to have bet.ii buried in the city, serve them for a pretext to forbid its entrance to Jews and Chris- tians ; and an order from the emperor is necessary to gain admission. Arabic is hptter spoken here than in other parts of the empire; and the rich Moors send their children to the schools at Fez, where they gain more instruction than they could do elsewhere. Fez is the centre of the trade of this empire; and hence caravans go to Mecca, carrying ready-made garments, leather, indigo, cochineal, and ostriches feathers, for which they bring in return silks, muslins, and drugs. Other caravans go to Tombuctoo, and the river Niger. They travel over such dry barren deserts, that every other camel carries water. Their com- modities are salt, cowries, wrought silk, British cloth, and the woolen manufactures of Barbary. Fez is seated in a circular valley, watered by a river, and surrounded by mountains, 160 m. S. S. W. of Gibraltar, and 240 N. E. of Morocco.
4 Long. 4. 45. W., lat. 33. 40. N.
Fezzan, an interior kingdom of North Africa, lying between the great deserts of Zahara and Libya bounded on the N. by Tripoli to the Ba- shaw of which province Fezzan pays an annual tribute of4,000 dollars. It is an extensive plain, encompassed by mountains, except to the W.; and to the influence of these heights it may be owing, that here, as well as in Upper Egypt, no rain is ever known. Though the character of the surface (which in general is a light sand) and the want of rain, may seem to announce sterility, yet the springs are so abundant, that few regions in the N. of Africa, exhibit a richer vegetation. The greatest length of the cultivated part is about 300 m. from N. to S., and 200 from E. to W. From wells of 10 or 15 feet deep, with which every garden and field is furnished, the husband- man waters the productions of his land; among these are the date tree, the olive, lime, apricot, pomegranate, fig, maize, barley, wheat, pompions or calabash, carrots, cucumbers, onions, and gar- lic. Among the tame animals are the sheep, cow, goat, camel, ass, and a species of the domes- tic fowl of Europe. The wild animals are the ostrich, and antelopes of various kinds. A mul- titude of noxious animals infest the country; ad- ders, snakes, scorpions, and toads, swarm in the fields, gardens, and houses ; the air is crowded with mosquitos; and persons of every rank are over-run with Vermin. The heat of the climate in summer is intense, and the S. wind is scarcely supportable even by the natives; and in winter a penetrating N. wind prevails, which drives to the fire even the natives of a northern country. Tempests of wind are frequent, which whirl up the sand and dust so as to give a yellow tinge to the atmosphere. The towns are chiefly inhabit- ed by husbandmen and shepherds; for though they also contain merchants and artificers, yet agriculture and pasturage are the principal occu- pations. The houses are built of clay, with a flat roof composed of boughs of trees, on which a quantity of earth is laid. The natives are of a deep swarthy complexion; their hair a short curly black, their bps thick, their noses flat and broad, and their skin emits a fetid effluvia; they are tall, and well shaped, but weakly, indolent, and inactive. Their dress is similar to that of the Moors of Barbary. In their common intercourse, all distinctions of rank seem forgotten ; the she- reef (or governor) and the lowest plebeian, the rich and the poor, the master and the servant, converse familiarly, and eat and drink together. |
Generous and hospitable, let his fare be scanty or abundant, the Fezzaner is desirous that others should partake of it; and if twenty persons were unexpectedly to visit his dwelling, they must all participate as far as it will go. When they settle their money transactions, they squat upon the ground, and having levelled a spot with their hands, make dots as they reckon : if they are wrong, they smooth the spot again, and repeat the calculation. Gold dust constitutes the chief medium of payment; and value in that medium is-always expressed by weight. In religion, they are rigid, but not intolerant Mahometans. The government is monarchical; and its powers are administered with such a temperate hand, that the people are ardently attached to their sovereign Mourzouk, is the capital.
Fiano, a town of Italy, in the patrimony of St Peter, on the Tiber, 15 m. N. of Rome.
Fianono, a town of Istria, on the S. W. coast,
17 m. N. of Pola.
Fiascone, a town of Italy, in the patrimony of St. Peter, noted for fine muscadine wine ; seated on a mountain near lake Bolsena. 12 m. N. W. of Viterbo.
Ficherulolo, a fortified town of Italy, in the Ferrarese, seated on the Po, 12 m. W. of Fer rara.
Fichtelberb, a mountain in Franconia, one of the highest mountains in Germany. It extends from near Barenth, to Eger in Bohemia, about 16 m., and is covered with pines and other trees.
Fieleicier, an island near the W. coast of Nor- way, 22 m. long and 4 broad, with a town of the same name, 48 m. W. N. W. of Drontheim Long. 10. 40. E., lat. 63. 44. N.
Fife, a maritime county on the E. coast of Scotland, forming a peninsula between the frith of Forth and Tay, it extends from the mouth of the river Forth, in a N. N. E. direction, about 40 m., and is about 12 m. in mean breadth. Some linen manufactures are carried on in the S. W. parts of the county, (see Dumfermtiru), but as a whole it is an agricultural rather than a manufac- turing district; it produces coal and lime in abundance, and copper, lead, iron, and other minerals are also found in different parts of the county though but partially worked; a beautiful grey marble, cornelian, agates, and jasper, are oc- casionally met with, and fishing on its coasts and its rivers is assidiously pursued by the inhabit- ants. For divisions, rental, population, &c. see. Scotland. Cupar is the assize town.
Figaruolo, an island in the gulf of Venice, near the coast of Istria. Long. 13. 47. E., lat. 45.18. N.
Figeac, a town of France, in the department of Lot, with a Benedictine abbey; seated on the Selle, 22 m. E. of Cahors. It is the seat of a prefect, and in 1825, contained 6,153 inhabitants
Fighig, or Fihig, a town of Barbary, in Bile- dulegerid, at the foot of the mount Atlas on the
S. The inhabitants carry on a great trade with the merchants of Morocco and Fez, and with the negroes. It is 240 m. E. S. E. of Mequinez. Long. 1. 5. W. lat. 32. 20. N.
Figueras, or St. Fernando de Figueras, a strong town and important fortress of Spain, in Catalo- nia. It surrendered to the French in 1794, with out firing a shot. It is 10 m. S. by W. of Roses, and 25 due S. of Perpignan.
Figuero dos Vinhos, a town of Portugal, in Es- tremadura, celebrated for its wine; seated among mountains, near the frontier of Beira, and the river Zezere, 22 m. E. of Thomar. |