length from N. to S and 240 in breadth and con- tains 50,000 sq. m.
The river Savannah washes almost the whole of the eastern boundaiy. Tiie Ogeechee and Alatamaha have their whole course within the state ; the Flint and Chatahoochee pass out of the state to the south. There is a small mountain- ous tract in the north, but nearly the whole country is an unbroken level. The soil is of various qual- ities. A chain of islands stretching along the whole coast have a fertile soil and produce the first cotton in the world, well known by the name of Sea Island cotton. The land here and along the shore consists of marshy tracts, and swells in the surface called hammoc land. On the Florida border is the great swamp of Okefonoko, (which see.) Beyond is a belt of pine barrens interspersed with swamps. Still farther the country becomes' sandy, but towards the hilly region the soil is strong and productive. There are many large forests which afford timber for exportation. In those parts which are flooded by the rivers the land is devoted to the cultivation of rice. The rice plant has a fibrous root, and puts forth stems which grow to the height of 4 and 5 feet. The
ters, sounding exactly like those three words. It begins its call towards evening, and continues w ith
.eaves are long and fleshy, somewhat similar -to those of the leek. The flowers are of a purple colour and grow in clusters on the top of the stalks. In the early stages of its growth the rice fields are inundated with water.
The most profitable agricultural employment is the cultivation of cotton. Indigo was formerly produced in considerable quantities, but the cul- ture has almost totally ceased. Slave labour is universally employed, and agriculture as a sci- ence has made very little improvement.
The climate in the southern part is hot and un- healthy. Epidemic fevers rage in the summer and autumn, rendering the country unsafe for strangers and even natives. The sea islands how- ever are esteemed salubrious and many of the planters spend the hot season there. In the, north, pine forests abound; and here the air is pure i and as healthy as in any part of the United States. ( The heat of summer, is excessive and the annoy- < ance from moschetoes one of the greatest dis- comforts imaginable. No sleep can be enjoyed , at night without the precaution of placing a moscheto net of gauze at every window. The number of frogs in the swamps and small streams is prodigious. Alligators abound in eve- ry stream of the low country. Great numbers of water fowl frequent these parts as well as the beaches and inlets of the sea-coast. The Chuck Wills Widow is one of the most common birds here, but is rarely seen north of Tennessee and Virginia. It is a solitary bird, somewhat resemb- ling the Whip-poor-will, and is often confounded with it it name is derived from the notes it ut- short interruption for several hours. In a still evening it may be heard at the distance of a mile-
Georgia is divided into 76 Counties. The cap ital is Milledgeville. The largest towns are Sa- vannah and Augusta. It has a university At Ath- ens and a school fund of 500,000 dollars. It has no manufactures. Its trade consists chiefly in the exportation of cotton and rice. The commerce of the state is chiefly carried on hy northern ves- sels. The shipping owned in the state amounted in 1823 to 13,959 tons. The imports in 1829 were 380,293 dollars. The exports of domestic produce 4,980,642 dollars. Total exports, 4,981,376 dol- lars.
The legislature is called the General Assembly, and consists of a Senate and House of Represen- tatives. The Senators and Representatives are chosen in counties. The Governor is chosen by the legislature for two years. Suffrage is univer sal. The pop. is 516,567, of whom 217,240 are slaves. In addition to these are the Cherokee In- dians, inhabiting the north-western part of the state. See Chtrokces.
The Baptists are the most numerous sect in re- ligion ; they have 205 ministers. The Methodists have 64; the Presbyterians 31; the Episcopalians 4 ; the Christians 28 and the Catholics 3.
The first settlement in Georgia was made at Savannah in 1733, consequently it was the latest settled of all the Atlantic states. The present constitution was formed in 1798.
Georgia, or South Georgia, an island in the South Atlantic Ocean, visited by Cook in 1775. It is 64 m. long, and 30 in its greatest breadth. It abounds in bays and harbours, which the vast quantities of ice render inaccessible the greatest part of the year. Here are perpendicular ice cliffs, of considerable height, like those at Spitz bergen; from which pieces were continually breaking off and floating out to sxc2xa3a. The vallevs wrere covered with snow; and the only vegeta- tion observed was bladed grass, wild burnet, and a plant, like moss, which sprung from the rocks Not a stream of fresh water was to be seen on the whole coast.
Georgia, Gulf of, a gulf of the North Pacific Ocean, betwreen the continent of North America and Quadra and Vancouver Island; about 120 m. in length, from N. to S., but the breadth va- ries in its different parts from 6 to 20 m. It con- tains several clusters of islands, and branches off into a great number of canals, most of which were examined by captain Vancouver and his officers.
Gera, a town of Upper Saxony, in Thuringia It has a castle about a mile from the town, on a | |