerly. It is situate on the coast of the
English Channel, opposite to Brighton, from
whence packet boats sail daily to Dieppe dur-
ing the summer season, fanning the easiest route
from London to Paris. Dieppe is 50 miles N. N.
E. of Havre. 35 N. of Rouen, and 96 in a meri-
dional line X. X. W of Paris, the lighthouse at
the entrance of the harbour is in lat. 49. -55. 34.
N. and 1. 4. 29. of xc2xa3. long.; it is the seat of a
prefect, and in 1825 contained a population of

Dierdorf, a town of Westphalia, capital of the
upper county of Wied, with a castle, situate on
the Wiedbach, 10 miles N. N. W. of Coblentz.

Diernstein, a town of Austria, with an Augus-
tine convent, and the ruins of a castle, in which
Richard I. of England was imprisoned. The
French were repulsed here by the Austrians and
Prussians in 1805. It is seated on the N. bank
of the Danube, 17 miles N. of St. Polten, and 45
W. by N. of Vienna.

Diesen, a town of Bavaria, on the W. side
of the lake Ammersee, 10 m. S. E. :f Lands-

Diesenhofen, a town of Switzerland, in Thur-
gau, seated on the Rhine, 5 miles E. of Schaff-

Diest, a town of the Netherlands, in Brabant,
with considerable manufactures of cloth, stock-
ings, &c. seated on the Demer, 82 miles E. N. E.
of Brussels. Pop. about 6,000.

Dietz, a town of Germany, in the Westerwald,
capital of a county of the same name, with a
strong castle. It is seated on the Lahn, 18 miles
above its entrance into the Rhine, near Coblentz.

Dieuze, a town of France, in the department
of Meurthe, with wells of salt water, which
much salt. It is seated on the Seille, 22 m.
N. E. of Nancy, and 50 AV. N. W. of Strasburg.
Pop. about 3,600.

Diez, St. a town of France in the department
of Ainsges. It had lately a celebrated chapter,
whose canons were obliged to produce proofs of
nobilitv. It is seated near the source of the
Menrthe 30 m. S. E. of Luneville, and 45 S. AV.
Strasburg. It is the seat of a prefect, and ir,
1825 contained 6,823 inhabitants.

Dishton, a town of Massachusetts, in Bristol
county, situate near Taunton river, 7 miles S. S.
W. of Taunton. Pop. 1,737. Upon the rocks
on the margin of the river are some rude inscrip-
tions, which the researches of antiquarians have
not yet rendered intelligible.

Digne, a town of France, capital of the depart-
menf of Lower Alps, and a bishop’s see. It is
famous for its hot baths, and seated on the Bleone,
30 miles S. by W. of Embrun, and 70 N. E.
of Marseilles. Pop. in 1825, 3,621.

Dijon, a city of France, capital of the depart-
ment of Cote d’Or. The public structures, and
particularly the churches, are very fine The
spire of St. Benigne is 370 feet in height. In
front of the Palace Royale is the ancient palace
of the dukes of Burgundy; and at the gates of
Dijon is a chartreuse, in which some of those
princes are interred. Dijon is seated in a pleas-
ant plain, which produces excellent wine, be-
tween two small rivers, 48 m. N. E. of Autun,
and 175 S. E. of Paris. Pop. in 1825, 2*2,397.

Dili. See Delos.

DiUenburg, a town of Germany, in the Wes-
terwald, capital of a county of the same name,
rich in mines of copper and iron. It has a for-
tress, on a mountain, the usual residence of the
prince of Nassau-Dillenburg; and is seated on the
Dillen, 41 miles N. N. W. of Wetzler. Long.

8. 27. E., lat. 50. 42. N.

Dillingen, a town of Suabia, with a catholic
university, seated on the Danube, 17 m. N. AV.of
Augsburg. Now included in the Bavarian cir-
cle of the Upper Danube.

DiUiardsmlle, p.v. Rutherford Co. Ten.

Dimotuc, or Domotica. a towin of European



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