Groyne. See Corunna.
Grubenhagen, a town and castle of Hanover. The castle is now in ruins. It is 7 m. S. by W. of Eimbick.
Grubenhagen, a principality of Hanover, at the S. extremity of the circle of Lower Saxohy, com- prising a portion of the Hartz mountains The principal towns are Osterode, Grund, Clausthal, Cellerfeld, &c.
Grunberg, a tovjn of Germany, in the electorate of Hesse, where the kings of the Merolingian race and Charlemagne held their court. It is 10 m. E. of Giesen.
Grunberg, or Grumberg, a populous town of Silesia, in the principality of Glogau, surrounded With vineyards. Here is a manufacture of cloth, and a great trade in vinegar and dried fruits. It is 30 m. N. AA7. of Glogau.
Grunde, a town of Hanover, in the mountains of Hartz, 4 m. W. of Clausthal.
Grunhayn, a town of Upper Saxony, in Misnia, with a trade in copper and lead, 16 m. S. by W. of Chemnitz.
Gruningen, a town in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland, with a castle on an elevated rock, 10 m. S. E. of Zurich.
Grunstadt, a town of Germany, in the circle of Upper Rhine, county of Leiningen, 22 m. N. N. W of Spire, and 25 S. of Mentz.
Gruyeres, a town and bailiwic of Switzerland, in the canton of Frisburg, with a castle on a hill. It has a great trade in cheese, and is 15 m S. AV. of Frisburg.
Gryfe, a river of Scotland, which rises in the S. W. angle of Renfrewshire, runs over several precipices into the lower country, falling into the Black Cart, near the town of Paisley.
Guadalaxara, an interior province of Spain, forming the N. W. part of the kingdom of New Castile. Superfices 163 square leagues, with a pop in 1810, of 121,115. The chief town of the same name is seated on the banks of the river Henares, 30 m. N. E. of Madrid. It has a wool- en manufacture. Pop. about 12,000.
Guadalaxara, one of the 15 intendencies or di- visions of Mexico, bounded on the AV. by the Pa- cific Ocean. Superfices 73,623 sq. m. with a pop. in 1803 of 630,500. It is intersected by- the San- tiago river, or Rio Grande. The chief town of the same name is seated on the W. bank of the Santiago, in the lat. of 21. 19. N., 70 m. N. of Chapala, and 275 N. W. of the city of Mexico. Pop. about 20,000.
Guadaloupe, a town of Spain, in Estremadura, with a celebrated convent; seated on a rivulet of the same name, 34 m. E. by N. of Truxillo.
Guadaloupe, one of the Leeward Carribean isl- ands, in the West Indies, between Antigua and Dominica. It is divided into two parts by a strait, called the Salt River. At this place the land on each side is not above 4 m. broad, and hy this strait the sea on the N. AV. communicates with that on the S. E. The S. W. part is 60 m. long and 24 broad ; and the N. E. part is much the same. The soil is exceedingly good, and well watered near the sea, by rivulets which fall from the mountains, and produces large quantities of sugar, cotton, and coffee. On this island is a vol- cano, called the mountain of Sulphur ; and on its E. side are two mouths, which open into a pit of sulphur: the' blacks who sell brimstone fetch it from this pit. The French settled on this island in 1635. It was taken by the English in 1759, but restored in 1763; again taken by the English in 1794, but evacuated the next year. The Eng lish again took it in 1810; and, in order to allure the Swedes into the late coalition against France, gave them this island. It was, however, by the consent of Sweden, restored to France in 1814. Basseterre, at the S. W. extremity of the island, is the capital. Lat. 16. N., 61. 48. W. long. |
Guadalquivir, a river of Spain which rises in the S. part of New Castile, flows through the kingdoms of Jaen, Cordova, and Seville, and en- ters the bay of Cadiz at San Lucar, after a course of about 300 m.
Guadarrama, a town of Spain, in Old Castile. It has a great trade in cheese, and is seated on the Guadarrama, 25 m. N. W. of Madrid.
Guadiana, a river which rises in New Castile, in Spain, crosses Estremadura into Portugal, and, separating Algarve from Andalusia, enters the bay of Cadiz at Ayamonte.
Guadix, a town of Spain, in Granada, and a bishops see. It contains three parishes and six convents, and is situate in a rich country, on a river of the same name, 36 m. E. N. E. of Gran- ada.
Guam, the chief of the Ladrone Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, 100 m. in circumference. The Spaniards have a garrison here; but the inhabi- tants are almost all natives of the country, and reputed to be skilful in building boats. It abounds with excellent fruit, and has several good har hours. Umata is the capital. Long. 143. 15. E lat. 13. 10. N.
Guamanga, a city of Peru, capital of an interior province of the same name. It is famous for its mines of silver. It is 180 m. E. S. E. of Lima. Long. 74. 5. W., lat. 13. 20. S. The province in 1795 contained 111,559 inhabitants, of whom 75,284 were native Indians, and 29,620 Mestizoes.
Guanahani, or Cat Island, one of the Bahama Islands, the first land of America, discovered by Columbus in 1491, rind named by him St. Salva- dor. See Bahamas.
Gu.anore, an interior town of Colombia, seated on a branch of the Apure River, 195 m. S. W. of Caracas, and 130 E. of Merida. Pop. estimated at 12,000.
Guanaxuato, a small interior province of Mexi- co, containing only 6,878 sq. m. but a pop. of 517, 300; it is the most densely populated part of the country, and is considered the most productive mineral district in Mexico. The chief city, of the same name, is seated on the eastern declivity of the Cordilleras, upwards of 6,800 feet above the level of the sea, in the lat. of 21. N., and 101. 55. of W. long., giving a mean distance from the city of Mexico of 190 geographical, or 214 British statute m. Pop. about 40,000, exclusive of about
30,000 more, employed in, or dependant on, the mines in its immediate vicinity.
Guaneavdica, an interior province of Peru, E. of the maritime range of the Andes, extending about 190 m. from N. to S. between the lat. of 12. 20. and 14. 30. S., and is about 50 m. in mean breadth; it is thinly populated but has mines of quicksilver. The chief city, of the same name is seated in an elevated glen of the Andes, in the lat. of 13. 5. S., and 74. 35. of W. long., 170 m S. E. of Lima.
Guanuco, a town of Peru, capital of a fruitfu district of the same name. It is 172 m. N. N. E of Lima.
Guarco. See Gagnete.
Guarda, a town of Portugal, in Beira, and a bishops see. It is strong by nature and art, and |