Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 297
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FEV    297    FEZ

and number of fine buildings, evince that it was
formerly a flourishing place, but the present in-
habitants are few in proportion to its extent.
In the middle of the city is a palace, surrounded
by walls flanked with towers and ditches. The
cathedral is remarkabfe for its antiquity. In the
Benedictine church, Ariosto the poet is interred.
Ferrara was taken by the French in 1796; in 1799
it was retaken by the Austrians, but shortly after
surrendered to the French. It is seated near the
Po, 25 m. N. E. of Bologna. Long. 12. 36. E.,
lat. 44. 50. N.

Ferrara, or Fcrrarese, a duchy of Italy, bound-
ed on the N. by the Po, which divides it from
Polesino di Rovigno, W. by the Mantuan, S. by
the Bolognese and Romagna, and E. by the gulf
of Venice. It had its own dukes till 1597, when
Clement VIII. united it to the apostolic cham-
ber. The air is unwholsome, on account of the
marshes which the abject condition of the inhab-
itants precludes from draining. Ferrara is the

Ferrendina, a town of Naples, in Basilicata,
near the river Basianto, 25 m. S. W. of Matera.

Ferrisburg, a township in Addison Co. Vt. Pop.

Ferro, or Hierro, the most westward of the
Canary Islands, above 18 m. in circumference.
It is not fertile, but produces some corn, sugar,
fruits, and legumes. The inhabitants make use
of water collected in cisterns daring the rainy
seasons, for there is no spring in the island.
Vovagers speak of a fountain tree in the middle
of the island, and say that in the night much water
distils from its leaves. Some geographers haTe
taken their first meridian from the W. extremity
of this isiand. Long. 17. 52. W., lat. 27. 47. N.

Ferrol, a sea port of Spain, in Galicia, on a
bay of the Atlantic. Its harbour is one of the
best in Europe, and here the Spanish squad-
rons frequently rendezvous in time of war. The
town is surrounded on three sides by the sea,
and strongly fortified on the other. In 1800 the
English made an unsuccessful attempt on this
place. It is 20 m. N. E. of Corunna, and 305 N.
W. of Madrid. Long. 8. 4. W., lat. 43. 28. N.

Ferrysbridge, a large village in West Yorkshire,
Eng. on the S. side of the Aire, over which is a
noble bridge, 21 m. S. by W. of York, and 174 N.
by W. of London.

Ferryport, a village of Scotland, in Fifeshire,
on the frith of Tay, 4 m. below Dundee, and
9 N. N. AV. of St. Andrews. It has a considera-
ble manufacture of brown linens; and a ferry
over die Tay. well frequented before the bridge
at Perth was built.

Ferti s.r Aube, a town of France, in the depart-
ment of Upner Marne, seated on the Aube, 22
m. AV. by S. of Chaumont, and 33 E. S. E. of

There are seven or eight other towns in
France named
Ferte. all prefixed to some other
name, as in the case of Aube, to distinguish them
from each other.

Festfnirrg, a town of Silesia, in the principality
of Oels, 14 m. X. W. of Wartenburg.

Fethard, a bonagh of Ireland, in the county
of Tipperarv, 8 m. S. E. of Cashel, and 86 S. S.
W. of Dublin. Pop. in 1820.2,873.

Fethard, a borough of Ireland, in the county
of Wexford, on the W. side of Bannow bay, 14
m. S. by E. of New Ross.

Feversham, a town in Kent. Eng. on a creek
falling into the mouth of the Thames, much fre-

quented by small vessels. It is a member of the
port of Dover, and governed by a mayor. The
church is in the form of a cross, and the interior
well worthy of observation ; and here is a free
grammar-school founded hy queen Elizabeth. It
has a market on Wednesday and Saturday-; is
famous for the best oysters for laying in stews;
and has several gunpowder mills in its neighbour-
hood. Here are the remains of a stately abbey,
built by king Stephen, who was interred in it
with his queen and son. James II. embarked
here in disguise, after the success of the prince
of Qrange; but the vessel was detained by the
populace, and the king conveyed back to Lon
don. Feversham is 47 m. E. by S. of London.
Pop. in 1820, 3,919.

Feurs, a town of France, in the department of
Loire, seated on the Loire, 13 m. E. N. E. of

Fcystritz, or Windisch Fistritz, a town and castle
of Germany, in Lower Stiria, on a river of the
same name, 17 m. N. N. E. of Cilley.

Fez, a kingdom of Barbary, at the N. W. ex-
tremity of North Africa, bounded on the AV. by
the Atlantic, N. by the Mediterranean, E. by
Algiers, and S. by Morocco and Tafilet. It ex-
tends upwards of 400 m. from E. to AV. and is
about 150 in breadth; is divided into 9 provinces,
and forms part of the empire of Morocco. The
countrv is full of mountains, particularly to the
AV. and S. where Mount Atlas lies; but it is
populous and fertile, producing citrons, lemons,
oranges, dates, almonds, olives, figs, raisins,
honev. wax. cotton, flax, pitch, and com in abun-
dance. The inhabitants breed camels, beeves,
sheep, and the finest horses in Barbary. At the
extreme N. point is the town and fortress of
Ceuta, garrisoned by the Spaniards, (see
Ceuta) ;
the principal places on the Atlantic coast are
Salee and Larache; Melitta and Tangier, on the
coast of the Mediterranean; and in the interior
Mequinez, Fez, and Teza.

Fez, the capital of the kingdom of Fez, and
one of the largest cities in Africa. It is composed
of three towns called Beleyde, Old Fez, and New
Fez. Old Fez is the most considerable, and con-
tains about 80,000 inhabitants. New Fez, foun-
ded about the 13th century, is principally inhab-
ited hy Jews, who trade with the Moors, not-
withstanding the contempt with which they are
treated by them. Old Fez was founded in
793 by Sidy Edris, a descendent of Mahomet and
Ali, whose father fled from Medina to avoid the
proscriptions ofthe caliph Abdallah. The palaces
are magnificent; and there are numerous mosques,
one of which, called Carubin, is one of the
finest edifices in the empire. The houses are
built of brick or stone, and adorned with mosaic
work : those of brick are ornamented with glazing
and colours like Dutch tiles, and the wood-work
and ceilings are carved, painted, and gilt The
roofs are flat; and every house has a court, in
which is a square marble hasin. Here are two
colleges for students, finely huilt of marble, and
adorned with paintings. The hospitals and pub-
lic baths are numerous, many of which are state-
ly structures. All the traders live in a separate
part of the city; and the exchange, full of all
sorts of rich merchandise, is as large as a small
town. The gardens are full of all kinds of fra
grant flowers and shrubs. The Moors of Fez are
clothed like the Turks; and though more polish-
ed than their countrymen, are vain, superstitous,
and intolerant. The saints, whom they pretend

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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