Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 285 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 285 Left Column
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    Bohemian Mountains
    Freyburg, Erzgebirg, Misnia, Upper Saxony
    Altenburg, Erzgebirg, Misnia, Upper Saxony
    Chemnitz, Erzgebirg, Misnia, Upper Saxony
Escalona, New Castile, Spain (main entry)
    Albreche River
    Tagus River
    Toledo (directional)
    Madrid (directional)
Escambia County, West Florida (main entry)
    Pensacola, Escambia County, West Florida
Eschwegen, Hesse Cassel, Germany (main entry)
    Werra River
    Cassel (directional)
Escurial, New Castile, Spain (main entry)
    Guadara River
    Madrid (directional)
    Philip II
    St. Quentin
    St. Lawrence
    Kings of Spain
    Queens of Spain
    St. Peter's Church at Rome
Esgueyra, Beira, Portugal (main entry)
    Esgueria (synonym for Esgueyra, Beira, Portugal)
Esk River (main entry)
    Dumfriesshire, United Kingdom
    Liddel River
    Roxburghshire, United Kingdom
    Cumberland, United Kingdom
    Solway Frith
Esk River (main entry)
    North Esk Stream
    South Esk Stream
    Dalkeith, Scotland, United Kingdom
    Frith of Forth
North Esk River (main entry)
    South Esk River
    Angusshire, United Kingdom
    Braes of Angus
    Kincardineshire, United Kingdom
Eski Shehr, Natolia, Asiatic Turkey (main entry)
    Sakaria River
    Bursa (directional)
Esne, Egypt (main entry)
    Asna (synonym for Esne, Egypt)
    Esnay (synonym for Esne, Egypt)
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Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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