of a small river, which in compliment to his patroness, Isabella of Spain, he named after her. The avarice of the settlers soon excited the just in- dignation of the native inhabitants, whose resent- ment, however, was readily subdued by the more ample and destructive means of warfare of the Spaniards. Columbus returned to Spain in 1496, leaving his brother Bartholomew in com- mand of the settlement, who soon after removed to the southern coast, and founded the city of St. Dominnro, which afterwards gave name to the whole island. The number of settlers from Spain increased rapidly, and the natives were compelled to the severest labour, which soon brought on dis- ease and premature death, and so fatal to life was the cruel policy of the Spaniards, that after a lapse of about 20 years, an efficient labourer scarce- ly remained on the island. Under this exigency, about 40,000 of the inhabitants of the Bahama Isles were decoyed from their homes to become labourers or slaves in St. Domingo ; but such was the perverse policy of the Spaniards; that not- withstanding this acquisition, and 1,000,000 of native inhabitants, (some historians even carry the number as high as 3,000,000,) which the isl- and was supposed to contain on its first discovery in 1492, by the middle of the following century scarcely 150 remained alive; whilst the Span- iards had progressively sunk into indolence, and the island was reduced again to a wilderness.
The French obtained a footing on the W. end of the island about the middle of the 17th century, and resumed the culture of the sugar-cane which had been early introduced by the Spaniards from the Canary Islands, but had been entirely neglect- ed by them. By the treaty of Ryswick in 1691, Spain ceded to France all the west part of the island from the little river Pedernallo on the S. to the Capotillo falling into the Bay of Man- cenilla on the N., in the long, of about 71. 40. W., being about a third part of the island. After this period the French plantations progressively in- creased in number and importance, and in 1789 the population of the French part of the island had increased to 30,830 whites, 24,000, mulattoes, and
480,000 slaves, making a total of 534,830 inhabi- tants, whilst the total population of the'Spanish part did not exceed 155,000, and in 1791, the fol- lowing produce was exported to France : viz. 84,017,328 lbs. of coffee, 11,317,222 lbs. of cotton, 3,257,610 lbs. of indigo, 1,536,017 lbs. of cocoa, and 217,463 casks of sugar.
From this period a new and important era in the history of St. Domingo commences. The deso- lating mania of the French revolution, had ex- tended to this island ; an insurrection ensued, in which upwards of 5,000 of the whites fell a prey to the fury of their slaves. In 1792 the national assembly of France proclaimed the political equal- ity of the negroes and whites; in the following vear three commissioners were despatched from Prance, who on their arrival in St. Domingo pro- claimed the emancipation of the slaves. This served as a signal far the slaves to wreak their vengeance on their whhe oppressors, and on the 21st of June 1793, a force of 3,000 blacks entered Cape Francois and began an indiscriminate slaughter among the white inhabitants, whilst the most cruel vengeance displayed itself over all that part of the island. |
In the midst of this confusion, the English at- tempted to establish their authority ; and a force from Jamaica succeeded in taking possession of Po-t au Prince, but after suffering much from disease and the resistance of the blacks, they aban doned the island in 1798. By this time the whole of the white population had become nearly extirpated, whilst the blacks, under the command of Rigatrd and Toussaint L'Ouverture, had effect ed considerable progress in military discipline On the 1st of July 1801, the independence of the island was formally proclaimed in the name of the republic of Hayti, when Toussaint LOuverture was appointed governor for life, with the power of naming his successor. On the 6th October, 1801, the French concluded a peace with England, and in the December following despatched a squadron with 20,000 men, under the command of general Le Clerc, to attempt the subjugation of St. Domingo. The troops landed in Samana Bay, at the E. end of the island. Le Clerc com- menced the campaign in February 1802, and fought with varied success until the following May, when a truce was concluded upon ; during which Toussaint was inveigled on board a ves- sel and conveyed to France, where he died in prison, in April, 1803. Suspicion of treachery in his death having been entertained against the French, hostilities recommenced with greater an- imosity than ever. The command of the black troops devolved on Dessalines, and the English being now regarded as auxiliaries against the French, on the 30th December 1803, the whole of the remaining French forces surrendered prison- ers of war to the English.
Thus St. Domingo was again freed from aL' European oppression ; but new calamities no* awaited it. On the 1st of January 1805, the gen erals and chiefs of the army entered into a solemn compact, in the name of the people of Hayti, rc nouncing forever all dependence on France Dessalines was then appointed governor for life and invested with extensive powers ; in Septem her following he assumed the imperial title of Jac ques the 1st, Emperor of Hayti. His ambitios and tyranny brought upon him the detestation of the people, and he was slain by a military conspi racy in October 1806. He was succeeded by Christophe as chief of the government, hul Petion starting as a rival candidate for the su- preme authority, a severe battle was fought be- tween the forces of Petion and Christophe, on the 1st of January 1807, in which Petion was defeat- ed. In the same year Christophe was appointed chief magistrate for life, with the power of ap- pointing his successor, but like his predecessor Dessalines he was not content with conditional power, and in 1811, he assumed the regal title of Henry I. King of Hayti, making the title heredi- tary in his family, and Sans Souei, a village about 15 miles from Cape Francois, now called Cape Henry or Cape Hayti, the seat of his court and government. King Henry was both avaricious and cruel, and like Dessalines fell a prey to his own soldiery, who dragged him from his palace by force, and massacred him in October 1820. In the mean time, from 1801 to 1818, Petion after his defeat in 1807 retreated to the south of the west part of the island, and remained at the head of a considerable portion of the country. In 1816 he was appointed president for life, but died in May 1818, universally lamented byallwhr had espous ed his cause. He was succeeded by Boyer, who on the death of Christophfe obtained the.command and government of the whole of what was for- merly the French part of the island.
In 1794 Spain ceded the whole of the remaining part of the island to France, but the trouble* |