Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 413
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KAD    413    KAF

in whose family it continued down to the peace the late province ofFranche Comte. It contains
of Luneville, when it was given to France, but in mines of iron of a superior quality, mines of cop-
1815 it was transferred to Prussia.    per and lead, and many quarries of black marble,

Juliatoion, p.v. Burlington Co. N. Y.    jasper, and alabaster. It takes its name from

Tuliers, a small town of the Prussian states, in Mount Jura. Lons le Saulnier is the capital,
the government of Aix-la-Chapelle, and formerly    
Jura, Mount, a chain of mountains which be-

capital of the preceding duchy; seated on the gins in the canton of Zurich, in Switzerland, ex-
Roe r,
22 m. W. of Cologne. Long. 6. 25. E., tends along the Rhine into the canton of Soleure
last. 50. 55. N.    _    and the principality of Neufchatel, branches out

Juliusburg, a town of Prussian Silesia, with a toward the Pays de Vaud, separates that country
castle, 4 m. N. of Oels.    from France, and continues beyond the frontiers

Jumella, a town of Spain, in the province of of the Genevois as far as the Rhone. In the
Murcia, 22 m. S. W. of Murcia.    Pays de Vaud this chain forms many elevated al-

Jumiege, a town of France, in the department leys ; particularly one on the top of that part call-
of Lower Seine, with a late celebrated Benedictine ed Mount Joux, which is watered bv two pictur-
abbey ; seated on the Seine, 12 in. S. W. of Rouen, esque lakes, the largest called Joux, and the oth-
Jummon, or Jumbo, a town of Hindoostan, er Brenet. These mountains have different
capital of a flourishing district of the same name, names in different parts of their course in Svvi'z-
which is governed by an independent Hindoo erland.

chief: it is a place of considerable trade, being    Jussey, a town of France, in the department of

seated on the banks of a small river on the high Upper Saone, situate on the Amance, 17 m. N.
road from Cashmere, to Dehli. 80 m. N. E. of W. of Vesoul.

Lahore.    Jussy, a town of France, in the department of

Jumna, a river of Hindoostan, which rises in the Yonne, 5 m. S. of Auxerre.
mountains of Serinaghur, flows S. E. by Dehli
Justin, St., a town of France, in the department
and Agra, and joins the Ganges at Allahabad. of Landes, 27 m. AV. of Condom.

Junagur, a town and fortress of Hindoostan, in    Juierbock, a town of the Prussian province

Guzerat, 170 m. S. AV. of Amedabad. Long. 70. of Brandenburg, where in 1813 a battle was fought
33. E., lat 21. 43. N.    between the French and the allies. It is seated

Juniata, r. a branch of the Susquehanna from on the Rohrbach, 13 m. N. E. of Wittenberg,
the west. It rises by several head streams in    
Juthia. See Siam.

Bedford county, and joins the Susquehanna 10    Jutland, a province of Denmark, bounded on

m. above Harrisburg. Its banks are rocky and all sides by the sea, except towards the S., where
precipitous, and the scenery
aiong its coarse is its boundary is the duchy of Sleswick. The name
very picturesque.    Jutland, was formerly applied to the whole penin-

Juniata, a township of Perry Co. Pa. on the sula forming the mainland of the Danish domin-
above river, 20 m. from Harrisburg.    ions, but it is now confined to the northern part

Junius, ph. Seneca Co. N. Y. Pop. 1,581.    ofthe peninsula, extending from 55. to 53. N. lat.

Junien, St., a town of France, in the depart- It is about 180 m. in length, and from 70 to 90 in
ment of Upper Vienne, with manufactures of breadth; and is divided into four dioceses or dis-
woolens, leather, hats, &c. It is seated on the tricts, each of which has a bishop and governor,
river Vienne, 20 m. W. of Limoges.    The prevailing religion is the Lutheran. The

Junkseilan, or Junkseylon, an island in the In- country is generally low, and, except the rocks
dian Ocean, near the S W. coast of Siam, about on the E. coast, presents little picturesque scene-
60 m. long and from 10 to 20 broad. The soil is ry. In the E. are fine woods of oak, beech, fir,
luxuriant, and it has a considerable trade in ivory &c. The middle part consists of heaths and
and tin. The principal town, of the same name, moors, with some arable land : it affords good
is situate on the N. part of the island, and has a pasture for oxen, sheep, and goats. The other
harbour capable of receiving vessels of a moderate parts are fertile, and yield large crops of grain
size. Long. 98. 0. E., lat. 8. 10. N.    (principally rye,) which together with horses and

Jura, one of the western isles of Scotland, N. beavers, are annually exported to Sweden, Nor
E. of the island of Islay, on the coast of Argyle- way, and Holland.- The air is cold, especially to
shire. It is 26 m. long, and 7 broad, and is coiq- wards the North Sea, but the inhabitants are’vig
posed of huge naked rocks, piled one on another orous and robust. It is the only province of Den-
m the utmost disorder. The mountainous ridges mark which contains useful minerals ; and even
occupy the centre of the island, extending along here they are confined to iron, limestone, and
its whole length, and terminating iii four moun- marble.

tains, called the Paps of Jura, which are of a con-    Jyenagur, or Jyepour, a fortified town of Hin-

ic form and of stupendous height. The west side doostan, capital of a district of the pame name,
of the island is uninhabited. The whole of the in the province of Agimere. It is a place of
E. side forms a pleasing scene, and the coast is great wealth, being the staple for goods that are
indented with bays and harbours. The only pro- brought from the neighbouring provinces ; and
dncts are oats, barley, potatoes, and flax. A few is reckoned one of the handsomest and most reg-
wild roes are still seen here.    ular towns of Hindoostan. 120 m. W. by S. of

Jura, a ccpartinent of France, including part of Agra. Long. 75. 40. E., lat. 26.56. N.


K ADHEMA, a sea-port of Arabia, in the prov- bay of the gulf of Persia, 170 m. N. by W of L&cli
vmce of Bahrein. The inhabitants are chiefly sa. Long. 47. 36. E., lat. 28 40. N
employed in
the pearl fishery. It is seated on a    Kafr aria.    See Caffraria.

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