tains three parish churcftes, and has a considera- ble trade, and sends one member to parliament. The assizes and county gaol are kept here; and it had once a wall and castle, now in ruins, the latter built in the reign of Stephen. It is seated on the Cleddaw, which is navigable for vessels of small burden as high as the bridge, and which soon after enters a creek of Milford haven, 15 pi- E_ S. E. of St. David, and 263 W. by N. of London. Long. 5. 0. W., lat. 51. 50. N.
Haverhill, ph. Grafton Co. N. H. on the Con- necticut, 35 m. N. W. of Dartmouth College. Pop. 2,153.
Haverhill, ph. Essex Co. Mass. on the Merrimack, 12 m. above Newburyport. Pop. 3,912. This is a pleasantly situated town and has considerable ship building- and trade by the river. It was set- tled in 1640 and suffered much in the early Indian wars. In 1698 the Indians attacked and set fire to the town. A troop of them approached the house of a Mr. Dustan, who at that time wins abroad in the fields. He flew to the house, which contained his wife and eight children. He direct- ed the children to escape as fast as possible while lie attempted to save his wife who was sick in bed. Before this could be done, the savages winre at hand. He flew to the door, mounted his horse, seized his gun and hastened awav with his chil- dren. The Indians pursued and fired upon them,
but Dustan returned the fire and keeping himself in the rear ol his troop of little ones held the savages at bay till he had retreated to a place of safety. Mrs. Dustan with her infant, six days old and their nurse, fell into the hands of the In- dians.
The child was soon dashed against a tree and killed. The Indians divided into several parties f r subsistence ; and Mrs. Dustan and her nurse, and a bin- taken from Worcester, fell to the lot of a family twelve, with whom they travelled through tk-.* w'.bfamess to an island at the mouth of Cont-fa? xe2x80xa2 river, in the towin of Boscawen, N.
H. where t.iev encamped for the night. Just be- fore daylight, finding the whole company in a pro. found -o. st - arose and armed herself and com- panions with ti.e Indian tomahawks, which they wielded wit.a s . di destructive effect, that ten of tiie twelve '-ere xc2xabns: intly despatched ; one woman escaping, wli in -in.- thought they had killed, and a favourite bin . as designedly left. They took the scalps of ?h- cin-quered enemy, and taking a canoe for their own use, and cutting holes in one or more that winre left, to prevent pursuit, they descended the river, and arrived home in safety. She received a reward of 50 pounds from the treasury of the colony. The place whence they were taken, is about one m. north of the town; it is still owned by her descendants, and part ot the house is still standing.
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Haveril, a town in Suffolk, Eng. on the borders of Essex, with a manufacture of checks, cottons, and fustians. It is 16 m. S. W. of Bury, and 59 N. E. of London.
Haverstraw, ph. Rockland Co. N. Y., on the Hudson. Pop. 2,306.
Havre de Grace, a very important and commer- cial sea-port of France, in the department of Lower Seine, with a strong citadel, a good arsenal, and storehouses for the construction and arming of ships. It is surrounded by lofty walls, and large ditches filled with water. The harbour has par- ticular advantages above all others on the coast; for the water does not begin to ebb till near three hours after the full tide. It is capable of contain- ing a great number of the largest vessels. This town was bombarded by the English in 1694 and 1759. It is seated at the mouth of the Seine, 45 m. AV. of Rouen, and 112 N. W. of Paris, of which it is the sea-port. Long. 0. 6. E., lat. 49. 29. N Pop. 21,000.
Havre de Grace, a town of Maryland, in Hart- ford county, on the AV. side of the Susquehanna, at the head of Chesapeak bay, 37 m. N. E. of Bal- timore.
Hausen, a towin of Suabia, in Brisgau, on the river Kintsig, 22 m. N. N. E. of Friburg.
Hausruckcitrtd, on the quarter of Hausruck, a circle of Upper Austria, bounded on the N. E. by the Danube, S. E. hy the quarter of Traun, S. W. by Bavaria, and N. W. by the quarter of Inn, comprising a superficies of 733 square m. Pop. about 109,000. The chief town is Lintz.
Huuterive. a town of France, in the department of Upper Garonne, seated on the Arriege, 18 m. S. of Toulouse.
Hatcarden. a town of AAales, in Flintshire, with a considerable manufacture of earthenware, and a foundery for cannon. On an eminence between the town and the river Dee, are the remains of an ancient castle. It is 7 m. AV. of Chester, and 196 N. W. of London.
Hawick, a towin of Scotland, in Roxburghshire, with manufactures of carpeting, woolen stockings, and tape. It is seated on the Tiviot, where it re- ceives the small river Slitridge, by which it is di- vided into two parts, and over which there are two bridges. It has a parish church, and three chap- els for dissenters. It is 21 m. S. W. of Kelso, and 47 S. S. W. of Edinburgh.
Hatcke, ph. Rockingham Co. N. H., 2 0m. S. W. Portsmouth. Pop. 528.
Hawkeslmry, a river of New Holland, which empties itself into Broken Bay, on the eastern coast. It is navigable upwards of 100 m. for small vessels. See Broken Bay.
Hawkskead, a towin in Lancashire, Eng. Here is a neat towin house Bind an excellent free school, founded by archbishop Sandys, a native of this place. It is 24 m. N. N. AV. of Lancaster, and 276 N. N. AV. of London.
Haickins, a county of East Tennessee, border- ing on Virginia, watered by the rivers Holston and Clinch. Pop. 10,949. Rogersville, is the chief town.
Hawley, ph. Franklin Co. Mass. Pop. 1,037.
Haws-woter, a lake in Westmorland, Eng. S. of Penrith, 3 m. long, and half a mile over in some places. It is almost divided in the middle by a promontory of inclosures, so that it consists of 2 sheets of water.
Hay, a town of Wales, in Brecknockshire. It had a fine castle, now demolished; and about 2 m. be- low is the ruin of Clifford castle, where fair Rosa |