a coanty of itself, having a separate jurisdiction. The principal church, which its collegiate, is a spacious gothic edifice; it has several catholic .establishments of friars and nuns, a county infirm- ary, exchange, and several other public buildings. Pop. in 1820, 27,775.
Galway Bay, extends about 20 m. from W. to E., and is from 7 to 20 m. wide ; the South Arran Isles stretch across the entrance. 4
Galway, p.t. Saratoga Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,710.
Gambia, a noble river in Africa, falling into the Atlantic Ocean by several channels between the lat. of 12. and 13. 45. N. Cape St. Mary, the S. point of entrance to the main channel, is in the lat. of 13. 8. N.; and 16. 33. of W. long. The banks for about 100 m. from the mouth are low and swampy, but higher up, the river flows through a delightfully fertile country, interspersed with numerous towns and villages. At a distance of about 400 m. from its mouth, the navigation is impeded by falls, and above them but little is known of its course.
Gambron. See Gombron. Gana, Ganara. See Ghana.
Ganah, a town of the empire of Cassina, in the interior of North Africa, 230 m. N. by E. of Agades. Long. 14. 30. E., lat. 24. 40. N.
Gandersheim, a town of Lower Saxony, in the duchy of Bruns wick-Wolfenbuttel. with a celebra- ted convent. 17 m. S. WT. of Goslar.
Gandia, a town of Spain, in Valencia, with a small university : seated on a river, near its en- trance into the gulf of Valencia. 32 m. S. E. of Valencia, and 48 N. by E. of Alicant. Pod. about
Gandicotla, or Wandieotta, a town and fortress of Hindoostan, in the circar of Cuddapa, near which is a diamond mine. It is seated on a lofty mountain, by the river Pennar, 33 m. W. N. W. of Cuddapa.
Gangapatnam, a town of Hindoostan, in the Carnatic, at the mouth of the Pannar, 94 m. N. of Madras. Long. 80.12. S., lat. 14. 24. N.
Gangea, or Ganja, a town of Persia, in the province of Eviranr 105 m. S. by E. of Teflis. Lxc2xbbng45. 50. E.,lat. 41.10. N.
Ganges, a celebrated river of Asia, which has its source in two springs, on the W. side of Mt. Kentaiffe, in Tibet, in the lat. of 34. N., and 82. ofE. long. The 2 streams take a W. direction for 300 m. when meeting the ridge of Himmaleh, they turn S., unite their waters, and form what is properly called the Ganges, from the Hindoo word Ganga, which signifies a river ; a term giv- en it bv wav of eminence. This great body of water now forces a passage through the ridge of Himmaleh at the distance of 400 m. below the place of its first approach, and rushing through a cavern, precioitates itself into a vast basin, at the hither foot of the mountain. The Ganges thus appears, to incurious spectators, to have its source from this chain of mountains. Superstition has given to the mouth of the cavern the form of the Beau of a cow ; an animal held by the Hindoos in great veneration: and it is therefore called the Gangotri, or the Cow's Mouth. From this place it takes a S. E. direction through the country of Sirinagur, until, at Hurdwar, it finally escapes from this mountainous tract in which it has wan- dered 800 m. From Hurdwar, where it gushes through an opening in the mountains, and enters , Hindoostan, it flows 1,20*3 m. with a smooth nav- j igable stream, through delightful plains, to the bay of Bengal, which it enters by several mouths, 41 that form an extensi vcdelta, in the lat. of 22. N and between 88. and 91. of E. long. In its course through these plains, it receives 11 rivers, some of them larger and none smaller than the Thames, besides many of inferior note ; the principal of which are the Gogra, Cossy, and the Burampoo- ter from the N., and the Jumna, Soane, and Dum- mooda from the S. In the annual inundation of this river, which on an average rises 31 feet, the country is ovefiowed to the extent of more than 100 m. in width. The Ganges is, in every re- spect, one of the most beneficial rivers in the world ; diffusing plenty immediately bv means of its living productions; and by enriching the lands, affording an easy conveyance for the pro- duction of its borders, and giving employment to many thousand boatmen. It is no wonder, there- fore, that the Hindoos regard this river as a kind of deity, that they hold its waters in high vene- ration, and that it is visited annually by a prodig-xe2x80x98 ious number of pilgrims from all parts of Hin- doostan. See Hoogly. |
Gangotri, a town of the country of Sirinagur, seated on the Ganges, where that river rushes through a cavern of the Himmaleh mountains, 170 m. N. N. W. of Sirinagur. Long. 76. 35. E., lat. 33. 8. N.
Gangpour, a town of Hindoostan, in Orissa, capital of a circar of its name. It is 50 m. N. N. E. of Sumbulpour, and 160 N. W. of Cuttack. Long. 84. 10. E., lat. 22. 2. N.
Ganjam, a town of Hindoostan, in the circar of Cicaole, on the bay of Bengal, at the mouth of a river which is rarely navigable, near the S. end of lake Chilca, 110 rn. N. E. of Cicaole. Long. So. 20. E., lat 19. 22. N.
Gunnat. a town of France, in the department of Allier, 30 m. S. of Moulins ; it is the seat of a prefect.
Gap, a town of France, capital of the depart- ment of Upper Alps, and lately a bishops see. It has a fort called Puymore, and is seated on the small river Bene, at the foot of a mountain, in which some mineral waters are found, 348 m. S. S. E. of Paris and 82 N. N. W. of Nice.
Gapsal, a town of Russia, in'the government of Revel, on a small gulf of the Baltic, 36 m. W. S. W. of Revel.
Garak. See Karek.
Gard, a department of the S. of France, in- cluding part of the late province of Languedoc It has its name from a rapid river which rises in the department of Lozere, flows S. E. through this department, and enters the Rhone, above Beducaire. Itis bounded on the E. by the Rhone ; the S. point jets upon the Mediterranean ; it par- takes, however, more of the character of an interi- or than a maritime district. It is rich in mines of lead, calamine, antimony, manganese, gypsum, &c. The vine and olive, and especially the lat- ter, flourish luxuriantly.
> Garda, a town of Italy, in the Veronese, seated on the E. shore of a lake of its name, 17 m. N. W. of Verona.
Garda, Lake of, the largest lake in Italy, lying between the territories of Verono and Brescia. It is 30 m. long, and 20 where broadest; but not above four towards its northern extremity, which enters the principality of Trent ; its outlet is by the Mincio, which runs past Mantua into the Po.
Gardefan, or Guardafui, a cape in the Indian Ocean, the most easterly point of Africa. Long. 51. 10. E., lat. 11.40. N.
Garddeben, a town of Brandenburg, in the Old |