Eichsfeldt, a territory of Germany, at the N. E. extremity of the circle of the Lower Rhine, sur- rounded by Brunswick, Thuringia, and Hesse. It produces much flax and tobacco. Heileigen- stadt is the capital. It is now divided between Prussia and Hanover : it formerly belonged to the elector of Mentz, and contained a pop. of
90,000, on a surface of about 600 square miles; Stadt Worbis and Mulhausen are the other prin- cipal towns.
Eichstadt. See Aichstadt.
Eil Loch. See Linnhe Loch.
Eilenburg, a town of Upper Saxony, in Misnia, situate on the Mulda, 12 m. N. E. of Leipzig.
Eimeo, one of the Society isles, in the Pacific Ocean, lying 12 m. W. of Otaheite. The prod- ucts of the two islands, and the manners of the people, are much the same. Eimeo has steep rugged hills, running in different directions, leav- ing large valleys, ana gently rising ground about their sides. The hills, though rocky, are gener- ally covered with trees almost to the tops.
Einbeek, a fortified town of Lower Saxony, in the principality of Calenberg. It has manufac- tures of cloth and all kinds of stuffs; and in the mountains near it are mines of silver, iron, cop- per, and lead. It is situate 17 m. N. of Gottin- gen, and 45 S. of Hanover. Pop. about 5,000.
Eisenach, or Eysenach, a town of Upper Saxo- ny, at the western extremity of Thuringia, capital o? a principality of the same name, with a cele- brated college. The duke resides in a castle within the town; and there is another on a mountain out of it, called Warthurg, which, in 1521, was for some time the asylum of Luther. It is seated on the Nesse, at its conflux with the Horsel, 16 m. W. of Gotha Long. 10. 21. E., lat. 51 0. N. Pop. about 8,000.
Eisenartz, or Eisenitz, a town of Germany, in Stiria, famous for its iron mines, 34 m. N. N. W. of Gratz.
Eisenberg, another town in Thuringia, 35 m. S. W. of Leipzig. Pop. 3,500.
Eisenstadt, a town of Hungary, with a magnifi- cent palace, 5 m. N. W. of Odenburg, and 27 S. of Vienna.
Eisleben, a town of Upper Saxony, capital of the county of Mansfield, with a decayed castle. The celebrated Luther was born and died here. In the churches of St. Andrew and St. Ann are the superb burial places of the ancient counts of Mansfield. Eisleben contains many breweries, and derives much profit from the neighbouring iron mines. It is 28 m. N. N. AV. of Naumburg. Long. 11. 47. E., lat. 52. 32. N.
Eisftld. a town of Upper Saxony, in the prin- cipality of Coburg, with a castle. It has manu- uctaies of vitriol, &c. and stands on the AVerra, near its source, 7 m. E. of Hildburghausen. |
EAm. an island in the Mediterranean sea, be- tween Italy and the island of Corsica, and separ- ated from Tuscany by the channel of Piombino. It was known to the Greeks by the name of to the Romans by thajt of IIva. The form of the island is very irregular, the length from E. to W. is aixc2xbb:-ut 14 m. and the greatest breadth, which is at the AV. end, is between 8 and 9 m. and contains a pop. of about 14,000 souls. The whole island presents numerous mountains, separated by deep valleys, and some plains of con- siderable extent; the south-west part is the most elevated, and are composed of black and white granite, susceptible of a fine polish. Elba has been renowned for its mines of iron and load stone, for a period beyond the reach of history. Aristotle speaks of them as opened from time im memorial; it has also quarries of fine marble. On the N. E. part is the mountain, or mine of iron ore, which supplies most of the forges of Italy. The tower of Voltorgjo stands on this mountain, on a shaggy rock. The view from this tower is wonderfully fine every way, as the eye overlooks the whole island, that of Corsica, many scattered islets, the channel of Piombino, and a great range of continent. On the E. side of the mountain stands Rio, a village inhabited by miners. Under it breaks out the only rivulet in Elba, which does not run above a mile before it falls into the sea; but the water gushes out of the rock in such abun- dance, that it turns 17 mills in that short course. The soil of Elba is very shallow, with scanty room for cultivation, and few places level enough for corn, producing little more than six months pro- vision for its inhabitants; but the island is so situ- ated that it can, in spite of a blockading fleet be always supplied with provisions, and the garrison with reinforcements. The wine is good, if made with care and properly kept; the fruit of its stan- dard trees are excellent, though not in great plen- ty ; orange and lemon trees thrive very well in the sheltered vallies and narrow plains near the sea. There are several springs of excellent water in the island; and the climate is much milder than the adjacent continent, for it produces many fruits and plants that cannot stand the Tuscan winters. Among the animals and birds are wild boars, hedge-hogs, partridges, quails, canary-birds, nightingales, ortolans, &c. It has no rivers; but there are a number of rivulets. This island was held with Piombino, by the Appiani, as a fief of the empire, till Charles V. thought proper to transfer it to Cosmo I. duke of Florence, that he might rescue it and the adjacent coasts from the Turks and French. Before the French revolu tion, it was subject to the prince of Piombino, ex- cept Porto Ferrajo, and Porto Longone, the former belonging to the duke of Tuscany, and the latter to the king of Naples ; hut in 1801 the French be- came possessed of the whole island. It now owes its chief celebrity to the circumstance of its hav- ing been ceded by the powers of Europe in full sovereignty to Napoleon Bonaparte; after the surrender of Paris to the allies in March 1814. He landed at Porto Ferrajo, the capital of the island, on the 4th of May in that year, but on the 26th of February following, he embarked again for France, and reached Paris, without encount- ering the least obstruction : since when the island has been wholly ceded to the duke of Tuscany. Porto Ferrajo, on the N. side of the island, is in lat. 42. 50. N., and 10. 15. of E. long.
Elba, ph. Genesee Co. N. V. Pop. 2,679.
Elbassano, a town of European Turkey, in Al- bania, 45 m. S. E. of Durazzo.
Elbe, a river of Europe, rising on the N. E. frontier of Bohemia, bordering on Silesia, in the lat. of 50. 30. N., and 15. 35. of E. long., flows S. for about 40 m. past Konigingratz to Pardu- bitz, in the circle of Chrudin, from whence it takes a meandering course in a N. W. direction to Melnick, where it receives the Moldau from the frontier of Austria on the S.: from Melnick, it continues a winding course through the circle of Leutmeritz, in which it receives the Eger from the frontier of Franconia, on the W. S. W. and then enters the circle of Meissen in Upper Sax- ony, still running in a N. W. direction past Dres- den, into the duchy of Saxony to Magdeburg ; 2 A |