Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 314
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ITRxc2xa3    314    FRE

the canton of Thurgau, with a castle. It is seat-
ed on an eminence, by the river Murg, 19 m. N.
xc2xa3. of Zurich, and 8 AV. of Constance

Frauenstein, a town of Upper Saxony, in Mis-
nia, on the river Boberisch, 20 m. S S. W. of

Fraustadt, a town of Poland, in the palatinate
of Posen, which has a great trade in wool and ox-
i n. Near this town a battle was gained by the
S .vedes over the Saxons, 1706. It stands on the
frontiers of Silesia. 20 m. N. W. of Glogau, and
55 S. S. AV. of Posen.

Fredtberg. a town ofthe duchy of AVestphalia,
on the river AYenne, 23 m. S. S. E. of Arensberg.

Frederica, p.v. Kent Co. Del. 12 m. E. Dover.

Frederica, a town of the state of Georgia, in
Glynn county, and on the W. side of St. Simon
island, with a safe and commodious harbour, 64
m. S. W. of Savannah. Long. 80. 56. AV., lat.
31.6. N.

Frederica, or Fridericia, a town and fortress of
Jutland, at the entrance of the Little Belt, from
the Categat, in the lat. of 55. 35. N., and 9. 44.
ofE. long. All ships entering the Little Belt,
are here brought to, and a contribution levied to
wards the lights and buoys on the coasts of Den-
mark. Pop. about 3,500.

Frederick, a county of the state of Maryland,
bounded on the N. by the conventional line which
divides Maryland from Pennsylvania, and on the
S. by the Potomac river, which divides it from
Vi rginia ; it is about 35 m. in length from N. to

S., and 25 in mean breadth; it is intersected
from N. to S. hy the Monocoey river, which
springs from several sources in Pennsylvania, and
falls into the Potomac. Pop. 45,793. Frederick-
town, the chief town, with a pop. of about 5,000,
AV. of the Monocoey, is 120 m. N. W. of

Frederick, a county in the West District of Vir-
ginia, hetwen the Blue and North ridges of the
Alleghany Mountains; the Shenandoah river
skirts the foot of the Blue Mountains on the E.
side of the county running from S. to N. into the
Potomac. It is divided into East and West
Frederick; the farmer has a pop. of 14,099 and the
latter 11,949. Winchester, the chief town, is 130
m. N. by AV. of Richmond.

Frederick, a township of Montgomery Co. Pa.

Fredericksburg, p.v. Spottsylvania Co. ATa. on
the Rappahannock, with a considerable trade in
flour and tobacco. The river here is deep enough
to admit vessels of 140 tons . Also towns in Gal-
latin Ken. and Washington Co. Indiana.

Fredericsburg, a Danish fort, on the Gold-coast
of Guinea, near Cape Three-points, 62 m. W. S.
AA7. of Cape Coast Castle. Long. 1. 5. W., lat. 4.

30. N.

Fredericsburg, a town of Further Pomerania,
23 m. N. of Stargard, and 33 S. S. AV. of Colberg.

Fredericsburg, an interior town of Denmark, in
the isle of Zealand, with a castle and palace, 15
m. N. N. AA7. of Copenhagen.

FredericshaU, or Fredericstadt, a sea-port of Nor-
way, in the province of Aggerhuys, situate at the
mcuth of the river Tiste, in a bay called the
Swinesund. The harbour is safe and commo-
dious; but the farge quantity of saw-dust brought
down the river, from the different saw-mills, oc-
casions an annual expense to clear it away. On
the summit of a rock, which over-hangs the town,
stands the hitherto impregnable fortress of Fred-
ericstein ; at the siege of which, in 1718, Charles
XII. of Sweden was killed by a musket-ball. It
is 51 m. S. E. cf Christiania. Long. 10. 55. E.,
lat. 59. 12. N. Pop. about 4,000.

Fredericsham, a town and fortress of Russia, in
Carelia. It is neatly built, the streets going off
like radii from a centre. Here, in 1783, an inter
view was held between the empress of Russia and
the king of Sweden. It is seated near the gulf
of Finland, 68 m. W. S. W. of Wiburg. Long.
28. 18. E., lat. 60. 36. N.

Fredericstadt, a town of Denmark, in S. Jut-
land, seated at the conflux of the Tren with the
Eyder, 17 m. S. W. of Sleswick, and 6 N. E. of

Fredericstadt, or Fredericstein, a town of Nor-
way, in the province of Aggerhuys, and the most
regular fortress in this part of Norway. It has a
considerable trade in deal timber, and is seated on
the Glomme, 26 m. W. of FredericshaU.

Fredericton, the capital of New Brunswick,
on the river St. John, which runs thus far navi-
gable for sloops, 90 m. above the city of St. John.
Long. 66 30. AV., lat. 46. 20. N.

Freehold, or Monmouth, p.v. the capital of Mon-
mouth Co. N. J., 25 m. S. E. Bordentown. This
place is famous for a battle between Washington's
army and Sir Henry Clinton in 1778. Also a
village in Greene Co. N. Y.

Fredonia, p.v. Chatauque Co. N. Y. Also a
village in Crawford Co. Indiana.

Freeburg, p.v. Union Co. Pa.

Freedom, p.t. Waldo Co. Me. Pop. 869. Also
a village in Dutchess Co. N. Y. and Baltimore,
Co. Maryland.

Freeman, p.t. Somerset Co. Me. Pop. 724.

Freeport, p.t. Cumberland Co. Me. Pop. 2,623.
Also villages in Ontario Co. N. Y., Armstrong
Co.; Pa. and Harrison Co. Ohio.

Freetown, p.t. Bristol Co. Mass. on Taunton
River. Pop. 1,909. Also a p.t. Cortland Co. N.Y.
Pop. 1,051.

Freetown, the capital of the colony of Sierra
Leone. The harbour has three wharves, and is
protected by a battery. It stands on the S. side
of the river Sierra. Leone, near its entrance into
the Atlantic Ocean. Long. 12.56. AV., lat. 8. 30.N.

Frehel, a cape of France, in the department of
Cotes du Nord, 13 m. AV. of St. Malo. Long. 2.
15. AV., lat. 48. 41. N.

Frejus, a town of France, in the department of
Var. By the Romans it was called Forum Julii;
and had then a port on the Mediterranean, from
which it is now 2 m. It is the birthplace of that
great Roman general and philosopher, Agricola;
and near it some fine remains of antiquity are
still visible. It is celebrated in later times as the
place where Napoleon landed on his return from
Egypt, in the autumn of 1799, and again in
March 1815 from the island of Elba. It is seateo
near the river Argens, in a morass. 40 m. N. E.
of Toulon. Long. 6. 44. E., lat. 43. 26. N.

Frenay le Vicomte, a town of France, in the
department of Sarte, 9 m. S. S. W. of Alengon.

French Creek, townships of Mercer Co. and Ve-
nango Co. Pa.

Frenehton, a village of Dinwiddie Co. Va.

Frenchtown, a village in Cecil Co. Maryland
near Elkton. Also a village in Monroe Co

Frenchman’s Bay, a harbour with a small vil
lage upon it in Lincoln Co. Me.

Freudenberg, a town of Franconia, on the river
Maine, 8 m. W. of Wertheim.

Freudenberg, a town of Westphalia, in the
county of Hoya, 13 m. S. by W. of Bremen.

Public domain image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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