amna, the Ganges, and their numerous tributary ivers. Farther east, they seem to be penetrated xc2xbby several rivers, as the Gonduh, the Arum, the Teesta, and Cosi, and the Burrampooter. The geography of the countries to the east of this last iver is so little known, that it is a question whether the same mountain range is continued any farther. It seems agreed that, if it is contin- ued, its height ceases to be equally great; it is orobable, however, that a continuation of it ex- tends along the northern frontier of the provinces of Quang-si and Quang-tong all the way to the Chinese sea, declining gradually as it advances to he east.
The following are the heights of some of the peaks which have been ascertained :
Dhawalagivri, or the AVhite Mountain, near the sources of the Gonduk river, above the level of the sea, - - 26,862
.amootri,...... 25,500
Dhaiboon, seen frqm Catmandoo, - 24,768
Another peak seen from the same capital, 24,625 Another near to the preceding, - - 23,262
A third in the same vicinity, - - 23,052
Peak St. George, - 22,240
Thus the Himmaleh mountains exceed in eleva- tion the Andes of America; that of Chimborazo, the highest of the latter, not exceeding 21,470 feet above the sea. Through/this stupendous chain there are different passes, but all of them la- borious to travel, and some highly dangerous. One of the most practicable is that which in its upper part, follows the bed of the river Sutledge. To the east of this, there are some practicable only at a favourable season, and where the trav- eller still runs the hazard of being caught in a fall of snow, or otherwise perishing with cold. Through the whole mountainous tract, and even before ascending much ahove the inhabited parts, the traveller is liable to be attacked with an alarm- ing failure of respiration, from the great rarity of the air, an affection attributed by the natives to- various fanciful and sometimes superstitious cau- ses. Some of the most difficult passes are occa- sionallv traversed by marauding parties from the one side of the Himmaleh to carry off the property of the inhabitants on the other. Such passes ex- ist between Nepaul and Thibet.or that stripe lying close to the north side of the Himmaleh which is inhabited by Bhootees, and may probably come under the name of Bootan, a name of which we are not at present able to assign the exact local extent. Here there are also one or more easier passes chiefly along the beds of the rivers Gon- duk, Arum, and Teesta. Hence armies have crossed from Nepual to attack the territory of Thi- bet, and a Chinese army has in return invaded and subjugated Nepaul. The difficulty of access to these regions, heightens the ardour of the ad- miring Hindoo, actuated in some degree hy curi- osity, but much more by superstition, to bathe himself in the icy streams which give origin to xe2x80x98he Ganges or its mighty tributaries ; to contem- plate the mystic rock, which so closely resembles the hind quarters of a bullock, and is reputed to have been the result of a holy transmutation of a divine being, a scene where it is reckoned a merit to make a voluntary sacrifice of life, by precipita- ting the body over the fatal crag. Superstition has in many instances chosen to cherish its pro- pensities in localities signalized as the origin of large and fertilizing rivers. No where is this carried so far as in this mountainous tract, and it must be confessed, that in no locality is the sub- lime character of the scenery so much in unison with such feelings. In the Hindoc Pantheon Himmaleh is defined, and is described as the father of the Ganges, and of her sister Ooma, the spouse of the destroying power Siva, the favourite object of propitiatory adoration. |
Hinchinbrook Isle, an island on the west coast of America, in Prince Williams Sound. Lat. 60. 24. N., and long. 142. 35. to 146. 10. W.
Hinchinbrook Isle, one of the New Hebrides, in the Pacific Ocean. Long. 168. 38. E., lat. 17. 25. S.
Hinehleij, a town in Leicestershire, Eng. It has a large church, with a lofty spire ; and had formerly a castle and walls, traces of which are still to be seen. Here is a considerable manufac- ture of common stockings, thread, and worsted It is seated on an eminence, 12 in. S. W. of Lei- cester, and 99 N. N. W. of London.
Hinddopen, a town of the Netherlands, in Friesland, seated on the Zuider Zee 21 m. S. S. W. of Lewarden.
Hindia, a town of Hindoostan, capital of a country of the same name, in Candeish ; situate on the S. hank of the Nerbudda, 90 m. N. N. E. of Burhampour.
Hindoostan, or India, and by the Aborigines, called Bharatta, a region of Asia, which com- prises all the countries between the mountains of Tartary and Thibet on the N., Bootan, Assam, and the bay of Bengal, on the E., the Indian Ocean on the S., and the same ocean and Persia on the W. But this country must be considered under the three grand divisions of Hindoostan Proper, the Deccan, and the Peninsula. Hindooston Pro- per includes the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and all those that lie to the N. of the river Nerbudda; the principal of which are Agimere, Agra, Alla habad, Cashmere, Dehli, Guzerat, Lahore, Malwa, Moultan, Oude, and Sindy. The Deccan has been extended to the whole region S. of Hindoostan Proper; but in its most restricted sense, it means only the countries situate between Hindoostan Proper and the river Kistna. See Deccan. The tract S. of the river Kistna, is generally called the Peninsula; although its form does not authorize that appellation : it includes a small part of Gol- conda, Mysore, and the Carnatic, with Madura, and other smaller districts; the W. coast being called that of Malabar, and the E. that of Coro- mandel. The sheiks possess Lahore, part of Moul- tan and Delhi; the king of Candahar, Cashmere, Cabul, Sindy, and part of Moultan ; Berar and Orissa, Malwa, Candeish, Visiapour, and part of Agimere and Guzerat, are in the possession of the Mahrattas ; and the nizam of the Deccan posses- ses Golconda, part of Dawlatabad and Berar.
The British possessions are Bengal, Bahar, part of Allahabad, and Orissa, the Northern Circars, the Jaghire in the Carnatic, the countries north and south of Calicut, Bombay, and the island of Salsette. The allies of the British are the Rajahs of Mysore, Tanjore, Madura, Travancore, Tritch- inopoly, the nabobs of Oude and Arcot, and the district of Cochin. The principal rivers are the Ganges, the Indus, Nerbudda, Puddar, Taptee, Caggar, Mahanada, Godavery, Kistna. The chief mountains are the Himmaleh, the western and eastern Ghauts, and those which divide Bengal from Ava. The number of inhabitants is upwards of 100,000,000, of which the greater proportion are idolaters, and are divided into three great sects; the first worship the Triad, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva; the second are the followers |