Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 412 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 412 Left Column
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St. Juan de la Frontera, Chile (main entry)
    Guanacho (Lake)
    Andes (Mountains)
    Mendoza (directional)
St. Juan de Porto Rico, Porto Rico (Island) (main entry)
    Drake, Francis
    Cumberland, Earl of
St. Juan de Ulua (Island) (main entry)
    Gulf of Mexico
Juan Fernandez (Island) (main entry)
    Pacific Ocean
    Masafuero (Island)
    Fernandez, Juan
    Selkirk, Alexander
    Robinson crusoe
    Cumberland Bay
Jubo, Jubo, Africa (main entry)
Jucatan (main entry)
Judenburg, Judenburg, Upper Styria (main entry)
    Muer River
    Gratz (directional)
Point Judith (main entry)
    Narraganset Bay
Judoinne, South Brabant, Netherlands (main entry)
    geele River
    Louvain (directional)
Jundispore, Bahar, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Patna (directional)
Juggernaut, Cuttack, Orissa (main entry)
Page 411 Right column ... Page 412 Right column
Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)
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