Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 265
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ment, and the whole terminated by Corinthian
pavilions, with coupled pilasters of the same or-
der. An octagonal vestibule, with the museum
on the right, leads from the town into the first of
three squares, which is built of hewn stone, and
contains three principal buildings ;xe2x80x94the chapel,
presenting a beautiful Corinthian colonnade, on
the left; the theatre or examination-hall on the
right, exactly corresponding; and beyond this
square, on the left hand, forming the smaller side
of a rectangle, with a simple pilastered front, the
hall in which the fellows and students of the whole
university dine. The library, though inferior to
to many^.hers in the number of volumes, is one
of the nmst complete and precious in Europe;
containing rich materials of bibliography. It con-
sists of tw o compartments ; the ancient library of
the university, entered at one end, and present-
ing a long and noble vista, with, on either side,
a gallery and balustrade above. The books are
admirably arranged in stalls beneath. At the re-
mote end is a handsome pavilion, containing the
Fagel library, a gem in its kind, once the family
library of the Fagels, Grand Pensionaries of Hol-
land, and purchased by the university. There is,
again, archbishop Usher’s library, left by him to
the university, of which he was the founder,xe2x80x94
containing many books noted and commented on
with his own hand. There is, lastly, a collection
of valuable, or at least curious, manuscripts. Per-
sian, Arabic, Chinese, and Irish. Graduates of
the university only, as in the Bodleian, have
the privilege of reading; but studious strangers
are admitted, upon a proper introduction to the
provost and board. The chapel and theatre were
built from the designs of sir W. Chambers; the
latter contains a monumental marble group in
memory of provost Baldwin, full of grace, senti-
ment, and beauty, and not sufficiently apprecia-
ted or known. There are also some mediocre
portraits, including one of Swift, in whom, by the
way, his Dublin alma mater could discover only
ill nature and incapacity. The spectator returns
to his former place, goes up Dame-street, and
meets at its extremity on the left hand the Royal
Exchange, on an elevated site, a quadrangle of
which the principal faeade presents a Corinthian
portico surmounted by Corinthian pilasters and a
balustrade, over which is visible the summit of
the dome. The interior is a rotunda formed by
twelve fluted Corinthian columns, and richly
stuccoed. Immediately to the left is the Castle,
the residence of the vice-regal court. The upper
castle-vard or court is a quadrangle, with an Ionic
straetare crowned with a Corinthian tower and
cupola, from which the vice-regal flag waves; and
on tae opposite side a colonnade leads to the vice-
regal axc2xbbnrt*xc2xbbents. In the lower chapel-yard is
observed a Gothic chapel built by a living archi-
tect of
Dnsbain; it is a very graceful specimen
of the ptarated Gothic.

Crossing the river to the north side, the Law
Courts present themselves; a noble edifice, ill-
on a. Sow site, looking immediately over
the river: it se a modern building, the first stone
having been laid by the duke of Rutland, lord
lieutenant, in 1736. The whole facade is 450
feet, with
a central pestieo of Corinthian columns
surmounted bv
a pedimest. and allegorical statues
over these.xe2x80x94the wings connected in a right line
with the front by arehed screen walls with areas
behind. The hall a
eireslar area, lighted from the
top and surmounted by a dome with a mosaic ceil-
ing, is paced round and
round, or occupied in
groups, by barristers, attorneys, and strangers,
while business is proceeding in the several courts
which are in the periphery of the hall. Return-
ing on the same side, and descending with the
river, Sackville-street, a spacious and even noble
avenue, opens on the left. At about half its
length appears Nelson’s pillar, a heavy column,
placed in its centre, with a perversness of absur
dity rarely seen to break a fine and complete view
The new Post-office, a fine building, with an
Ionic fluted portico surmounted by a pediment
and several allegorical figures, is in this street
immediately near Nelson’s pillar ; and at the re
mote end another handsome mass of buildings,
comprises the Lying-in Hospital and Rotunda
Assembly-rooms. A little further on are the
King’s Inns, comprising the record-office and
prerogative court; a recent edifice, with much ol
architectural and well-executed sculptural orna
ment. Having retraced his steps to the river, and
followed its course a short way, the observer be-
holds the Custom-house, with its principal front
nearly at the water’s edgexe2x80x94its centre a Doric
portico, supporting an entablature and frieze rather
too ornamental, with various allegorical groups
single figures,xe2x80x94and a noble dome, supported by
columns and surmounted at its vertex by a colos-
sal statue of Hope,xe2x80x94placed there most inauspi-
ciouslv.xe2x80x94for all idea of customs or commerce has
been abandoned even in expectancy, and the
building receives another destination. Crossing
again to the left bank or south side of the town,
the spectator should halt for a moment on Carlisle-
bridge to view Sackville-street,xe2x80x94unfortunately
broken and disfigured bv Nelson’s pillar, but
adorned by its own breadth and elegance,xe2x80x94the
portico of the Post-office, and the Rotunda in the
distance: the south front of the Custom-house,
and a noble line of wailed quays, over an innavi-
gable river flowing into a bay without ships;
Westmoreland-street, with on either side a por-
tico of the bank and a pavilion of the university;
and d’Olier-street, with the Dublin Library, and
a view of the front of the new square of Trini-
ty-college. A little furthur on to the south is the
theatre, a handsome building, and adapted to its
purposes, built in 1821 by Mr. Henry Harris,
whose'name is honourably associated with the
English drama.

There are in Dublin five squares ; three on the
south and two on the north side of the river; of
which one, called Stephen’s-green, may be called
magnificent, from its space, ornament, and edifi-
ces. The river is crossed by seven bridges within
the city, all, with one exception, modern and well
built, and one of-them of cast iron. Sarah's
bridge, so called from Sarah, countess of West-
moreland, who laid the first stone in 1791, is about
a mile above the city ; consisting of a single arch,
beautifully constructed and of very picturesque

Dublin is an archiepiscopal see, and is sin-
gular in the United Kingdom as having two ca-
thedrals, both of which are more interesting for
their antiquity and monumental associations than
for their architecture. St. Patrick’s cathedral,
founded in 1190, but commenced in its present
form in 1370, is a Gothic structure, beautiful only
for its arched stuccoed ceiling ; and containing,
among many other monuments, that of Jonathan
Swift, dean of St. Patrick’s, “ one who loved
virtue, liberty, and his country; and here only re
leased from the torture of his honest indignation.”

Christ-ehurch cathedral, founded, it is stated,


Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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