FreudenWadt, a strong town of Suabia, in the Black Forest, built to defend the passage into that forest. In 1706, it was taken by the French. It is 23 m. S. by E. of Baden.
Freudenthal, a town of Austrian Silesia, in the principality of Troppau, celebrated for its breed of horses, and'manufacture of fine linen; seated near the Mohra, 24 m. W. of Troppau.
Freyberg, a town of Upper Saxony, in Misnia, with a castle. In the environs are mines of cop- per, tin, lead, and silver, which employ a great number of workmen. Her.e is the usual burying- place of the princes of the house of Saxony. It is situate on a branch of the Muldau, 15 m. W. S. W. of Dresden. Pop. about 9,000.
Freyberg, a town of Moravia, in the circle of Oimutz, 16 m. S. W. of Teschen, and 48 E. of Olmutz. Pop. about 3,500.
Freyberg, a town of Silesia, in the principality of Schweidnitz, near the river Polsnitz, 7 m. N. W. of Schweidnitz.
Freyenstein, a town of Brandenburg in the Mark of Pregnitz, on the frontiers of Mecklenburg, 22 m. N. E. of Perlberg.
Freyenwalde, a town of Brandenburg, in the Middle Mark, near which are mineral springs and extensive alum works. It is seated on the Oder, 36 m. N. E. of Berlin.
Freysinoen, a town of Bavaria, capital of a prin- cipality of the same name. The cathedral and palace are beautiful structures. It was taken by the French in 1796. It is seated on a mountain, near the lser, 29 m. N. X. E. of Munich. Lon<r. 11. 50. E., lat. 45. 21. N.
Freysladt, a town of Hungary, with a castle, seated on the Waag, opposite Leopoldstadt.
Freystadt, a town of Moravia, in the principali- ty of Teschen, with a castle, on the river Elsa, 8 m. N. N. W. of Teschen.*
Freystat, a town of Silesia, in the principality of Glogau, with an ancient castle, 14 m. N. E. of Sagan.
Freystat, a town of Austria, which has a great trade in worsted, 17 m. N. of Ens.
Friburg, one of the cantons of Switzerland, surrounded on all sides by the canton of Bern. It is fertile in corn, fruits, and pastures ; and the cheese made in this canton is deemed the best made in Switzerland. The inhabitants, 70,000 in number, are papists, quota of troops, 1,240.
Friburg, a fortified town of Switzerland, capital of the canton'of the same name. It is seated in a ra-inntiinous country on the river Sanen, which divides it into two parts; that on the W. side scmiing lin plain ground, and the other among rocks and hills. The public buildings, especially the cathedral, are very handsome; and the bishop of Lausarine resides here. Three miles from this town is a celebrated hermitage, cut in a rock, said to be the w-rk c-f one man, with his servant, who perfamsei It in 25 years. Friburg was taken by the French, in 1715. It is 18 m. S. W. of Bern, and A E. :f Lausanne. Long. 7. 15.*'E., lat.
46. 43. X.
Friburg. a town of Suabia, capital of Brisgau. .The steeple of us great church is the finest in Germany: a**d here is a university, a college Formerly belonging to the Jesuits, and several convents. The inhabitants are famous for polish- ing crystal and preeioas stones. It has been often taken. It is seated cn the Triser, 53 m. S. by W. of Baden, and 10 E. of Brisach. on the Rhine. Long. 7. 58. E., lat. 45. 3. X. Pop. about 10,000. |
Friburg, a town of Upper Saxony in Thurin- gia, with a castle on a mountain, situate on t!it Unstrut, 5 m. N; N. W. of Naumberg.
*#* There are numerous other towns and villa- ges beginning with Fri or Frey in different parts of Germany and Fri and Frey are indiscriminate- ly written sometimes one way and sometimes the other.
Frideck, a town of Silesia, in the circle of Tes- chen, on^the frontier of Moravia, 12 m. S. by AV. of Teschen.
Fridingen, a town of Suabia, on the Danube 50 m. S. W. of Ulrn.
Fried,berg, a town of Germany, in Wetteravia It is seated on a mountain, by the river Usbach 15 m. N. by E. of Frankfort. ,
Friedberg, a town of Bavaria, with a castle, sit uate on the Lechfeld, 6 m. E. of Augsburg, and 30 N. W. of Munich.
Friedberg, a town of Silesia, in the principality of Schweidnitz. A little N. of the town a battle was gained by the king of Prussia, over the Aus- trians, in 1745. It is 7 m. N. AV. of Schweidnitz.
Friedberg, a town of Germany, in Stiria, on the river Pink, and frontiers of Hungary, 33 m. N. E. of Gratz.
Friedburg, a town of AVestphalia, in East Fries land, with a castle, 25 m. E. of Emden.
Friedland, a town of Silesia, in the principality of Oppelen, on the river Steina, 12 m. E. of Xeisse.
Friedland, a town of Lower Saxony, in Meek lenburg, seated in a swampy country, on the frontiers of Pomerania. 16 m. S. S. AV. of An- clam.
Friedland. a town of Bohemia, on the confines of Lusatia. 7 m. E. S. E. of Zittau.
Friedland. a town of Prussia, where the French under Bonaparte, gained a complete victory over the Russians. June 14, 15*17. It is seated on the Alla, 28 m. S. E. of Konigsberg.
Friendly Islands, a group of islands in the South Pacific ocean, so named by Cook, in 1773, on account of the friendship that appeared to sub- sist among the inhabitants, and their courteous behaviour to strangers. Tasman, a Dutch navi- gator, first touched here in 1653, and gave the name of New Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Mid- dleburg, to three of the principal islands. Cook explored the whole cluster, which he found to consist of more than 20 islands, the principal of which are Tongataboo, or Amsterdam ; Eaoowe or Middleburg; Annamooka, or Rotterdam ; Ha- paee, and Lefooga. The first, which is the lar- gest, lies in 174. 46. W. long., and 21. 9. S. lat. The general appearance of these islands, conveys an idea of the most exuberant fertility the sur- face at a distance, seems entirely clothed with trees of various sizes, some of which are very large, particularly the tall cocoa, palm, and spe- cies of fig with narrow-pointed leaves. On closer examination, they are almost wholly laid out in plantations, in which are some of the richest pro- ductions of nature; such as bread-fruit and co- coa-nut trees, plantains, yams, sugar-canes, and a fruit like a nectarine. The stock of quadrupeds are scanty; but they received from Cook some valuable additions, both to the animal and vege- table kingdom. Their domestic fowls are as large as those of Europe. Among the birds are parrots and parroquets of various sorts which fur- nish the red feathers so much esteemed in the So- ciety isles. The numerous reefs and shoals afford shelter for an endless variety of shell-fish. These islands are all inhabited by a race of people, who |