in l?2l, 1,861, and of the parish 12,769 more; there is another parish and town of the same name in the county of Tyrone. Pop. of the town 415, and of the parish 7,693.
Dromore, p.t. Lancaster Co. Pa.
Dronero/ a town of Piedmont, at the foot of the Alps, on the river Maira, 15 m. S. S. W. of Sa- luzzo, and about the same distance W. by N. of Cuni. It contains 6 churches, and has a fine bridge across the river. Pop. about 6,500.
Drontheim, the most northerly of the four great diocesses of Norway, extending from the lat. of 62. 5. to 65. 20. N. being about 80 miles in mean breadth ; it is intersected by several small streams, and the coast is indented with numerous inlets and bays, and flanked with numerous islands; although a dreary district, the industry of the in- habitants counteracts in a considerable degree the inhospitality of its position and climate. It is divided into 80 parishes containing a population of about 250,000, having considerably increased during the last and present century. The chief town of the same name is seated on a point of land, formed by a deep inlet, about 40 m. from the open sea, in the lat. of 63. 26. N. and 10. 22. ofE. long., 253 m. N. E. of Bergen, about the same distance due N. of Christiana, and 360 N. W. of Stockholm. It was the residence of the ancient kings of Norway, and is now the princi- pal trading town of the diocese, and exports a very considerable quantity of fir timber and deals, some pitch, tar, peltry, &c. It is the residence of the bishop of the diocese ; the cathedral is a state- ly edifice; the houses are mostly built of wood, hut the streets are commodious, and in the sum- mer season this town is not an unpleasant resi- dence. Pop. about 9,000.
Drosendorf, a town of Austria, with an ancient castle, seated on the Toya, on the frontier of Mo- ravia, 10 ra. N. of Horn.
Drossen, a town of Brandenburg, in the New Mark, 14 m. S. E. of Custrin.
Drum, the name of two parishes in Ireland, one in the county of Mayo, and the other in Roscom- mon ; there are also about thirty other parishes, and several villages in different parts of Ireland beginning with Drum, such as Drumara, Druru- boe, Drumcannon, &c. &c.
Drumsna,, a town of Ireland, in the county of Leitrim, seated on the E. bank of the Shannon, 4 m. S. E. of Carrick, and 73 from Dublin, it is rather a neat town. Pop. in 1821, 606.
Drusenheim, a town of France in the depart- ment of Lower Rhine, seated on the Motter, near the Rhine, 15 m. N. by E. of Strasburg.
Druses, a community of people in Syria, which had its origin in a fanatical persecution of a caliph of Egypt, against the Mahomedans. About the beginning of the 11th century, the ca- liph and his prophet (a native of Persia), both met a violent death, and such of their disciples (the Druses)'as adhered to their tenets, fled for a refuge to the mountains of Lebanon,and Antilibanus; from whence they successively made war against the Crusaders, the Sultans of Aleppo, the Mamelukes and Turks ;they were effectually subdued by Am- lrath III. in 15:8, who imposed a regular tribute upon them, appointing an emir or chief whom he invested with executive power, and held him re- sponsible for the payment of the tribute. This organization, however, the Druses soon turned against the Turks, with whom they have since been involved in repeated conflicts with alter- nate success; they still maintain a nominal inde- pendence, occupying ahout 70 miles of coast from Saide the ancient Sidon, to Gebail or Djebail Bairut or Berut (which see) being their chief sta- tion. Their number is estimated at about 120, 000, all the males being trained to arms. Their language is the Arabic ; and they now appear to have but little religion of any kind, praying indif ferently in Christian churches or Turkish mosques.
Dryburg, or Driburg, a town in the Prussian States, seated near the source of a stream, falling into the Weser, in the principality of Paderborn; it is pleasantly located and distinguished for its baths ; 10 m. E. of the town of Paderborn.
Dryden, p.t. Tomkins Co. N. Y. Pop. 5,206.
Duanesburgh,p.t. Schenectady Co. N. Y. Pop 2,837.
Dublin, a maritime and fertile county on the E. coast of Ireland, being about 30 miles in ex- treme length, and 13 in mean breadth. Its capital a city of the same name is the capital of all Ire- land, and in extent of population and architectu- ral display is the second city of the British domin- ions in Europe, but in other respects inferior U either Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, or Edin- burgh. For divisions, extent of superfices, popu- lation, &c. of the county of Dublin. See Ireland
Dublin City, the capital of Ireland, is seated on the banks of the river Liffev, at its entrance into a bay of about 40 square miles in surface. The city lies up the river, about a mile from the bay, which is much more remarkable for its pictur- esque beauty on either side than for its navigable uses. This bay has been compared, rather idly, by some person in the first instance, with that of Naples ; and after him, still more idly, by a thou- sand others. It forms a vast semicircular basin about eight miles in diameter, perilous from its shallows and breakers ; which are, however, coun- teracted by a long and massive central mole run- ning into it. with a lighthouse at its extremity, and two piers on either side at its entrance. A bold peninsular promontory, called the hill of Ilowth. shelters it on the north, having a range of lowlands from its base skirting the sea, luxuri- antly wooded and varied, exhibiting here and there, a church, a mansion, or a pretty villa: whilst, on the south, it is bordered, at a short dis- tance, by the picturesque and beautiful range of hills called the Wicklow mountains.
Dublin resembles the cities to be met on the continent much more than those of England, in the frequent juxtaposition of magnificence and meanness. The late Mr. Curran compared it to a man with a new coat over a dingy under dress Its square area of about two miles and a half con- tains more noble edifices, wretched habitations, and public charities, than will be found within the same compass elsewhere. It is in form a rectan- gle, divided by the river into two nearly equal parts. We will suppose the spectator in the open space called College-green, on the left bank of the river and eastern side of the city. Looking east- ward, he beholds the Bank of Ireland, formerly the parliament house, on his left; and the Univer- sity immediately facing him, with a bronze eques- trian statue of king William between
The Bank of Ireland presents a noble, simple, and really classic mass of Grecian architecture. Its principal front is a grand Ionic colonnade, 147 feet long, resting on an elevated plane, reached by a flight of steps.
The front of the University, at a right angle with the Bank, is a long and florid Corintian fa- cade; the central columns surmounted by a pedi | |