glish channel, lying S. S. W. from the middle of Plymouth sound, at the J:xc2xabtsnce of 14 m. On the principal rocic (for tne rest are under water) Mr. Winstanley built alight-house in 1700, which was destroyed by a storm in 1703, and the projec- tor perished in it. In 1709 another, built of wood, was erected by Mr. Rudyard, which was consumed by fire in 1755. Within four years after, one wa3 built by Mr. Smeaton, which also was burnt down in 1770 ; and another, of stone, was completed by him in 1774, which has hither- to withstood the fury of the elements. The building to the height of 33 feet from the foun- dation, is a solid mass of stones, engrafted into each other; above this are four rooms, one over the other, and at the top a gallery and lantern. It is nearly 80 feet high ; and its distance from the Ram Head, the nearest point of land is 12 m. Long. 4. 24. W., lat. 50. 8. N.
Eden, p.t. Hancock Co. Me. Pop. 957. Also a p.t. in Erie Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,0G6.
Edenburg, p.v. Johnson Co. Indiana.
Edenton, a town of North Carolina, capital of Chowan county : it formerly gave name to an extensive district now divided into 8 or 9 coun- ties, in the N. E. corner of'the state. It is sit- uate on Albemarle sound, at the mouth of the Chowan, 110 m. E. by N. of Raleigh. Long. 77. 5. W., lat. 32. 38. X. *
Edessa, or Vodena, a town of European Turkey in Maced jnia, once the residence of the Mace- donian kings. It is seated near the Viestrieza, 44 m. W. X. AV. of Salonichi. Long. 22. 3. E., lat 40. 50. N.
Edgm ton, p.t. Dukes Co. Mass. on the island of Marthas Vineyard. Pop. 1,509.
Edgbanon, an out-parish of the town of Bir- mingham, (which see.)
Edgecomb, p.t. Lincoln Co. Me. Pop. 1,258.
Edgeeomb, Mount, a hill on the W. side of the harbour of Devonport, from the summit ofi which is an enchanting prospect of the surrounding country and the English channel.
Edgecombe, an interior county on the E. part of N. Carolina, intersected by Tar river. Pop. 14,933. Tarborough is the chief town.
Edgefield, a district of S. Carolina, bounded on the S. AV. by the Savannah river, comprising about 1.500 square m. of surface. Pop. 30,511. The chief town of the same name in the centre of the county, is 03 m. E. S. E. of Columbia, and 140 S. S. E. of Savannah.
EAgtkiU, a village in Warwickshire, Eng. 14 na. S. of Warwick, memorable for the first battle fought between Charles I. and the parliament, in lt>42 ; from the brow of the hill there is an exten- sive and delightful prospect over the vale of Redhorse.
Edgcwar?, a town in Middlesex, Eng. It stands on the Roman road, leading to St. Albans, 8 m. N. VV. .of London.
Edinburghshire-, or Mid Lothian, a county of Scotland, bounded on the N. by the Frith of Forth, E. bv the shires of Haddington, Berwick, and Roxhurg, S bv those of Selkirk, Peebles, and Lanark, and AV. bv Linlithgowshire. It is divi- ded into 31 parishes, comprising an area of 354 square miles. The soil is fertile, and produces corn of all sorts with plenty of grass; also coal, iron, limestone, and black marble. The princi- pal rivers are the X. and S. Esk, Leith, Amond, and Gala, all flowing into the Frith of Forth. See Scotland. |
Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland stands on the southern shore of the Frith of Forth about a
mile and a half from the sea. The situation of. this interesting city is worthy of the capital of such a romantic land. Built on three lofty emi- nences, the interior arrangment of its streets and public edifices, and the surrounding scenery, af- ford a spectacle of the greatest beauty and variety. The castle, from which it originated, is built on the rocky verge of the central hill, and marffs with Holyrood-house on the opposite side, the limits of the Old Town. The northern division is occupied by the New Town, which is as remarkable for the neatness of its buildings and the elegance of its streets and squares as the more ancient quarter is for its closeness and irregularity. The two divisions are connected by a bridge thrown over the inter vening hollow, and an artificial hillock called the Mound. The southern quarter is less distinguished for regularity of plan than the New Town, but con- tains several important public buildings,andis join- ed to the other parts of the city by Bridge-street, formed of the north and south bridges, which re- spectively cross the two lakes,now dry, that former- ly* separated the different eminences on which it stands. About a mile and a half distant is the Frith of Forth.. On the east rise, the precipitous rocks named Calton-hill, Arthurs-seat, and Salisbury- crags ; the Corstorphine-hills bound the prospect on the west; and the Pentland mountains,"Vith those of Braid, form the romantic landscape of the south. The principal part of the Old Town consists of the High-street, which is more than a mile long, and in some parts ninety feet wide ; of Cowgate, which runs parallel with the former; and of innumerable lanes and alleys which form the communication between these great avenues. Owing to the narrowness of the inferior streets, and to the extreme height of the houses in the larger ones, this quarter of the city has to stran- gers an unpleasant appearance ; but when viewed without relation to the advantages of domestic comfort, there is something very imposing in its massy extent of building; while the beautiful bridge across the southernlivalley, covered as it is on each side by rows of handsome houses, offers an object as picturesque as it is singular. The New Town is intersected by George-street, which is terminated by St. Andrews-square on the east, and Charlotte-square on the west, and is 115 feet wide. The principal streets parallel with this are Princes-street and Queen-street, which are cross- ed by others of proportionate width and extent. But every year is adding to the size and beauty ot this elegant capital. The road by which it is con- nected with Leith has become a street, and the new road over the Calton-hill has opened another magnificent passage for its growing wealth.
Of the public buildings of Edinburgh the most interesting are the palace and abbey of Holyrood. The former is a quadrangular edifice, surrounding a spacious court, the sides of which are ornamen- ted with piazzas. The west front is supported by circular towers at the angles, and has a portico and cupola resting on Doric columns. It was in a small apartment of the north-west tower that Rizzio was murdered while attending the unfor- tunate queen Mary ; and the bedchamber which she occupied, with some relics of its furniture, are still shown. The great gallery is 150 feet long by 72 wide ; and is now used by the nobility when they elect their sixteen representatives in parlia- ment. Of the ancient abbey only the walls re- main standing, but the spot marked out as its bu- rial-ground possesses the dust of a long line of |