plified not less in the happy constitution of the people, than in the advanced age at which the majority of those persons die in France, whom it is an object to record, from the abilities of the ind vidual, or the rank which he may have held in society. He was only 56 or 60, is a com- mon formula of French biography. The Cardin- al de Fleuri died at 90; the President dHenanlt at 96 ; Crebillon, the son, at 70 ; Condamine at 74 ; Voltaire at 84 ; the Marquis du Deffand at 84. Men of 70 and 80 have usually as much life and playfulness in France, as their grand-chil- dren.
France, Isle of, a late province of France, so called, because it was bounded by the rivers Seine, Marne, Oise, Aisne, and Ourque. It now forms the four departments of Oise; Seine ; and Oise ; Seine and Marne ; Seine, and Paris.
France, Isle of, or Mauritius, an island in the Indian ocean, 400 m. E. of Madagascar. It was discovered by the Portuguese ; but the first who settled here were the Duteh, in 1598. They call- ed it Mauritius, in honor of the prince Maurice, their stadthoider; but, on their acquisition of the Cape of Good Hope, they deserted it; and it continued unsettled till the French landed here in 1720, and gave it the name of one of the finest provinces in France. It is 150 m. in circumfer- rence. The climate is healthy; but the soil not very fertile. There are many mountains, some of which are so high, that their tops are covered with snow; they produce the best ebony in the world. The valleys are well watered with rivers, and are made very productive by cultivation, of which sugar is the principal object. The town and harbour, called Port Louis, are strongly for- tified ; but in the hurricane months the harbour cannot afford shelter for more than eight vessels. Here are large store-houses, and every thing nec- essary for the equipment of fieets. This island was taken by the British in 1801, and confirmed to them by the treaty of Paris, in 1814. In 1819 the pestilential cholera was introduced into this island from India and carried off 7,000 of the inhabitants. According to an account presented by the colonial department to the British parlia- ment, in the session of 1825, the island was divi- aed into 8 districts, containing a pop. of 87,503, in the proportion of 65,769 slaves, 13,475 free blacks, and 10,359 whites, exclusive of 1,310 troops. Port Louis on the N. AV. coast of the island, is in lat. 20.10. N. and 57. 29 of E. long. See Bourbon.
Francestown, p.t. Hillsborough Co. N. H., 60 m. from Boston. Pop. 1,540.
Franche Comte, a late province of France, bounded on the N. bv Lorraine, E. by Alsace and Switzerland, W. by Burgundy, and S. by Bresse. It is 125 m. long and 80 broad, and abounds in corn, wine, cattle, horses, mines of iron, copper, and lead. It now forms the three departments of Doubs, Jura, and Upper Saone.
Franchemont, a town of the Netherlands, in the territory of Liege, 12 m. S. E. of Liege.
Fra tie Lade. See Denis, St.
Francis, avillage of St. Genevieve Co. Missouri.
Francis, St., a tributary stream ofthe great riv- er Mississippi, rising in the state of Missouri, in the lat. of 37. 45. N., running parallel with the Mississippi on the A A., at the distance of about 40 m. and enters it after a coarse of about 220 m., 45 m. aoove the entrance of the Arkansas. |
Francis, St., a river of Lower Canada, rising in the lake Memphramagog, which spreads into the state of Vermont. The St. Francis, after a course of about 200 m. falls into St. Lawrence, about mid- way between Montreal and Quebec, and will probably some future day, be united by a canal with the Connecticut.
Francis, St., a river of Brazil, which rises VV. of the Brazilian Andes, in the province of Minas Geraes, in the lat. of 20. S., runs N. through the province of Bahia, to the frontier of Pernambuco,, when it takes a course E. by S., dividing that province from Bahia, and after a course of neai
1,000 m. falls into the Atlantic ocean, in the lat of 11. 20. S. It has a number of towns and set tlements, chiefiy on its head waters.
Francisco, St., a seaport of New Albion, ^.ai ital of a jurisdiction of its name, with a citadel, uosg. 122. 8. W., lat. 28. 18. N.
%* There are a number of other rivers, bays, towns, and settlements, in different parts of Amer. ica, named after St. Francis by the Spaniards, Por- tuguese, and French.
Frangois, a village of Wayne Co. Missouri.
Frangois, Cape, now called Cape Haytien, the principal seaport and city of what was formerly the French part of St. Domingo. It is seated on the N. coast of the island, in the lat. of 19. 46. N. and 72. 15. of W. long. Before the sanguinary revolt of the negroes in 1793, it contained 8 to 900 houses of stone or brick, and 8,000 free inhabitants, exclusive of about 12,000 slaves : but in 1793, the whole of the white inhabitants, who could not ef- fect their escape, were massacred by the blacks. It was named Cape Henry by Christophe in 1811, and during his reign it was deemed the principal port of the island, though inferior to Port au Prince in commercial importance. Its quota of the contribution towards the 30 millions of dol- lars be paid to France in ten years, from the 1st of January, 1827, as an indemnity for the sacri- fice of their plantations by the revolt in 1793, is 208,451 dollars annually. It is 64 m. due N. of Port au Prince, and 134 AAr., 30 degrees N. of the city of St. Domingo. The harbour is secure and commodious, and the environs rich in tropical productions.
Franconia, one of the ten circles into which the German Empire was formerly divided, lying be- tween the lat. of 48. 45. and 50. 55. N. It is bounded on the N. by* Upper Saxony, E. by Bo- hemia and the palatinate of Ba varia, S. by Suabia and W. by the circles of the Rhine. The middle is fertile in corn, wine, and fruits; but the bor ders are full of woods and barren mountains. The Franks, who conquered France, in the early part ofthe 15th century, came from this province, and gave their name to that country7. It compri- ses about 11,000 sq. m. and was formerly divided into 2 principalities, 3 bishoprics, 7 counties, and 3 lordships ; but at the general partitioning of this part of Europe, after the peace of Paris in 1814, the greater part of Franconia was assigned to Bavaria, and the remainder to VVurtemberg, Baden, Hesse, and Saxe Coburg. The river Mayn, which falls into the Rhine, intersects it from E. to W., the Rednitz from S. to N., falling into the Mayne, and the Altmuhl, falling into the Danube, intersects the S. E. Nuremburg was considered the capital.
Franeker, a town of Holland, in Friesland, with a castle and a university. The public buildings and palaces are magnificent, and it has 2 naviga- ble canals, communicating with the Zuyder Zee and Leewarden, it is 5 m. E. of Harlingen. Pop about 4,000. |