posed to its murderous bite. The parrot and its various species from the macaw to the paroquet frequent the forests; aquatic birds in unnumbered flocks enliven the shores. The colibri or hum- ming-bird is the sportive inhabitant of these warm climes; it seldom remains long in the same place, but is seen for a moment on the blossoms of the orange or lime tree, and displays in its golden plumage the brightest tints of the emerald and the ruby. Trees similar to those that we. have ad- mired in other tropical countries grow in equal luxuriance on these islands. The Banana, which in its full growth appears like a cluster of trees, is at first weak, and requires the support of a xe2x80xa2 neighbouring plant. A canoe made from a single 1 trunk of the wild cotton tree, has been known to contain a hundred persons, and the leaf of a par- ticular kind of palm tree affords a shade to five or ! six men. The royal palmetto or mountain-cabbage grows to the extraordinary height of two hundred feet, and its verdant summit is shaken by the slightest breeze.
Many of the plantations are enclosed by rows of Campeachy and Brazilian trees; the corab is as much prized for its thick shade as for its excellent fruit, and the fibrous bark of the great ce.cropia is converted into strong cordage. The trees most valuable on account of their timber, are the tam- arindus. the cedar, the Spanish mountain ash, the iron tree, and the laurus chloroxylon, which is well adapted for the construction of mills. The dwelhngs of the settlers are shaded by orange, lemon, and pomegranate trees, that fill the air with the perfume of their flowers, while their branches are loaded with fruit. The apple, the peach, and tne grape ripen in the mountains. The date, the sapata, and sapotilla, the mammee, several orien- tal fruits, the rose apple, the guava, the jpunga and different species of spondias and annonas grow on the sultry plains.
The heights are covered in many places with groves of the Myrtus pimenta, and no other shrub grows under its fragrant shade. The ignama and potato are the principal food of the negroes; ma- nioc and angola pulse have been imported from Africa. But the West Indian planter is wholly occupied in ministering to the wants or luxuries of Europeans ; were it not for the immense sup- plies of corn brought annually from Canada and the United States, these fertile islands might be desolated by famine. Sugar is the great staple
commodity of the West Indies; the cane was transported hither from the eastern continent by Columbus in his second voyage. The Otaheite cane has been generally introduced into the An- tilles since the time of Captain Cook; it is con- sidered in many respects superior to the common creole plant. |
A field of canes is in arrow or full bloom about the month of November. At this period of its growth there are few objects in the vegetable kingdom that can vie with it in beauty. The canes are seldom lower than three feet and sometimes higher than eight; this difference proceeds from the nature of the soil and the mode of cultivation
A ripe field may be compared to an immense sheet of waving gold tinged by the suns rays with the finest purple. The stem with its narrow depending leaves is at first of a dark green colour but changes as it ripens to a bright yellow7; an arrow or silver wand sprouts from its summit, and grows generally to the height of four or five feet; the apex is covered with clusters of white and blue flowers not unlike tufts of feathers. The finest plantations are sometimes destroyed by fire, a calamity which occurs too frequently in these islands. No conflagration is more rapid, none more alarming; those who have witnessed such scenes can best describe them. The hopes and fortune of the husbandman, the painful toil of many hundred slaves, the labour of years are in a few moments destroyed. If a plantation is by any accident set on fire, the inhabitants sound the alarm shell, and the shrill blast is repeated from the neighbouring hills. Rolling smoke, spread- ing flames, and cracking reeds are sometimes the first indications of danger. Louder notes are af- terwards heard from a distance ; bands of negroes hasten to the flames, their fears and exertions, the cruelty of their overseers, the noisy impatience of the planters, groups of horses and mules moving in the back ground increase the effect of so sub- lime a picture.
The cotton plant flourishes on dry and rocky lands, if they have not been too much exhausted by former cultivation. Dryness is of great advan- tage to it in all its stages ; when the shrub is in blossom or when the pods begin to unfold, the plant is rendered completely useless by heavy rains. These observations apply to every species, but more particularly to that sort which is culti- vated by the French settlers. There are several varieties of this shrub, all of them resemble each other ; the best are the green seed, the Brazilian, and the French or small seed.
There is but one species of the coffee tree here ; it is supposed to be a native of Arabia Felix. This
plant was brought to Batavia, from thence to Am- sterdam and Paris, and afterwards transplanted to Surinam and Martinique. It seldom bears fruit before the third season, and sometimes not until |