Christiana (directional)
Fredericsham, Carelia, Russia (main entry)
Russia, Empress of Sweden, King of Gulf of Finland Wiburg (directional)
Fredericstadt, South Jutland, Denmark (main entry)
Tren River Eyder River Sleswick (directional)
Tonningen (directional)
Fredericstadt, Aggerhuys, Norway (main entry)
Fredericstein (synonym for Fredericstadt, Aggerhuys, Norway)
Glomme River Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada (main entry)
St. John River St. John (directional)
Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
Monmouth (synonym for Freehold, Monmouth County, New Jersey, United States)
Bordentown (directional)
Washington's Army Clinton, henry Freehold, Greene County, New York, United States Fredonia, Chatauque County, New York, United States (main entry)
Fredonia, Crawford County, Indiana, United States Freeburg, Union County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
Freedom, Waldo County, Maine, United States Freedom, Dutchess County, New York, United States Freedom, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States Freeman, Somerset County, Maine, United States (main entry)
Freeport, Cumberland County, Maine, United States (main entry)
Freeport, Ontario County, New York, United States Freeport, Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, United States Freeport, Harrison County, Ohio, United States Freetown, Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States (main entry)
Taunton River Freetown, Cortland County, New York, United States Freetown, Sierra Leone (main entry)
Sierra leone River Atlantic Ocean Frehel, Cotes du Nord, France (main entry)
St. malo (directional)
Frejus, Var, France (main entry)
Forum Julii (synonym for Frejus, Var, France)
Mediterranean Sea Roman Agricola Napoleon Egypt Elba (Island) Argens River Toulon (directional)
Frenay le Vicomte, Sarte, France (main entry)
Alençon (directional)
French Creek, Mercer County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
French Creek, Venango County, Pennsylvania, United States Frenchton, Dinwiddie County, Virginia, United States (main entry)
Frenchtown, Cecil County, Maryland, United States (main entry)
Elkton Frenchtown, Monroe County, Michigan, United States Frenchman's Bay, Lincoln County, Maine, United States (main entry)
Freudenberg, Franconia (main entry)
Maine River Wertheim (directional)
Freudenberg, Hoya County, Westphalia (main entry)
Bremen (directional)