tile in vines, corn, olives, currants, cotton, honey wax, &c. Pasturage is in general scanty; goats and sheep are reared in considerable number ; but horses and cattle are brought from the continent. The wild animals are foxes, hares, and rabbits. Prior to the French revolutiom these islands were subject to Venice, but were ceded to France by the treaty of Campo Formio (1797.) After re- peatedly changing masters, the republic was plac- ed under the protection of Great Britain by the arrangements of the congress of Vienna; and a constitution for this small state was drawn up and ratified by the British government in July. 1817.
Ips, a town of Austria, near the conflux of the Ips with the Danube, 22 m. W. of St. Polten.
Ipsala, a town of European Turkey, in Roma nia, and a Greek archbishops sea. Near it, are mines of alum : and red wine is an article of com- merce. * It is seated on the Marissa, 43 m. S of Adrianople.
Ipsara, an island of the Grecian Archipelago, 15 in. N. W. of the island of Scio. To the W. is another small island, called Anti-lpsara.
Ipsheim, a town of Franconia, in the principal- ity of Bayreuth, 17 m. N. N. W. of Anspaeh.
Ipswich, a borough and principal town of Suf- folk, Eng. It was once surrounded by a wall, traces of which are yet to be seen. It is irregu- larly built, and has declined from its former con- sequence , but now contains 12 parish churches, several meeting-houses for dissenters, a library, several hospitals, a free-school, a commodious market-place, a guildhall, a custom-house, and a county jail. Much corn and malt are sent hence to London, and great quantities of timber were formerly sent to the kings dockyard at Chatham. It has a considerable coasting trade, a small share of foreign commerce, and sends ships to Greenland. Vessels of large burden are obliged to stop at some distance below the town. It is the birthplace of cardinal Wolsey ; and is seated on the Orwell, 26 m. S. E. of Bury St. Edmund, and 69 N. E. of London.
Ipswich, p.t. Essex Co. Massachusetts, situa- ted on a river of the same name, about a mile from the sea. 23 m. N. E. of Boston. Pop. 2,951. The manufacture of lace is carried on in this town to a considerable extent.
Ira, p.t. Rutland Co. Vt. Pop. 442. Also a p.t. Cayuga Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,198.
Irasburg, p.t. Orleans Co. Vt. Pop. 860.
Irabatty. See Irrawaddy.
Irae, a province of Persia, comprehending the greater part of the ancient Media. It is bounded S. by Fars and Khuzistan, E. by Khorassan and the Creat Salt Desert, W. by Kurdistan, and N. by Azerbijan, Ghilan, and Mazanderan, and divi- ded into five districts, Ispahan, Tehraun, Naen, Mullager, and Kermanshaw.
Irac-Arabi (the ancient Chaldea), a province of Turkey in Asia, bounded VV. by the desert of Arabia, N. bv Kurdistan and Diarbeck, E. by Khuzistan, and S. by the gulf of Persia and Ara- bia. Bagdad is the captal.
Irbit, or Irbitikaia, a town of Rusia, in the gov- ernment of Perm, an the river Irbit, and the fron- tiers of Siberia. In the vicinity is a large iron- work, which yields nearly 2,000 tons of iron a year. 142 m. N. E. of Ekaterinenburg.
Ireby, a town in Cumberland, Eng. seated in a valley, at the source of the Ellen, 10 m. N. E. of Cockermouth, 303 N. N. W. of London.
Iredell, a county of North Carolina. Pop. 15,262. Statesville is the chief town
Ireland, the second inmagnitude of the British Isles, is situated to the W. of Great Britian, in the Atlantic O^ean. It is bounded on the N. W. and S. by t. c Atlantic, and on the E. by the North Channel, the Irish Sea, and St. Georges Channel, which separate it from England. Its greatest length is about 300 m. and its maximum breadth about 110 m. The superficial contents are estimated at about 20,000,000 of English acres. Ireland is divided into four provinces ; namely,UI ster, to the N., Leinster to the E., Munster to the
S., and Connaught to the W.; and these are subdivided into 32 counties. Ulster contains the counties of Down, Armagh, Monaghan, Caba~, Antrim, Londonderry, Tyrone, Fermanagh, and Donegal; Leinster has those of Dublin, Louth, Wicklow, Wexford, Longford, East Meath, West Meath, Kings cuunty, Queens county, Kilken- ny, Ivilldare, and Carlow: Munster includes Clare, Cork. Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary, and Waterford ; and Connaught has Leitrim, Ros- common, Mayo, Sligo, and Galway. The cli- mate of Ireland is mild and temperate, but more humid than in England. It is on the whole, of a mountainous character, but well watered with lakes and rivers; and the soil, in most parts is very good and fertile : even in those places where the bogs and morasses have been drained, there xe2x80xa2is good meadow ground. It produces corn and hemp, in great plenty. The cultivation of flax is so abundant as to afford nearly the whole
supply ofthe great linen manufactures ofthe coun- try ; there are so many cattle that beef and but- ter are exported to foreign parts; and not only the English, but other ships, frequently come to be victualled here. The other commodities are hides, wool, tallow, wood, salt, honey, and wax. The commerce and manufactures have for many years been greatly on the increase : the staple branch of industry is the manufacture of fine lin- en cloth, which is brought to great perfection This country is well situate for foreign trade on account of its many secure and commodious bays and harbours. Its principal lakes are Lough Lean, Lough Ern, Lough Neagh, and Lough Cor- rib ; and its chief rivers are the Shannon, L|ffey, Boyne, Suire, Nore, Barrow, Blackwater, and Lee. The mineral productions of Ireland, which were little known till of late, are now fast rising into importance. The mining companies recent- ly formed are nearly all of them eminently sue cesful: copper, lead, iron, antimony, and Molyb- denum, are now obtained : and some of the mines are very productive. In the royalty of Glend alough, in the county of Wicklow, are two veins | |