Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 323
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GEN    323    GEN

Gehol, or Zkrhol, a town of Chinese Tartary,
with a large palace, and a magnificent temple of
Budha. Here the emperor of China received the
British embassy in 1793. It is 136 m. N. of

Gelderland, one of the provinces of Holland,
and the largest of them all. It lies between the
Zuyder Zee, the provinces of Holland, Utretcht,
and Overyssel, the principality of Munster, the
duchy of Cleves, and Dutch Brabant; and is divi-
ded into three quarters or counties, called Nime-
guen, Arnheim. and Zutphen. from the principal
towns. It is fertile in fruit and corn ; and, in ma-
ny parts, abounds in wood.

Gelder!and, Upper, a territory of the Nether-
lands, lying in detached parts, on both sides the
river Meuse, divided into Austrian, Dutch, and
Prussian Gelderland. The Austrian part includes
Ruremonde, and its dependencies ; the Dutch
comprehends the lordships of Venlo and Stevens-
wert; and the Prussian contains the capital, Guel-
dres, and its district, which is reckoned as a part
of the circle of Westphalia; the Austrian and
Dutch part, at the peace of 1814, were included
in the kingdom of the Netherlands, and the re-
mainder assigned to Prussia.

Gelders, a town of the Netherlands, and the
capital of Prussian Gelderland. Here is a palace,
the residence of the former dukes. It was taken
in 17"2. by the king of Prussia : and in 1713, the
town and its district was ceded by France to that
prince, in exchange for the principality of Orange.
In 1757 it surrendered to the French, who restored
it in 1764, after demolishing the fortifications; and
in 1794, it again surrendered to them: and. at
the peace of 1814, was assigned to Prussia. It is
20 m. S. S. E. of Cleves.
A,onr. 6.16. E., lat. 51.

31. N.

Gelnhausen, a town of Germany, in the electo-
rate of Hesse, with a castle, seated on the Kintzig,
18 fti. N. E. of Hanau.

Gemappcs, a village of Hainault in the Neth-
erlands, near the Scheldt, 2 m. from Mons,
famous for a victory gained by the French repub-
licans under Dumourier, over the Austrians, in

Gembloux, a town of the Netherlands, in Bra-
bant, with an ancient abbey, seated on the Or-
neau, 22 m. S. E. of Brussels, on the road to

Geminiano, St. a town of Tuscany, in the Flor
entino, seated on a mountain, in which is a mine
of vitriol, 25 m. S. S. W. of Florence.

Gevona, a town of Italy, in Friuli, near the
river Tagliamento, 20 m. W. N. W. of Friuli.

Gemuud, a town of Suabia, seated on the Rems,
24 m. X. by AV. of Ulm, and 25 E. by S. of

G'mzmd.a town of Germany, in the Duchy of
Jxc2xab:iers: seated on the Roer, 24 m. S. W. of

Genand. a town of Upper Carinthia, with man-
ufactures of iron and steel, 16 m. N. W. of

Gemundnxc2xab. a town of Franconia, in the princi-
pality of AVurtzburg. on the river Maine, 22 m.
N. of AA’urtzburg.

Gemunden. a town of Austria, famous for its
salt-works ; seated at the N. end of a lake ofthe
ame name, on the river Traun, the outlet of the
lake, 40 m. S. S. AAT. of Lintz, on the Danube.

Gcnap, a town of the Netherlands, in Brabant,
with an ancient castle, seated on the Dyle, 15 m.
S. E. of Brussels.

Genesee, a river of the United States, which
rises on the N. border of Pennsylvania, and runs
N. N. E. through the state of New York into Lake
Ontario. It has three falls, which furnish excel-
lent mill-seats; one of them at Rochester is 90
feet perpendicular. On its borders are the Gene-
see flats, 20 m. long and four broad, the soil ricli
and clear of trees.

Genesee, a county in the state of New York, the
N. end of which borders on Lake Ontario; it
comprises about 1,600 square m. and is intersected
by the canal from Lake Erie to the Hudson river
The pop. which in 1810 was stated at only 12,
588, in 1830 wins returned at 51,992. Batavia is
the chief town.

Geneseo, ph. Livingston Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,675.

Geneva, a fortified city, capital of a territory oi
the same name, surrounded by the duchy of Sa-
voy, of which it was formerly a part, and the see
of a bishop, now resident at Annecy. In 1584,
Geneva concluded an alliance with Zurich and
Bern, by which it was an associate with Switzer-
land. During the greater part of the 18th cen-
tury, there were frequent contests between the
aristocratic and the popular parties; and the years
1768, 1782, 1789, and 1794, were distinguished by
great revolutions. The last was effected entirely
by the influence of the French; and not long
after, this city and its territory was made a de-
partment of France, under the name of Leman ;
but in 1814, after the expulsion of the French, it
was annexed to Switzerland. Geneva, which
stands partly on a plain at the W. end of a lake,
and partly on a gentle ascent, is irregularly built.
It has a good arsenal, and an university founded
in 1365. The houses are lofty ; and many in the
trading part of the city have arcades of wTood,
which are raised even to the upper stories. The
inhabitants, estimated at 26,000, carry on a great
trade, and among others the watcli-making busi-
ness is particularly flourishing. The pop. of the
district in 1825, was 41,560. Geneva is 40 m. N.
E. of Chamberry, 135 N. AV. of Turin, and 256 S.
E. by S. of Paris. Long. 6. 0. E., lat. 46. 12. N.

Geneva, Lake of, a large expanse of water, be-
tween Savoy and Switzerland, in a valley which
separates the Alps from Mount Jura. Its length
from the city of Geneva to Arilleneuve, is 54 m.,
and the breadth in the widest part is 12. The
winter near Geneva is shallow; in other parts the
depth is various; the greatest, yet found by sound-
ing, is 160 fathoms. The river Rhone runs
tliroughpt from the E. to-the AV. extremity.

Geneva, a duchy of Savoy, comprising an area
of about 600 square m. bounded on the N. AV. by
the Rhone.

Geneva, a village in the township of Seneca,
Ontario Co. N. Y. It stands on Seneca lake and
is one of the neatest villages in the State. The
neighborhood has a varied and pleasant scenery
wrilh many elegant country seats. The village
contains 4 churches, a bank and a college. The
college wins founded in 1823. It has 6 instructers
and a library of 1,500 volumes. It has 3 vacations
of 10 weeks. Commencement is in August.

Genera is also the name of a township in Ash-
tabula Co. Ohio, and of a village in Jennings Co.

Genevieve, St. a county in the state of Missouri,
on the AAr. bank of the Mississippi river, compri-
sing about 1,100 sq. m. of territory . Pop. 2,182.
The St. Francis river intersects the S. AV. part of
the county, which contains an exceedingly rich
bed of lead ore

Public domain Image from

Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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