ry, restored her conquests from this power, and ner ally, Spain, and abandoned the demolition of Dunkirk. France also gave up her conquests, and the consequence of this treaty was the acknowl- edgement of the independence of the United States. The events worthy of note in the affairs of England down to the subsequent rupture with France are, abroad, the conquest of half the do- minions of Tippoo Saib in India, and at home, the progress of religious toleration, the extension of the privileges of juries in c riminal cases to judge not only of the fact, but of the law, and the propo- sal for the abolition of the slave trade, brought for- ward by the virtuous Wilberforce, adopted by the commpns, and rejected by the lords.
But the principles which gave rise to the French revolution were now proclaimed with enthusiasm in the political societies of Great Britian, and the parliament adopted the bill for the exclusion of for- eigners, and prohibited the exportation of corn to France. The latter complained of the violation ofthe commercial treaty of 1787, but Great Britain dismissed the French ambassador and organized against that power in 1793 the first coalition, of which she herself waj the soul, and which was composed of nearly the whole of Europe. The victories of the French broke up this alliance, and rendered France more powerful than ever. Eng- land stirred up a second coalition in 1799, but was herself forced into a peace, and the treaty of Amiens was signed in 1802. A new coalition arose under her auspices in 1305, and new victories and new aggrandizements on the side of the French at the expense of their neighbors were the result. In 1807 the fourth English coalition was broken by the treaty of Tilsit. In 1809 a fifth was formed, and ended in the treaty of Vienna by a new ac- quisition of territory for France. Finally after a perseverance which exhibits in a striking view the power of England, and the immense resources within her reach, the sixth coalition, renewed in 1813, terminated in the fall of the French em- pire, the restoration of the house of Bourbon, and the treaty of peace concluded at Paris in 1814. |
The British constitution, is a piece of mosaic work belonging to different epochs: it is the great charter of Henry I, modified a century later and forced upon the acceptance of king John. It is the charter confirmed with great al- terations by Henry III, and sanctioned by Ed- ward I. Its completion is the Declaration of of Rights in 1088. It possesses however, the ad- vantage of not impeding the developement of any social faculty, of securing every liberty, by the unrestrained exercise ot that of the press, and of exalting the character of the subject by placing his life and property under the safeguard of the laws. The king of England joins to the dignity of supreme magistrate, that of head of the church. The former gives him the right of making war and peace, alliances and treaties, raising troops, assembling, proroguing, adjourning, and dissolving parlament, appointing all officers, civil and military, and the chief Ecclesiastical digni- taries. and pardoning or commuting the punish- ment of criminals : the latter gives him power to convoke national and provincial synods, who un- der his approbation, established dogmas and dis- cipline. The parliament enjoys the prerogative of proposing laws, bat no law has any validity till approved by the king. On the other hand the will of the sovereign or his ministers, and the an- nual demand for supplies cannot take the shape of a law till under this form they have been sanc- tioned oy the votes of both houses. The king may increase not only the number of peers, but even that of the commons, by authorizing a city to return members to parliament. He arrives at majority at the age of eighteen, and on his acces sion to the throne must sanction all the laws passed daring his minority. Females as well as males possess a hereditary right to the crown. The responsibility of the ministers, not an empty phrase in England, secures the inviolability of the monarch: the ministers are four in number, and independant of one another : xe2x80x94the First Lord of the Treasury, or prime minister, who has under his direction the taxes, the custom house, the stamp office and the post office ; xe2x80x94 the Secretary of State for foreign affairs ;xe2x80x94the Home Secretary, who has the direction of colonial affairs excepting those of the East Indies,xe2x80x94 and the Secretary at War whose authority exiends over the concerns of India. A council is organized to examine whatever relates to Indian affairs, and another superintending the business of commerce and the colonies, is composed of enlightened individuals who combine among themselves the interests of agriculture, industry and commerce, and study unceasingly the wants and tastes of every people for the purpose of making them in some way sub- servient to British industry. The House of Com- mons consists of 658 members, of whom 489 rep- resent England, 24 the principality of Wfales, 45 Scotland, and 100 Ireland.
At the present moment Great Britain is ap- proaching a fearful crisis. Her trade is embar- rassed, her subjects disaffected, and her political institutions threatened by the example of popular revolt in the neighboring countries. The Whigs have once more come into power, and a ministry preside in the national councils whose avowed and leading object is to effect an essential change in the government. A struggle for life and death has commenced between the popular and aristoc radical bodies. The checks and balances which political theorists have been accustomed to con- sider as a part of the British constitution, have begun to give distinct evidences of their conflict- ing tendencies ; and the hostile operation of dis- cordant elements seems to promise collision and not equilibrium. The whole aspect of affairs is such as to warrant the belief that the present gov- ernment of Great Britain cannot last.
Great Barrington, p.t. Berkshire Co. Mass Pop. 2,276.
Great Bay, a lake in N. H. formed by the waters of the Swamscot, Winnicot and Lam- prey rivers. It is 4 m. wide.xe2x80x94Another lake connected with the Winipiseogee.
Grebenstein, a town of Germany, in Lower Hesse, on the river Esse, 12 m. N. N. W. of Cassel.
Greece, a territory of the S. E. extremity of Europe, and 2,000 years ago the most celebrated portion of that quarter ofthe globe, it having suc- cessfully combated the myriad armies of Persia and the east, and extended its arts and its arms eastward to the banks of the Indus. As the glo- ry of Egypt declined, that of Greece rose to its meridian, to be eclipsed in its turn by the as- cendancy of Rome, till in the 15th century it be- came tributary to the Turks. The main land of Greece extends from the lat. of 36. 25. to 42. N. or about 400 m., and is about 110 in mean breadth. In the days of Grecian celebrity, it was divided into four great parts, viz. Macedonia, Thessaly, Livadia, and the Peloponnesus, exclusive of tne |