Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 356
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pleasant taste to chocolate and many products of
cookery. The cocoa tree grows spontaneously
on the east of the Oyapok; indigo and vanilla are
indigenous to the soil; manioc and cassada are
considered the best alimentary plants ; the potato,
the igname, two kinds of millet and the tayove
are also very nutritive.

The quadrupeds of Guiana are the same as
those of Brazil and Paraguay. M. Bajon states,
that the jaguar is smaller in this country than in
any other part of America; he adds, that it can
bring an ox to the ground, hut that it is afraid of
man, and never ventures to attack him. Sted-
man on the other hand observes, that these ani-
mals sometimes carry off negro women, and too
frequently their children, while they are working
in the fields. The
cougar, or red tiger of Suri-
nam is less than the jaguar, but resembles it in
its habits, and is equally ferocious. The tiger-
cat is a very beautiful animal of the same class ;
it is not much larger than the common cat, and
of a yellow colour with annulated black spots;
like the rest of its kind, it is lively, mischievous,
and untameable. It is evident, from Stedman’s
account of the jaguaretta, that he supposes it to
be different from the jaguar ; but this opinion is
contrary to the common one and to that of the
most celebrated naturalists, who consider the
jaguaretta to be the same animal as the jaguar.
The ant bear is indigenous to the country; the
two species, which are best known are the ta-
manda and the tamanoir ; the former is almost
eight feet in length ; it attacks the jaguar, and
seldom leaves its hold without destroying it.
canerophagus, or dog-crab, frequents the sea-
shore and uses its feet very dexterously in draw-
ing shell-fish out of their cavities. There are

many species of monkeys in Guiana ; the quota
is, perhaps, the most remarkable from its like-
ness to man; a fanciful traveller takes notice of
a striking resemblance between these animals
and Indian old women. The
guata has short ears,
four fingers on its hands, and five toes on its feet;
the extremity of its tail is of a spiral form, and
enables it to suspend itself on the branches of
trees. Some naturalists maintain that the
has been observed in Guiana, but this is
by no means certain, and many well-informed
travellers are of a different opinion. Three spe-
cies of deer are said to be indigenous to the coun-
try, and one of these, (the
eariacon,) resembles
the roe-buck in size and form. The
agouti and
paea are considered the best game in Guiana.
eobiai is an amphibious animal armed with
strong tusks, and covered with bristles; it has
been classed as a sDecies of cavey on account of
its not having a tail. The peccary or Mexican
hog has an orifice on its back containing a fetid
liquor not unlike musk, for which reason it has
heen called the
porcus moseldferus; they go to-
gether in herds and sometimes lay waste orchards
and cultivated fields. The Indians shoot them
with poisoned arrows.

The boa, or, as it is called in the country, the
aboma, is a large amphibious snake about forty
feet in length, and four or five in circumference ;
it is indifferent as to its prey, and destroys, when
hungry, any animal that comes within its reach;
the negroes consider it excellent food, and its fat
is converted into oil. The rattle snake and dip-
sas are the most noxious reptiles in Guiana; the
sting of the latter is not always fatal, but it pro
duces fever accompanied with excessive thirst,
from which circumstance it has derived its name ;
Guiana is besides infested with serpents, lizards,
and alligators. Waterton the traveller has given
us an account of his amusement in riding upon

the back of one of these latter animals. Those that
have visited Holland and Lower Holstein, may
form an imperfect notion of the Dutch and British
settlements in Guiana;xe2x80x94a vast plain covered with
plantations, or enamelled with a rich verdure,
bounded on one side by a dark ridge of impene-
trable forests, and watered on the other by the
azure billows of the ocean. This garden, between
the sea and the desert, is intersected by a great
many streams confined by dikes, and separated
from each other,by excellent roads or navigable
canals. Each habitation seems to be a village,
from the number of small buildings attached to
it, and the natural beauties of the country form a
striking Contrast with its rich cultivation. The
revolted negroes have established several petty
republics in the interior; although the inhabit-
ants of these states go naked, they live in abun-
dance. They make their butter from the fat of
the palm-tree worm, and extract good oil from
the pistachio nut. They are not only skilled in
the chase, but are expert fishermen, and acquaint-
ed with the art of curing their provisions. Like
the Hindoos, they obtain salt from the ashes of
the palm-tree : and if a sufficient quantity of that
article cannot be procured, they season their food
with red pepper. The palm-tree furnishes them
with plenty of wine ; their fields are covered with
rice, manioc, ignames and plantains. The mani-
cole supplies them with all the materials of which
their huts are constructed; their cups of gourds
are made from the calabash tree, and a sort of
net-work woven by an insect, serves them for
hats. The
nebees or banes, so common in the
forests, are converted into cordage.

Guienne, a late province ofFrance, 220 m. long
and 85 broad, on the S. W. coast, of which Bor
deaux was the capital. It now forms the depart-
ment of Gironde, Lot and Garonne, Dordogne,
Lot, and Aveyron.

Guildford, a borough in Surry, Eng. It is sea-
ted on the Wey, on the side of a hill, and had a


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