Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 394
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have been fauna. The rocks in the cave princi-
pally consist of carbonate of lime, or common
lime stone. Near the forks of the cave are two
specimens of painting, probably of Indian origin.
The one appears to be a savage, with something
like a bow in his hand, and furnishes the hint, that
it was done when that instrument of death was in
use. The other is so much defaced, that it is im-
possible to say wbat it was intended to represent.

This state is divided into 64 counties. The
pop. is 341,582. In the N. part are many PAta-
wotamies and Chippeway Indians. There are no
; slaves. The State was admitted into the union
in 1816. The legislature consists of a Senate and
House of Representatives, styled the General As-
sembly. The Senators are chosen for 3 years and
the Representative fori. The Governor is cho-
sen for 3 years. Suffrage is universal. The cap-
ital of the state is Indianapolis. There is a col-
lege at Bloomington, and provision is made hy
the state for the support of schools.

tropic of Cancer, and there is not much difference
in their climate; accurate observations made on
any one of them may be applied with little variation
to them all. The spring begins about the month
of May; the savannas then change their russet

Indiana, a county of the Western District of
Pennsylvania. Pop. 14,251. The chief town has the
same name. Also a town in Alleghany Co. Pa.

Indianapolis, the capital of the state of Indiana
is situated in Marion county on White River in
the centre of the state. It has but recently been

Indian Old Town, a settlement of Penobscot
Indiar,<!, on an island in Penobscot river Maine, a
little ajove the great falls. It consists of about
500 souls.

Indian Toicn, villages in Dorchester Co. Md.
Currituck Co. N. C. and Williamsburg Dis. S. C.

Indies, East, the name given by Europeans to
that vast tract of country in Asia which is situ-
ated to the S. of Tartary, between Persia and Chi-
na (see
Hindoostan,) as well as to a great num-
ber of islands in the Indian Ocean, extending
from the peninsula of Hindoostan as far E. as
New Guinea, and from the bay of Bengal and
the China Sea as far S. as New Holland. The
most western of them are the Maldives, and the
most eastern the Moluccas ; between which are
several very large ones, as Ceylon, Sumatra, Ja-
va, Borneo, and Celebes ; besides many others of
considerable importance as to riches, though much
inferior in extent.

Indies, West, a denomination under which is
comprehended a large chain of islands extended
in a purve from the Florida shore on the north-
ern peninsula of America to the gulf of Venezuela
on the southern. Columbus gave this name to
them under the notion that they formed part of
the Indian continent, which it was his object in
his first voyage to find ; and this opinion was so
general that Ferdinand and Isabella, king and
queen of Castile, in their ratification of an agree-
f ment granted to Columbus, upon his return, gave
j them the name of Indies. Even after the error
| which gave rise to this opinion was detected, and
the position of the New World was ascertained,
the name has remained, and the appellation of
West Indies is given by all the people of Europe
to these islands, and that of Indians to the in-
habitants, not only of these islands, but of the
continent of America. The principal of these
islands are Curacao, Tr inidad, Tobago, Grenada,
St. Vincent, Barbadne xc2xab, Martinique, Dominica,
Marie Galante, Guadal >upe, Antigua, Barbuda,
St. Christopher, St. Eustatia, St. Bartholomew,
St. Martin, Anguilla, St. Thomas, Porto-Rico,
St. Domingo, Jamaica, Cuba, and the Bahamas.

Most of the Antilles are situated under the
hue, and the trees are adorned with a verdant
foliage. The periodical rains from the south may
at tills time be expected ; they fa.ll generally about
noon, and occasion a rapid and luxuriant vegeta-
tion. The thermometer varies considerably; it falls
sometimes six or eight degrees after the diurnal
rains ; but its medium height may be stated at 78
of Fabrenheit. After these showers have continu-
ed for a short period, the tropical summer appears
in all its splendour. Clouds are seldom seen in
the sky ; ihe heat of the sun is only rendered
supportable by the sea breeze, which blows regu-
larly from the south-east during the greatest part
of the day. The nights are calm and serene,
the moon shines more brightly than in Europe,
and emits a light that enables man to read the
smallest print; its absence is, in some degree,
compensated by the planets, and above all by the
luminous effulgence of the galaxy. From the
middle of August to the end of September, the
thermometer rises frequently above 90,the refresh-
ing sea breeze is then interrupted, and frequent
calms announce the approach of the great periodi-
cal rains. Fiery clouds are seen in the atmos-
phere, and the mountains appear less distant to
the spectator than at other seasons of the year.
The rain falls in torrents about the beginning of
October, the rivers overflow their banks, and a
great portion of the low grounds are submerged.
The rain that fell in Barbadoes in the year 1754,
is said to have exceeded 87 inches. The moisture
of the atmosphere is so great, that iron and other
metals easily oxydated are covered with rust.
This humidity continues under a burning sun ;xe2x80x94
the inhabitants, (say some writers,) live in a va-
pour bath ; it may be proved, without using this
simile, that a residence in the lower part of the
country at this season is disagreeable, unwhole
some, and dangerous to a European. A gradui^
relaxation of the system diminishes the activity
of the vital functions, and produces at last a gen-
eral atony.

It has been observed by travellers that most of
the wild animals indigenous to the West Indies
are of a small size, as the Vespertilio molussus,
the Viverra caudivolvula, and the Mus pilorides.
Lizards and different sorts of serpents are not un-
common ; but the greatest number of them are
harmless, and, with the exception of Martinique
and St. Lucia, no scorpions are to be found in the
Lesser Antilles. This noxious reptile is frequent-
ly observed in Porto Rico, and it exists probably in
all the larger islands. The cayman haunts the
stagnant waters, and negroes are sometimes ex-


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