Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 350 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 350 Right Column
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Greenwich, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, United States (main entry)
    Greenwich, Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States
    East Greenwich, Kent County, Rhode Island, United States
    West Greenwich, Kent County, Rhode Island, United States
    Greenwich, Washington County, New York, United States
    Greenwich, Gloucester County, New Jersey, United States
    Greenwich, Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States
    Greenwich, Berks County, Pennsylvania, United States
    Greenwich, Charleston District, South Carolina, United States
Greenwood, Oxford County, Maine, United States (main entry)
    Greenwood, Columbia County, Pennsylvania, United States
Greensburg, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
Gregstown, Somerset County, New Jersey, United States (main entry)
Greiffen, Switzerland (main entry)
    Greiffen (Lake)
    Zurich (directional)
Greiffenberg, Ucker Mark, Brandenburgh (main entry)
    Sernitz River
    Prenzlo (directional)
    Berlin (directional)
Greiffenberg, Jauer, Silesia (main entry)
    Queiss River
    Lignitz (directional)
Greiffenhagen, Further Pomerania (main entry)
    Oder River
    Stettin (directional)
Greifswalde (main entry)
Grein, Austria (main entry)
    Danube River
    Lintz (directional)
Greit (main entry)
Grenada (Island), Windward Caribbees (Islands), West Indies (Islands) (main entry)
    Tobago (directional)
    St. George, Grenada (Island), Windward Caribbees (Islands), West Indies (Islands)
Grenadillas (Islands), West Indies (Islands) (main entry)
    Grenadines (synonym for Grenadillas (Islands), West Indies (Islands))
    St. Vincent (Island)
    Cariacou (Island), Grenadillas (Islands), West Indies (Islands)
    Grenade, Haute-Garonne, France
    Save River
    Garonne River
    Toulouse (directional)
Grenoble, Isère, France (main entry)
    Cour Royale
    Seventh Military Division
    Hautes-Alpes, France
    Drôme, France
    Paris (directional)
    Lyons (directional)
    Turin (directional)
Gretna-Green, Dumfriesshire, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Esk River
    Cumberland, United Kingdom
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