mountain in a wood, and is called Osterstein. It is seated on the Elster, 32 m. S. S. W. of Leipzig.
Gerau, a town of Germany, in Hesse-Darm- stadt, 8 m. W. N. W. of Darmstadt.
Gerbstadt, a town of Upper Saxony, in the county of Mansfeld, Thuringia, 7 m. N. E. of Mansfeld.
Gerdaven, a town of Prussia, defended by two castles, and seated on the Omet, near a consid- erable lake, 50 m. S. E. of Konigsberg.
Germain, St. a borough in Cornwall, Eng. It was once the largest town in the county, and a bishops see, but now consists chiefly of fisher- mens cottages: it still returns two members to parliament. What remains of the cathedral is used as the parish church ; and near it is the pri- ory. It stands near the sea, 10 m. W. of Ply- mouth, and 228 W. by S. of London.
Germain, St. a town of France, in the depart- ment of Seine and Oise, with a magnificent palace, in which Louis XIV. was born. Here James II. found an asylum, when he fled to France. It is seated on ,the Seine, near a fine forest, 10 m. N. W. of Paris.
German, p.t. Chenango Co, N. Y. Pop. 884. Also townships in Fayette Co. Pa., Clarke, Mont- gomery and Darke Cos. Ohio, and Cape Girar- deau Co. Missouri.
German Flats, p.t. Herkimer Co. N. Y. Pop. 2.466.
Germanna, p.v. Orange Co. Va. on Rapid Ann river.
German Ocean, or North Sea, is the sea between the E. coast of England, from the straits of Do- ver to the Shetland Isles, and the coasts of Jut- land and Norway, it comprises about 8 degrees of latitude and 10 of longitude.
Germano, St. a town of Piedmont, on the river Naviglio, 9 m. W. of Vercehi, on the line of the canal to Ivrea.
Germano, St. a town of Naples, in Terra di Lavoro, at the foot of Monte Cassino, 17 m. S. S. E. ofSora.
Germantown, p.t. Columbia Co. N. Y. on the river, 12 m. below the city of Hudson. Pop. 967. Also a village in Philadelphia Co. Pa. 6 m. N. of Philadelphia. It contains Mount Airy Acade- my and is celebrated for a battle fought here Oct. 4. 1777. Also villages in Fauquier Co. Va., Hvde Co. X. C., Bracken Co. Ken.
~(7i i im mi an extensive country of Europe, lying between the -loth and 54th degree of N. lat., and and 6. to 19- of E. long.; the mean length, how- ever. from X. to S. does not exceed 530 British statKte a. and the mean breadth 460 m., compri- sing *n area of about 245,000 square m. It is . bouadeaos the E. by Hungary and Poland, N. | bv the Bafrie Se/and Denmark, VV. by the Neth- > eriands sad France, and S. by Switzerland and xe2x96xa0} Italv. The extreme S. point jets into the gulf
Jof Venice. Prfor to the French revolutionary war. wtarh eoamtenced in 1793, Germany had j geographieaaiy been divided into 9 circles, politi- cally subdivided into 296 archbishopricks, bishop- ricks. n iiu iff'V i r1 irrdom~ marquisates, lord- ships. provinces. Sex. under the government of nearly as nuar screreign potentates; but the whole of them famed a great confederacy, gov- erned by political laws, at the head of which was an emperor, whose power in the collective body, or diet, was not directive bat executive. The western Roman empire, which had terminated in the year 475, in the person of Augustulus, the last |
Roman emperor, and which was succeeded by the reign of the Huns, the Ostrogoths, and the Lombards, was revived by Charlemagne, king of France, on Christmas day, in the year 800. This prince being then at Rome, pope Leo III. crowned him emperor, in St. Peters church ; and Nicephorus, who was then emperor of the east, consented to this coronation. The French kept the empire under eight emperors, till the year 912, when Louis III., the last prince of the line of Charlemagne, died without issue male. Con- rad, count of Franconia, the son-in-law of Louis, was then elected emperor. Thus the empire went to the Germans, and became elective, having been hereditary under the French emperors. The emperor was chosen by the princes, the lords, and the deputies of cities, till the year 1239, when the number of the electors was reduced to seven; one more was added in 1649, and another in 1692, these nine electors continued to the year 1798, when, in consequence ofthe alterations made in the constitution of the empire, under the influ- ence of France and Russia, they became ten in number; namely, the elector and archbishop of Ratisbon, the elector and king of Bohemia, (the then emperor) the elector of Bavaria, the elector of Saxony, the elector of Brandenburg (king of Prussia) the elector of Hanover (king of England) the elector of Wurtzburg (late grand duke of Tuscany) the elector of Wurtemburg, the elector of Baden, and the elector of Hesse. On'the death of Charles VI. of Austria, in 1740, an emperor was chosen from the house of Bavaria, by the name of Charles VII. On the death of this prince, in 1745, Francis, grand duke of Tuscany, was elected emperor; whose grandson, Francis
II., enjoyed the dignity of emperor of Germany till 1806, when he formally resigned the title and office, transferring his title of emperor to his he- reditary dominions of Austria.
At the close of the Saxon race, in 1024, the prerogatives of the emperor were very considera- ble ; but, in 1437, they were reduced to the right of conferring all dignities and titles, except' the privilege of being a state of the empire; of grant- ing dispensations with respect to the age ot ma- jority, of erecting cities, and conferring the priv- ilege of coining money ; of calling the meetings of the diet, and presiding in them. But, after all, there was not a foot of land annexed to this title ; for ever since the reign of Charles IV., the em- perors depended entirely on their hereditary do- minions, as the only source of their power, and even of their subsistence. To prevent the ca- lamities of a contested election, a king of the Romans was often chosen in the lifetime of the emperor, on whose death he succeeded to the im- perial dignity of course. The emperor (always elected and crowned at Frankfort on the Maine) assumed the title of august, and pretended to be successor to the emperors of Rome. Although he was chief of the empire, the supreme authori- ty resided in the diet, which was composed of three colleges; the college of electors, the col- lege of princes, and the college of imperial towns. The diet had the power of making peace or war of settling general impositions, and of regulating all the important affairs of the empire; but the decisions had not the force of law till the empe- ror gave his consent. When a war was deter- mined on, every prince contributed his quota of men and money, as valued in the matriculation roll; though as an elector or prince he might espouse a different side from that of the diet All |