olenty of poultry of all sorts, swans, woodcocks, pheasants, partridges, fieldfares, &c. The prin- cipal towns ort* the coast are Lyme Regis, Mel- combe Regis, Weymouth, Bridport, Wareham, and Poole ; at the two latter some ships are built, and some foreign trade carried on ; and Poole was formerly celebrated for its extensive interest in the Newfoundland fishery ; and considerable manufactures of cordage, twine, and coarse wool- ens were formerly carried on in the vicinity of Bridport and Poole. The commercial and manufacturing concerns of the county have of late years declined and are now, relatively, in- significant, the shipping being principally em- ployed in carrying, and the rental, taxes, and sup- ply of shop goods for the consumption of the county, are now paid out of the surplus produce of sheep and lambs for the London market, some cattle, wool, and stone, from the quarries of Portland, and Purbeck, and freight of shipping. Some trifling manufactures also contribute to con- stitute an exchange ; and the W. part of the coast abounds in mackerel during the season. The prin- cipal towns in the interior are Dorchester (the capital), Corfe castle, and Shaftesbury, each of which, as well as each of those on the coast, and the county, return two members to parliament. There are 13 other market towns, and upwards of 200 villages in this County.
Dorsettsville, p.v. Chatham Co. N. C.
Dorsten, a fortified town of Westphalia, in the county of Recklinghausen, seated on the Lippe, 15 m. E. by N. ofWegel.
Dort, or Dordrecht, a city of South Holland on an island formed by the Meuse, which is here called the Merwe. The island was formed in 1421, in November of which year an inundation destroyed 72 villages and drowned 100,000 per- sons. In 1457 Dort was nearly destroyed by fire, and is further celebrated for an assembly of pro- testant clergy from all parts of Europe, in 1618 xe2x80x941619 called the synod of Dort, which condemn- ed the tenets of Arminius. Here are several Lu- theran and Calvinist churches, a fine council- house an excellent academy, and the mint of South Holland. It has a good harbour, and a great trade in corn, wine, and timber; of the fatter immense rafts are floated hither from An- eternach, in Germany. It was formerly the chief depository of Rhenish wines; but its commerce has much declined of late years, having been transferred to Rotterdam. The father of the cel- ebrated De Witts was Burgomaster of Dort, and Vossius was once superintendant of its academy. The natural situation of Dort is such that it has never been taken by an enemy ; but it surren- dered to the French in 1795. It is 10 miles S. E. of Rotterdam. Long. 4. 45. E. lat. 51. 51. N. Pop. about 20,000.
Dortmund, a strong town of Westphalia, in a nook at the S. extremity of the upper bishopric of Munster. It was lately imperial, and is seat- ed on the Emster, 15 m. S. W. of Ham, and 30 S. by W. of the cify of Munster. Pop. about
Dotekom, or Deutckom, a town of Holland, in Gelderland, with a foundery for bombs and cannon palls ; seated south of the Yssel, 10 m. S. E. of Doesburg.
Douamenez, a town of France in the depart- ment of Finisterre, seated on a bay of the same name, at the entrance of the English channel, 8 m- N. W. ofQuimper. |
Dmi.au, a city of France, formerly the capita! of the department of Nord, with a fine arsenal, a foun dery for cannon, a military school, a citadel, and three famous colleges; to which a great number of the catholic youths of England and Ireland are sent for education. It was taken by the Duke of Marlborough in 1710, and retaken by the French in 1712, after the suspension of arms. It is 110 miles N. by E. of Paris, 70 E. S. E. of Bo- logne, and 18 S. of Lisle, to which it is connect- ed by a canal. It is the seat of a prefect, and in 1825 contained 18,854 inhabitants.
Doubs, a department of France, on the frontier of Neufchatel in Switzerland. It comprises the eastern part of the late province of Franche Compte, and is watered by a river giving name to the department which falls into the Saone a little above Chalons. Doubs is a woody and mountainous district, interspersed with fertile vallies; the mountains yield a considerable sup- ply of iron, the forests abundance of timber, whilst sheep and black cattle abound in the val- lies, yielding a considerable supply of butter and cheese, the latter is celebrated by the name of grueyere; the vine is also cultivated with suc- cess, and to some extent; it has been proposed to unite the river Doubs with the Ule, falling into the Rhine, and thereby unite the waters of the north sea, with the Mediterranean. The de- partment of Doubs is divided into four arron- dissements ; Besangon, 210 miles S. E. of Paris, is the capital; and the chief towns of the other three arrondissements are Baume, Pontarlier, and Montbelliard ; there are two other considerable towns, viz. Quingey and Ornans.
Doue, a town of France, in the department of Mayenne and Loire, with a considerable manu- facture of druggets and tammies. Near it is a vast Roman amphitheatre, cut out of the solid rock. It is 9 miles S. W. of Saumur.
Dote, a river of Derbyshire, Eng. which rises in the Peak, near Buxton, parts the county from Staffordshire, and after a course of about 40 miles joins the Trent, 4 miles below Burton
Dover, Straits of, between the S. E. point of England, and the N. W. extremity of France, leading from the Atlantic Ocean, through the En- glish channel into the north sea ; the narrowest part of the strait is about 20 English statute miles, and the two usual points of intercourse about 23 miles. Dover castle being in 1. 19. 7. and Calais lights in 1. 51.1, of E. long, being a difference of 32 miles of long, which in the lat. of 51 As equal to 19 geographical or 23 English statute miles. The straits extend from the S. W. in a direction N. N. E. for about 44 m., intersect- ed by the long, of 51. of N. lat.
Dover, Town of, which gives name to the pre- ceding strait, is seated on the English coast, in the county of Kent, and is celebrated in every period of English history; by the ancient Britons it was called Dour, by the Romans Dubris, and by the Saxons Dovre; and the Romans regarded it as Clavis et refragulum, totius regnixe2x80x94the lock and key of the whole realm. Dover may doubtless still be regarded as the great outlet and portal of the realm on the side of northern Europe, and from its peculiar local situation and advantages to be still entitled to high consideration. But as navigation has advanced towards perfection, and England advanced in her maritime ascendency, in a relative sense, Dover has become an inconsider- able place, and in point of security and defence is very insignificent compared with either Ports- mouth or Davenport: while Harwich, Southamp |