Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 397
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INV    397    ION

Inishannon, a town of Ireland in the county of
Cork, with a considerable linen manufacture;
seated on the Bandon, 7 m. N. W. of Kinsale.

Inn, a large river of Austria, which rises in
the Swiss canton of Grisons, flows N. E. through
Tyrol and Bavaria, and joins the Danube at Pas-
sau, where it is nearly 900 feet wide. It become
navigable a t Hall, in the Tyrol, and its whole
course is more than 250 m.

lnnaconda, a fortress of Hindoostan, in the
Guntoor circar, situate on a hill, 46 m. N. W. of

Tnsch, a town of Scotland, in Aberdeenshire,
26 m. W. N. W. of Aberdeen.

Inspruck, a fortified town of Austria, capital of
Tyrol, with a strong castle, formerly the resi-
dence of the archdukes of Austria. The princi-
pal manufacture is that of cotton, but it has also
manufactures of silk and woolen stuffs, and all
kinds of glass wares ; and the transit trade from
Germany to Italy is considerable. Inspruck was
entered by the French in 1805, and was the scene
of several heroic efforts of the Tyrolese against
the French and Bavarians in 1809. It is
seated in a pleasant valley, on the river Inn, 62
m. S. of Munich.

Insterbevg, a town and circle of East Prussia,
on the Angerap, in the government of Gumbin-
nen. Its chief trade is in corn and linseed.
The circle is of great extent, comprehending a
pop. of 150.000. Part of it is covered with forests,
but the soil of the rest is fertile, and pastures are
extensive : manufactures are hardly known here.
The town is 50 m. E. of Konigsberg; and con-
tains 5,300 inhabitants.

Interlachen, a town of Switzerland, capital of a
baili wic of the same name, in the canton of Bern,
23 m. S. S. W. of Lucern, and 32 S. E. of

Inverary, a borough of Scotland, of the coun-
ty-town of Argyleshire, situate on the N. W.
side of Loch Fyne, and the influx of the Aray.
It has some manufactures and a trade in wool,tim-
ber, and oak bark ; but its chief support is from
the herring fishery. Near the town is Invera-
ry Castle, the seat of the duke of Argyle; and in
the neighbourhood is a considerable iron-work.
The planting around Inverary is very extensive
and admirably variegated. 45 m. N. W. of Glas-
gow', and 75 AV. N. AV. of Edinburgh.

Inverbervie. See Bervie.

Invtrgondon, a village of Scotland, in Ross-
shire, at the mouth of the frith of Cromarty, 8
m. S. S. E.'of Tain. It has a good harbour, and
a regular ferry over the frith to the town of

Invtrktithing, a borough and seaport of Scot-
xe2x96xa0and, in Fifeshire, with a considerable trade in
coal ana salt. Before the entrance of the har-
bour is
a bay. which affords safe anchorage for
. ships of any burden in all winds. The harbour
j itself is commodious, and has two quays. It is
situate on the N. side of the frith of Forth, 18.
m. N. W. of Edinburgh.

Inrcrleigktn., a village of Scotland, on the ri-
ver Tweed, at the influx of the Leithen, 5 m. E.
of Peebles. Here is an extensive woolen manu-
j facture ; and near it is a sulphurous spring.
i Inverness, i borough of Scotland, capital of a
county of tip? 3ame name, situate on both sides
of the river Ness, near its entrance into the frith
of Murray. It has a commodious harbour, and a
good salmon fishery. The trade is very consid-
erable, and the town is rapidly improving. The





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principal manufactures are those of hemp and
flax; and there are also woolen and other manu-    1

factures, tanneries, brick works, &c., which    :

furnish employment to many of the inhabitants.    j

On an eminence are the ruins of the old castle,    I

demolished by the rebels in 1746; and over the    f

Ness is a stone bridge of seven arches. The court-    i

house, nearly in the centre of the town, is a mod-
ern building, with a fine tower, terminated by
an elegant spire, which sustained considerable
injury from the earthquake in 1816. Near this
town, on Culloden Heath, the duke of Cumber-
hind gained a decisive victory over the rebels in
1746. To the W. of the town is the hill of Craig    j

Phatric, on the summit of which are the exten-    ;

sive remains of a vitrified fort, so called from the    

marks of fusion which the cement and stones ex-    1

hibit. Inverness is 50 m. N. E. of Fort AVilliam,    i

and 156 N. of Edinburgh.    *

Inverness-shire, the most extensive county of
Scotland; bounded on the N. by Boss-shire ; E.
by the countries of Nairne, Murray, and Abe*--    

deen ; S. by those of Perth, and Argyle ; and AV.
by the Atlantic Ocean. It also includes several
of the Hebrides. Independent of the islands, it    

is 80 m. long and 50 broad. It comprehends the    *

district of Badenoch, Lochaber, and Glenaly,
which are subdivided into 32 parishes. The
principal towns are Inverness, Fort AVilliam (or
inverlochy), and .Fort Augustus. The N. part
is mountainous and barren, and supposed to be
the most elevated ground in Scotland. This
county has several considerable lakes, and is di-
vided, in a manner, into two equal parts, by those
of Ness, Oicb, Lochy, and Lochiel, united by
the Caledonian Canal, which forms a communica
tion between the two seas. The extensive plains
which surround the lakes are, in general, fertile ; xc2xbb
the high grounds feed many sheep and black cat-
tle, numerous herds of goats are found in every
district. The mountains and forests are inhabit-
ed by immense numbers of red and roe deer; the
alpine and common hare, and other game, are
also abundant. Limestone, iron-ore, and some
traces of different minerals have been found in
this county, with beautiful rock crystals of vari    |

ous tints ; but no mines have hitherto been work-
ed with much success. The principal rivers are    

the Spey, the Beauly, the Ness, and the Lochy.

Inverness, a township of Buckingham Co. L. C.

Inverugie, a village of Scotland, on the E. coast
of Aberdeenshire at the mouth of the Ugie, 1 m.

N. of Peterhead. It has an extensive bleach field,

and a considerable brewery. Near it are the ruins    ,

of Inverugie Castle.    xc2xbb    .

Inverury, an ancient borough of Scotland, in
Aberdeenshire, seated at the conflux of the:Don
and the Ury, 15 m. AA7. N. AV. of Aberdeop.

Iona. See Icolmhill.

Ionia, p.v. Onondaga Co. N. Y.

Ionian Islands, a recently constituted republic
of Europe, comprising, besides a number of islets,
the 7 principal islands of Corfu, Cephalonia, Zan-
te, Santa Maura, Ithaca, or Thiaki, Cerigo, and
Paxo ; of which Corfu, lying opposite to Albania
is the most northerly. The teritorial extent of
this small state is estimated at about 1,300 sq. rh.

The chmate is in general mild, but the transitions
from heat to cold are sudden : hot and scoreking
winds are sometimes destructive to vegetation;
and at certain seasons there are violent rains and
thunder. They are all subject to slight earth-
quakes, which are sometimes confined to a single
island. The soil in the plains and valleys is fer
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