solution in the springs. The manufacture of salt by boiling and evaporation is carried on in Galla- tin county, 12 m. W. N. W. from Shawneetown ; in, Jackson county, near Brownsville; and in Vermilion county, near Danville. The springs and land are owend by the State, and the works leased. A coarse marble, much used in building, is dug from quarries near Alton, on the Mississip- pi, where large bodies exist. Scattered over the surface of the prairies, are large masses of rock, of granitic formation, roundish in form, usually called by the people lost rocks. They will weigh from one thousand to ten or twelve thousand pounds, and are entirely detached, and frequently are found several miles distant from any quarry. There has never been a quarry of granite dis- covered in the State.
Agriculture is thriving, but education in Illi- nois is still in its infancy, and many of the settlers have no proper view of its necessity and impor- tance. Many adults, epecially females, are una- ble to read or write, and many more, who are able to read a little, cannot readily understand what they attehipt to read, and therefore take no pleas- ure in books and study. Common schools are usu- ally taught some part of the year in most of the settlements, but more frequently by teachers whol- ly incompetent to the task. The Methodists are the most numerous religious sect. This state is divided in 52 counties, and has a pop. of 157,575, of whom 746 are slaves. The capital is Vandalia. The state was admitted into the Union in 1818. The legislature is composed of a Senate and House of Representatives called the General Assembly. The Senates are chosen for 4 years and the Rep- resentatives for 2. The governor is chosen for 4 years. Elections are popular, and suffrage is universal. In the northern part are many Indian tribes, as the Kaskas, Sauks, Foxes, Potawotam- ies, &c.
Ilm, a town of Saxony, on a river of its name, 13 m. N. W. of Rudolstadt, and 14 S. by E. of Erfurt.
Ilmen, a lake of Russia, in the government of Novogorod, 48 miles long, and from 12 to 18 broad. Near it stands the city of Novogorod. It communicates with lake Ladoga, by the river Volkhof.
Ilmenau, a town of Saxe-Weimar, in Henne- berg. Near it is a mineral spring; also a copper and silver mine. It is seated near the source of the Urn 17 m. E. S. E. ofSmalkalden.
Ilminister, a town in Somersetshire, Eng. with a manufacture of narrow cloths. It is seated among hills, near the river Ille, 26 m. S. VV. of Wells, and 136 W. by S. of London.
Ilsley, a town in Berkshire, Eng. seated between two hills, 14 m. N. W. of Reading, and 54 W. of London.
Est, a town of the Netherlands, in Friesland, seated on the Weymer, 12 m. S. of Lewarden.
Ilstrop, a town of Sweden, in W. Gothland, 27 m. S. S. E. of Gotheburg.
Iltcn, a town of Hanover, in the province of Luneburg, 16 m. S. S. W. of Zell.
Utzhofen, a town of Prussian Saxony, 8 m. N. E. of Halle.
Imbro, an island in the Grecian Archipelago, about 20 m. in circumference. It is mountainous and woodv, and affords plenty of game. Long. 25. 44. E.,*lat. 40. 10. N.
Imeritia, a country of Asia, lying E. of the Black Sea; bounded on the S. by Turkey, W. by Mingrelia, N. by Osseta, and E. by Georgia, of
which it is properly speaking, a part. The inhab itants estimated at not more than 20,000 families, are scattered over the country in small hamlets. They send yearly considerable quantities of wine to the neighbouring parts of Georgia, in leathern bags, carried by horses: but they are without manufactures, very poor and miserable, and cruel- ly treated by their landlord. Cutais, or Cotatis, is the capital.
Immenstadt, a town of Bavaria, in the circle of the Upper Danube, situate on a small river which soon after joins the Iller, 12 m. S. of Kemp- ton.
Imola, an episcopal town of Italy, in the dele- gation of Ravenna, with a strong citadel. It is surrounded by walls, towers, and ditches ; con- tains 16 churches and 17 convents; and is seated on the Santerno, 13 m. W. by S. of Ravenna and 45 N. N. E. of Florence.
Inchbroyoek, a small island of Scotland, in For- farshire, within the mouth of the South Esk, neai Montrose, with which it communicates by a draw- bridge. It has also a large and convenient dry v dock.
Inchcolm, a small island of Scotland, in the frith of Forth;; near the village of Aberdour, on the coast of Ifcfe. Here is the ruins of a famous monastery, founded by Alexander 1123, to commemorate the hospitable treatment he receiv- ed here from a hermit.
Inchgarvie, a small island of the frith of Forth, nearly in the middle of the passage over the Queensferry.
Inchkeith, a small island of the frith of Forth lying midway between the ports of Leith and Kinghorn. Here is a light-house, and also a ruinous fort.
Inchmarnock, a small island of Scotland, on the S. W. side of Bute. The ruins of a chapel dedicated to St. Marnock are still to be seen ; and on the W. side are vast strata of coral and shells.
Indal, a town of Sweden, in Medelpadia, on a river of the same name, near its entrance into the gulf of Bothnia, 16 m. N. by W. of Sundia- wald. *.
Indapour See Indrapour.
Inden Hotun, a town of Chinese Tartary capital of the Mantcheou Tartars, 420 m. E. N. E. ol Pekin.
Independence, a tc^vnship in Alleghany Co N. Y. Pop. 877. Also townships in Sussex Co.
N. J. Cuyahoga Co. Ohio and Bond Co. Illi- nois.
India, or Hind, a contraction of Hindoostan, is a name often given to that region of Asia ly- ing to the S. of Tartary, and between Persia and China, with its independent islands. It contains, besides Hindoostan, the Birman Empire, Siam, Cochin China, Tonquin, Thibet, Japan, and Cey- lon ; but is now, in its geographical features, more usaily, and far more properly, described under those respective heads, which see.
Indiana, one of the United States, bounded N by Michigan Territory, E. by Ohio, S. by Ken tucky : and W. by Illinois. It extends from 37.
45. to 41. 50. N. lat. and from 84. 42 to 87. 49. W long. It is 287 m. long, and 255 broad, and con- tains 36,000 sq.m. It is washed on the Southern ' boundary by the Ohio and traversed by the White and Wabash rivers.
There are no mountains in Indiana; the cotin try, however, is more hilly than Illinois, particu laxly towards the Ohio river. A range of hills | |