Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 350
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GRE    350    GRE

Gretnsborcugh, ph. Orleans Co. Vt. 30 m. N.
E. Montpelier. Pop. 784. Also towns in Caro-
line Co.Maryland, Mecklenburg Co. Va., Guilford
Co. N. C., Green Co. Ala., and Greene Co. Geo.

Greensburgh, ph. Westchester Co. N. Y. Pop.

2,195. Also towns in Westmoreland and Green
Cos. Pa., Greene Co. Ken. and Decatur Co. Ind.

Greensted, a village in Essex, Eng. 1 m. W.
of Ongar, remarkable for its little church, (built
prior to the Conquest) the walls oT which are
formed of the trunks of trees.

Greenville, a frontier county of the E. District
of Virginia, bounded on the N. by the great Not-
toway river, and S. by North Carolina ; super-
fices about 300 square miles. Pop. 7,117. Hicks-
ford is the chief town.

Greenup, a frontier county, the extreme N. E.
point of Kentucky, with a superfices of about
800 square miles. Pop. 5,853. Greenupsburg is
the chief town.

Greenville, a district at the N. W. extremity of
South Carolina; superfices about 600 square
miles. Pop. 16,476. The chief town of the same
name in the centre of the county is 95 m. W. N.
W. of Columbia.

Greenville, ph. Greene Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,565.
Also towns and villages in Providence Co. R. I.,
Luzerne and Somerset Cos. Pa., Sussex Co. N.J.,
Augusta Co. Va., Pitt Co. N. C., Greenville and
Darlington Districts, S. C., Greene Co. Tenn.,
Muhlenberg Co. Ken., Darke Co. Ohio, Floyd
Co. Ind., Bond Co. Illinois, Jefferson Co. Mis-
sissippi and Butler Co. Alabama.

Greenwich, formerly a district town, but now an
appendage to the British metropolis. It is seated in
the county of Kent, on the S. bank of the Thames,

5 m. below London Bridge. It is celebrated for
its hospital for wounded and decayed seamen of
the natioual marine, which is one of the finest
architectural edifices in the world. The buildings
consists of four distinct piles, two along the bank
of the river, with a noble terrace in front 860
feet in length; between these two piles is a lawn
270 feet wide ; the two other piles are built behind,
projecting into the square or lawn, so as to form a
quadrangle with an opening in the centre, which
is terminated by an elegant building more recent-
ly erected for a naval school; behind this on the
summit of a hill, is the royal observatory, from
whence the English mariners reckon their longi-
tude : a beautiful colonnade adjoins the buildings
in the interior of the quadrangle, and immediate-
ly contiguous is a spacious park most beautifully
undulated and planted with trees, affording the
most delightful promenades and interesting pros-
pects, whilst the liberality and economy of the
establishment is in every way worthy of the
celebrity it has acquired, and the interest inspired
by the heauty and magnificence of the edifice and
its surrounding objects. Here was once a royal
palace, in which Edward VI. died, and queen
Mary and queen Elizabeth were born : it has been
long pulled do win, and on part of its site now
stands the house belonging to the ranger of the
ark. Here is a college, for the maintenance of
0 decayed housekeepers ; and another called
Queen Elizabeth college. In 1799, the chapel of
the hospital, the dining-hall, and eight wards were
destroyed hy fire ; but the whole were soon re-
built. The town is irregularly built, and with
the exception of the church, which is a noble
structure, and the hospital, has nothing to recom-
mend it to particular notice. Since 1820, one or
two new churches have been built, and the town
generally has undergone some improvement,
Pop. in 1801, 14,339, and in 1821, 20,712. See
Blackheath, and Deptford. The observatory is in
the lat. of 50. 29. N.

Greenwich, ph. Hampshire Co. Mass. Pop. 813.
Also a town in Fairfield Co. Conn. Pop. 3,805.
Also 2 towns in Kent Co. R. I. called East and
West Greenwich. Pop. of the former 1,591; of
the latter 1,817. Also a town in Washington
Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,850, and towns in Gloucester
and Cumberland Cos. N. J., Berks Co. Pa. and
Charleston District S. C.

Greenwood, a township of Oxford Co. Me. Pop
694. Also a town in Columbia Co. Pa.

Greensburg, p.v. Beaver Co. Pa.

Gregstown, a village of Somerset Co. N. J.

Greiffen, a town of Switzerland, on a small lake
of its name, 9 m. E. S. E. of Zurich.

Greiffenberg, a town of Brandenburgh, in the
Ucker Mark, on the river Sernitz, 13 m. S. S. E.
of Prenzlo, and 28 N. N. E. of Berlin.

Greiffenberg, a town of Silesia, in the principal-
ity of Jauer, with a fortress on a mountain. It is
celebrated for its linen manufactures, and seated
on the Queiss, 28 m. W. S. W. of Lignitz.

Greiffenhagen, a town of Further Pomerania, on
the river Oder, 12 m. S. of Stettin.

Greifswalde. See Gripswald.

Grein, a town of Austria, on the Danube, 28 m.
E. of Lintz.

Greit. See Graitz.

Grenada, an island in the West Indies, the last
of the Windward Caribbees, and 30 leagues N. W.
of Tobago. It is 20 m. long, and 13 broad, finely
wooded, and the soil suited to produce sugar,
tobacco, and indigo. It was taken from the
French in 1762, confirmed to the English in 1763,
taken by the French in 1779, and restored to the
English in 1783. In 1795, the French landed
some troops, and caused an insurrection in this
island, which was not finally quelled till June
1796. St. George is the capital.

Grenadillas, or Grenadines, a cluster of islands
in the West Indies, dependent on Grenada, and
situate between that island and St. Vincent.
They are upwards of 20 in number, most of them
fertile, and capable of producing cotton, coffee,
indigo, and sugar. The most considerable is

Grenade, a town of France, in the department
of Upper Garonne, seated at the junction of the
Save with the Garonne, 17 m. N. W. of Toulouse.
Pop. 3,925.

Grenoble, a city of France, capital of the de-
partment of Isere, and a bishop’s see, with a fort-
ified castle. The leather and gloves that are
made here are highly esteemed. It is seated on
the Isere, over which are two bridges to pass
into file part called Perriere, a large street on the
side of the river. It is the head quarters of the
7th military division, and seat of the Cour Royale
for the department of the Upper Alps, Drome,
and Isere; 300 m. S. S. E. of Paris, 60 from
Lyons, and 100 due W. of Turin. Pop. in 1822,

Gretna-Green, a village of Scotland, in Dum-
friesshire, near the mouth of the Esk, and on the
borders of Cumberland. It has long been famous
for the clandestine marriages of fugitive lovers
from England, which are usually performed by
two illiterate and drunken mechanics in the vil
lage, who have no form in the operation, except
ing the entry of the name of the parties in a
scnool-boy’s copy-book. All their inquiries turn

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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