Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 379
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HOA    379    HOG

lish vessels, for the sake of procuring water and
provisions. The commodities in demand are
arms, toys, looking-glasses, shirts and blue and
red cloth. Saltam is the capital. Long. 41. 30.
xc2xa3., lat. 12.54. S.

Hio,’ a town of Sweden, in Gothland, seat-
ed on the lake Wetter, 145 m. S. W. of Stock-

Hiorring, a decayed town of Denmark, in N.
Jutland, 27 m. N. N. W . of Aalborg.

Hiram, ph. Oxford Co. Me. Pop. 1,026. Also
a village in Portage Co. Ohio.

Hirsehberg, a town of Prussian Silesia, in the
principality of Jauer, famous for its mineral
baths. In the neighbourhood are extensive bleach-
ing-grounds, and next to Breslau it is the most
considerable trading town is Silesia. It is seated
on the Boher, 23 m. S. W. of Jauer.

Hirschfeld, a town of Germany, in Lower
Hesse, capital of a principality of the same name,
depending on a famous abbey, which was secular-
ised in a favour of the house of Hesse-Cassel. It
is seated on the Fulda, 34 m. S. by E. of Cassel.
Long. 9. 42. E., lat. 50. 50. N.

Hirseholm, a town of Denmark, in the island
of Zealand, with a castle, 12 m. N. of Copen-

Hischorn, a town of Hesse-Dannstadt, with a
castle ; seated on the Neckar, 7 m. E. of Hei-

Hispaniola. See Domingo, St.

Hissar, a town of Hindoostan, in the country
of Dehli, capital of a district of the same name ;
seated near the river Sorsoory, 112 m. W. N. W.
of Dehli. Long. 75. 40. E., lat. 29. 5. N.

Hit, a town of Syria, near which is a spring of
naphtha and bitumen. It stands on a river of
the same name, which soon after joins the Eu-
phrates, 100 m. W. by S. of Bagdad.

Hitehin, a town of Hertfordshire, Eng. with a
great trade in malt. It has a handsome parish
church, and several meeting-houses. 15 m. N.
N. W. of Hertford, and 34 N. W. of London.

Hithe, or Hythe, a borough in Kent, Eng. It
is one of the principal Cinque Ports. Near it are
the remains of Saltwood Castle, now turned into
a farm house, barns,
Sec. In consequence of the
harbour becoming gradually choked up, the trade
declined ; and the town itself was almost annihi-
lated by pestilence and famine. At present, how-
ever, it is a thriving and respectable place. It is
10 m. W. S. W. of Dover,-and 68 S. E. of Lon-

Uoai-Jdng, a city of China, of the first rank,
in Ho-nan. 320 m. S. W. of Peking. Long. 112.
34. E., lat. 35. 6. N.

Hoain-gn-foo, a city of China, of the first rank,
in Kian-naa. It is seated in a marshy, and in-
closed by a triple wall. The suburbs extend to
the distance of a league on each side of a canal,
and from their extremity a kind of port on the
Hoang-ho. The canal, being above the level of
the city, occasions perpetual danger of inunda-
tion. 515 m. S. S. E. of Peking. Long. 118. 4.
E., laL 53. 30. N.

Hoang-ho, a large river of Asia, also called the
Yellow River, from the quantity of clay which it
devolves. Its sources are two lakes, situate
among the mountains of that part of Tartary
known by the name of Kakonor, in about 35. N.
lat. It pursues a N. E. direction to about 42. N.
lat., and after running due E. it suddenly bends
S. penetrating China to a latitude nearly parallel
So its source j and then it pursues an easterly di-
rection till it enters the Eastern Ocean, 100 m. to
the N. of the mouth of the Kian-hu. The length
of its course is estimated at 2,000 m. At 70 m.
from the sea, where it is crossed by the great ca-
nal, the breadth is little more than a mile; but
it is so rapid and shallow as to be scarcely navi-

Hoboken, a village in Bergen Co. N. J., on the
Hudson, opposite New York, and noted as the
spot where many duels have been fought.

Hochberg, a castle of Baden, situate on a moun-
tain, 2 m. N. E. of Emmeddingen.

Hochst, a town of Germany, in Nassau, with
an extensive tobacco manufacture ; seated on the
Maine, 6 m. W. of Frankfort, and 17 N. E. oi

Hochstadt, a town and castle of Bavaria, fa-
mous for a single victory gained near it hy the
duke of*Marlborough, in 1704, and which the En-
glish call the battle of Blenheim, from a village 3
m. S. W. of this place. It is seated on the Dan
ube, 17 m. S. W. of Donawert.

Hochstadt, a town and castle of Bavarian Fran-
conia, in the principality of Bamberg, on the riv-
er Aisch, 23 m. S. S. W. of Bamberg.

Hockhocking, a river of Ohio, flowing into the
Ohio, 200 m. below Pittsburg. It is navigable
for boats.

Hocking, an interior Co. of Ohio. Pop. 4,606.
Logan is the chief town. Also a township of
Fairfield Co. Ohio

Hoddesdon, a town in Hertfordshire, Eng. seat-
ed near the river Lea, 4 m. S. E. of Herdford,
and 17 N. by E. of London.

Hodtida, a town of Arabia, in Yemen, with a
harbour for small vessels, on the Red Sea, 90 m.
N. N. W. of Mocha. Long. 43. 30. E., lat. 14.

10. N.

Hoei-tcheou, a city of China of the first rank,
in Kian-nan, famous for its tea, varnish, and jap-
aned work, 625 m. S. of Peking.

Hoei-tcheou, a city of China, of the first rank,
in Quang-ton, 1,010 m. S. of Peking.

Hoekelm. See Heukelum.

Hoff, a town of Bavaria, in the principality of
Bayreuth, with manufactures of cotton, linen, and
fine paper. The adjacent country has quarries
of excellent marble. It stand on the Saale, 32 m.
N. N. E. of Bayreuth.

Hoff, a town of Moravia, in the circle of Ol-
mutz, with a great trade of wool, 23 m. N. E. of

Hog Island, one of the smaller Shetland islands
near the coast of the mainland.

Hog Island, is also the name of several other
islands ; one in Pamlico Sound, near the coast of
North Carolina. Long. 76. 36. W., lat. 34. 56. N.
xe2x80x94on the E. side of lake Champlain, 9 m. long
and about 3 broad ; near the coast of Virginia.
Long. 75. 42. W., lat. 37. 30. N.;xe2x80x94in Rhode Isl-
and, in Narraganset Bay, 2 m. in circumference ;
xe2x80x94in the Eastern Sea, near the coast of Palawan.
Long. 11. 36. E., lat. 10.18. N.;xe2x80x94in the Eastern
Sea, 40 m. in length, and 3 in breadth, 60 m. W.
of Sumatra. Long. 95. 50. E., lat. 2. 30. N.;xe2x80x94in
the Eastern Sea, lying off the N. E. extremity of
Java,20 m. in circumference. Long. 114. 55. E.,
lat. 7. 5. S.;xe2x80x94in the Eastern Sea, near the W.
coast of Saleyer, 15 m. in length, and 6 in breadth.
Long. 170. 45. E., lat. 6. 12. S.xe2x80x94on the W. coast
of India, not far from Pigeon Island. Long. 74.

37. E., lat. 14. 2. N.

Hog Islands, a cluster of small islands near the
S. W. coast of Ireland, and couj ty of Kerry, be

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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