from whence it takes a direction N. by E. to Ha- velberg, where it receives the Havel; from Ha- velberg it intersects in a N. W. direction the Old Mark of Brandenburgh ; and then divides Meck- enburgh Schwerin, and the duchy of Saxe Lau- enburg On the N., from Luneburg Zell, to Ham- burgh : from whence it becomes navigable for ships of the largest burthen, dividing for about 70 m. the duchy of Holstein on the N., from Bre- men on the S.; and after a course of 380 m. in a meridional line, and upwards of 500 m. by the course of the stream, falls into the North sea at Cuxhaven, in the lat. of 53. 52. N., and 8.46. of E. long. The Elbe is rendered subservient to the purposes of navigation ; and by itself and col- lateral branches, receives and distributes produce along lines of country, several hundred m. in ex- tent. See Lubee.
Elberfeldt, or Elevfeldt, a town of the grand duchy of Berg, seated on the banks of the Wip- per, which falls into the Rhine between Cologne and Dusseldorf. It has extensive manufactures of linen, silk, and wool, and a pop. of near 20,000. It is 18 m. due E. of Duseldorf.
Elberston, p.t. Effingham Co. Geo.
Elbeuf, a town of France, in the department of Lower Seine. It has extensive manufactures of cloth, and is seated on the Seine, 10 m. S. of Rouen, and 65 N. W. of Paris.
Elbert, a county of the state of Georgia, lying between the Savannah and Broad rivers. Pop. 12,354. Elberton the chief town; it is 190 m. N. W. of the city of Savannah.
Elbing, a strong town of W. Prussia, in the palatinate of' Marienburgh, with a considerable trade r butter, cheese, and corn. It is seated on a river of the same name, near its entrance into the Frische Haff, 30 m. E. S. E. of Dantzic. Long. 19. 30. E. lat. 54.18. N. Pop. about 18,000.
Elbonen, a town of Bohemia, in the circle of Saatz, with a citadel; seated on a mountain, by the river Eger, 10 m. N. E. of Egra.
Ethridge, p.t. Onondaga Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,357.
Elburn, a town of Holland, in Gelderland. on the E. coast of Zuyder Zee, 10 m. N. E. of Har- der wick.
Elehe Albufera de, a town of Spain, in Valen- cia, 10 m. W. S. W. of Alicant.
Elehingen, a village of Suabia, on the N. bank of the Danube, about 5 m. N. E. of Ulm, where a battle was fought between the French and Austrians in 1805, which obtained for Ney, one of Bonapartes generals, the title of duke of El- ehingen.
Elda, a town of Spain, in Valencia, 20 m. W. N. W. of Alicant.
Elderton, p.t. "Armstrong Co. Pa.
Eldridge, p.v. Buckingham Co. Va. Also a township in Huron Co. Ohio.
Elepkanta, called by the natives Gharipoor, an island on the W. coast of Hindoostan, 5 m. from Bombay. It contains one of the most celebrated temples of the Hindoos. The figure of an ele- phant of the natural size, cut coarsely in stone, appears on the landing place, near the foot of a mountain. An easy slope then leads to a subter- ranean temple, hewn out of the solid rock, 80 feet long, and 40 broad, the roof supported by rows of pillars 10 feet high. At the further end are gigantic figures of the three Hindoo deities, Brahma, Vishna, and Seva, which were mutilated by the zeal of the Portuguese, when this island was in their possession. Ulephanta was ceded to the English by the Mahrattas |
Eleuths, a kingdom of Tartary, lying to the N. AV. of Chinese Tartary. It was.conquered in 175!* by the emperor of China. See Kalmucs.
Elgin, a borough of Scotland, capital of Mur- rayshire, and formerly the see of a bishop. Here are many large ol^ buildings over piazzas. Its cathedral was one of the most magnificent struc tures in Scotland ; of which its ruins are a suffi- cient proof. Two miles to the N. E. on the banks of a lake, is the palace of Spynie, formerly the residence of the bishop, of which some rooms are still pretty entire. Elgin stands on the Lossie, 5 m. from its port at Lossiemouth, where there is a tolerable harbour, whence much corn ^s expor- ted. It is 38 m. E. N. E. of Inverness, and 163 N. of Edinburgh.
Elginshire. See Murrayshire.
Elinge, a village of Hampshire, Eng. at the head of Southampton bay, 5 m. AV. of Southamp- ton. Here are docks for building and repairing ships, and store-houses for merchandize and corn, in which last it carries on a considerable trade.
Elie. See Ely.
Elizabeth City, a small county of Virginia, for- ming the promontory between the mouths of York and James rivers upon Chesapeak bay. Pop. 5,068. The chief town is called Hampton, and gives name to the celebrated anchorage ground called Hampton Roads, at the entrance of James river.xe2x80x94A town of the same name is seated on the Pasquotank river, in North Carolina, which is uni- ted with Chesapeak Bay, by the canal cut through the Great Dismal Swamp.
Elizabeth Islands, small islands near the coast of Massachusetts, bearing N. W. of Marthas Vine- yard, and belonging to Dukes county. They are about 16 in number ; the chief of which are Nas- hawn, Pasqui, Nashawenna, Pinequese, and Cha- tahunk. Nashawn, the largest, supports a con- siderable number of cattle and sheep, and is fa- mous for excellent cheese and wool. It is two miles from the continent, and the N. point 6. m. AV. S. W. of Falmouth. Long. 70.38. W.,lat.
41. 34. N
Elizabeth, p.t. Essex Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,729.
Elizabethtoxcn, a town of New Jersey, in Essex county, with a handsome presbyterian church, an episcopal church, and an academy. It is situate on a creek of Newark bay, 14 m. W. S. W. of the city of New York. Pop. 3,451.
Elizabethtown, a town of North Carolina, chief of Baldwin county, seated on the W. bank of Cape Fear river, 36 m. S. by W. of Fayetteville, and 48 N. W. of Wilmington.
Elizabethtown, or Hagerstown, a town of Mary- land, chief of Washington county. It has a con- siderable trade with the western country, and the neighbourhood produces the finest Orinoko to- bacco. It is situate in a valley, 70 m. AV. N. W of Baltimore, and 80 N. N. AV. of Washington Also townships and villages in Lancaster Co. Pa. Alleghany Co. Pa. Bladen Co. N. C. Hardin Co. Ken. Carter Co. Ten. Gallaway Co. Missouri; and Hamilton Co. Ohio.
Elk, a river of Maryland, which falls into the head of Chesapeak bay. It has been lately united with the Delaware, by a Canal.
Elk, a township in Athens Co. Ohio.
Elk River, a township in Columbiana Co. Ohio
Elk Creek, a township of Erin Co. Pa.
Elkholn, p.v. Montgomery Co. Missouri.
Elkland, a town of Lycoming Co. Pa.
Elk Liclc, a township of Somerset Co. Pa.
Elk Marsh, p.v. Fauquier Co. Va. |