Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 347
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GRE    347    GRE

over the shoulders, a handkerchief tied loosely
round the head does not conceal their jet-black
hair ; but the barbarous empire is typified in a
clumsy and ill-placed girdle, red trowsers and a
heavy Turkish cloak.

The Greek revolution broke out in 1821, and a
National Congress assembled at Epidaurus the
same year. On the 1st of January, 1822, this Con-
gress published a constitution for the Greek na-
tion. From this period a bloody and devastating
war was waged against them by the Turks for a
period of set en years. At length the govern-
ments of Rmsia, France and Great Britain inter-
fered. The Turkish marine was annihilated at
. the battle of Navarino, a French army occupied
f he Morea, and Greece became an independent
’ state under the protection of the three powers in

Independent Greece comprises the Morea and
“the territory without the isthmus, bounded on
' the north by a line beginning at the mouth of
the river Aspropotamus, the' ancient Achelous,
and passing up the south-eastern bank of that
river to Angelo Castron. Thence it passes
through the lakes Sacarovista and Vrachori, to
mount Artoleria and thence along the valley of
Calouri, and the top of mount CEta to the gulf
of Zeitoun. The western Sporades and Cyclades
are also included; the whole forming a territory
about double the extent of the state of Massachu-
setts, and containing a population of 650,000.
The government in its present state is provision-
al and experimental. During the war it was
elective and republican, but the three protecting
powers have, recently made attempts to establish
a monarchy in Greece. The Prince of Saxe Co-
burg was offered the crown but declined it.

Greece, ph. Monroe Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,574.

Greegville, p.-v. Loudon Co. Va.

Greene, the name of 11 counties in different
parts of the United States. The following are
the States in which they are situated, with the
population of each county and the name of the
chief town.

New York,    29,525    Catskilh

Pennsylvania, W. Dis. 18,028    Waynesbur*.

N. Carolina,    6,313    Snow Hill.”

Georgia,    12.551    Greenesborough.

Alabama,    15,026    Erie.

Mississippi,    1,849    Leaksville.

Tennessee, E.    14,410    Greenville.

Kentucky,    13,718    Greensburg.

Ohio,    15,084    Xenia.

Indiana,    4,353    Bloomfield,

Illinois.    7,664    Carrollton.

Greene, is also the name of a town in Kennebec
Co. Me. Pop. 1,324. A village in Chenango Co.
N. Y., townships in Greene and Beaver and
Franklin Cos. Pa. and 12 townships in Ohio.

In Maine and Ohio the above name is spelt

Greenfield, ph. Hillsborough Co. N. H. 62 m.
fr. Boston. Pop? 946.

Green Bna. an arm or bay of Lake Michigan,
on the N. W. side, about 90 m. in length. At
its junction with the lake is a group of islands.
The bay is navigable for vessels of 200 tons.

Greenburg, p.t. Westchester Co. N. Y. Pop.


Greenbush, p.v. Windsor Co. Vt.

Greenbusk, ph. Rensselaer Co. N. Y. on the
Hudson opposite Albany. Pop. 3,216.

Green Castle, p.v. Franklin Co. Pa. Also a
village in Fairfield Co. Ohio.

Greenfield, ph. Hillsborough Co. N. H. Pop.
946. Also a. ph. Franklin Co. Mass on the Con
necticut, 20 m. above Northampton Pop. 1,540
Also a ph. Saratoga Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,151. Also
towns and villages in Bedford and Erie Cos. Pa.,
Nelson Co. Va., Fairfield, Gallia and Highland
Cos. Ohio.

Greenfield Hill, a village in Fairfield Co. Conn.
6 m. W. Bridgeport.

Green Hill, p.v. Campbell Co. Va.

Greenland, a country in theN. E. part of Amer-
ica, extending probably to the pole. It was dis-
covered in the tenth century, by the Nor vegians,
who planted a colony on the eastern
c ast; and
the intercourse between this colony and Denmark
was continued till the beginning of the 15th cen-
tury : in that century, by the gradual increase of
the arctic ice, the colony became cor pletely im-
prisoned by the frozen ocean ; while on the W.
a range of mountains and pjains, covered with
perpetual ice, precluded all access. This settle-
ment contained several churches and monaste-
ries, and is said to have extended about 200 miles
in the S. E. extremity. In more recent times the
western coast washed by the waters of Davis’
Straits and Baffin’s Bay, was chiefly explored
by Davis and other English navigators; but there
was no attempt to settle a colony. In 1721, a
Norwegian clergyman, named Egede, proceeded
to this dreary country, where he continued till
1735, preaching to the natives; and his benevo-
lent example has been since followed by several
missionaries. The country is said to be inhabit-
ed as far as 76. N. lat. but the Danish and Mo-
ravian settlements are chiefly in the S. W. ex-

This country, in reality, is nothing more than a
mass of rocks intermingled with immense blocks
of ice, thus forming at once the image of chaos
and of winter.
Icy Peak, an enormous mass of
ice, rises near the mouth of a river, and diffuses
such a brilliancy through the air, that it is distinct-
ly perceived at the distance of more than ten
leagues. Icicles, and an immense vault, give this
edifice of crystal a most magic appearance. An
uninterrupted chain of mountains traverses the
part of Greenland with which we are acquainted.
There are innumerable gulfs, but none of them
advance towards the eastern coast. The three
points called
Stag’s Horn, are descried at sea at the
distance of five-and-twenty leagues. The rocks
are rent into fissures, which, in general, are per-
pendicular, and are rarely more than half a yard
in breadth, and contain a great quantity of spar,
quartz, talc, and garnets. The rocks are com-
monly composed of granite, clay slate, and pot-
stone, arranged in vertical beds. The
at Copenhagen has received from this
country a very rich mineral of copper ore, schistus
of the nature of mica, a coarse marble, and ser-
pentines, together with asbestos, amianthus, crys-
tals, and black schorl. Greenland likewise fur-
nishes us with
a new and curious mineral, the
fluate of alumina. A vast mine of sea-coal has
been discovered in the island of Disco Three
hot springs are the only volcanic indications that
have hitherto been observed. During the short
season of summer, the air, which is very pure on
the mainland, is obscured in the islands by fogs.
The flitting glimmer of the aurora borealis, in some
degree softens the gloomy horror of the polar night
Wnat has been termed the smoke of ice, is a
pour which rises from the < revices of marine ice
rare occurrence of ra i . the small quantity of

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