cataqu a river opposite Portsmouth. Pop. 2,202.
Kitzhiehl, a town of the Austrian states, in Tyrol, in the vicinity of which are mines of cop- per and silver. It is seated on the river Acha, 11 m. S. E. of Kufstein.
generous, and hospitable, when the pernicious aw of spirituous liquors has not changed their natural disposition. They do not look upon chastity, how ever, as a virtue, nor do they imagine that con
Kitzingen, a town of Bavarian Franconia, on the river Maine, 10 m. E. S. E. of Wurtzburg.
Kiun-tcheou, a city of China, of the first rank, capital of the island of Hainan, on the N. coast, at the mouth of the Limou. It stands on a prom- ontory, and ships often anchor under its walls. Long. 109. 38. E., lat. 20. N.
Kiutaja, or Cutaja, a town of Asiatic Turkey, capital of Natolia. Near it are some warm baths, much esteemed in several disorders. It is situate at the foot of a mountain, near the river Pursak, 136 m. S. S. E. of Constantinople.
Klartrau, a town >f Bohemia, in the circle of Pilsen, near the river Misa, 20 m. W. of Pilsen.
Klattau, a town of Bohemia, capital of a circle of the same name, with a considerable woolen manufacture. Pari of it was destroyed by fire in 1810. It is 69 m. S. W. of Prague.
Klingeistown, p.v. Schuylkill Co. Pa.
Klingnau, a town of Switzerland, in the district of Baden, on the river Aar, 7 m. N. of Baden.
Knapdede, a district of Argyleshire, Scotland, about 20 m. long, and 16 broad. It is situate be- tween the isthmus of Crinan and Tarbert, and is divided into the parishes of N. and S. Knapdaie.
Knappsburgh, p.v. Chenango Co. N. Y.
Knaresborottgh, a borough in W. Yorkshire, Eng. It is the ancient seat of the linen mamifa<4 ture, which is now carried on to a great extent. Here is a famous spring, of a strong petrifying quality, called the Dropping Well, which fall's in drops from the top of a rock. The town is situate at the top of a rocky mountain, at the foot of which runs the river Nidd. 19 m. W. by N. of York, and 197 N. by W. of London.
Knighton, a town of Wales, in Radnorshire, seated on the Teme, 10 m. N. E. of Radnor, and 158 N. W. of London.
Knightsbridge, a village in Middlesex,Eng. now forming part of the suburbs of London. Here are extensive barracks for soldiers, and a consid- erable manufacture of painted floor cloths.
Kniphausen, a sea-port of Germany, in the grand duchy of Oldenburg, seated on the Jade, 39 m. E. of Embden.
Knisteneaux. a tribe of Indians in North Ameri- ca who occupv a part of the British territory to the North of the lakes of Canada. The Knisteneaux, denominated Cristinaux by the ancient Canadians, and Killistonous by some modern writersxe2x80x94Crees by the English, wander over, or inhabit all the country to the south of the lake of the Mountains, as far as the lakes of Canada, and from Hudsons Bay to lake Winnipeg. The Knisteneaux are of a moderate stature, are well proportioned, and pos- sess a remarkable degree of activity. Black and piercing eyes animate their agreeable and open countenance. They point their face of different colours. They wear asimple and convenient dress, cut and ornamented with taste; but sometimes they hunt, even during the severest cold, almost entirely naked. It appears that of all the savages of North Americafohe Knisteneaux have the hand- somest women. Their figure is well proportioned, and the regularity of their features would obtain them admiration, even in Europe. Their com- plexion is not so dark as that of other savage women, because their habits are much more clean- ly. These Indians are natmallj mild, honest jugal fidelity is at all necessary to the happiness ofthe married state. Accordingly they offer their wives to strangers, and exchange them with each other, as Cato is said to have done. The fogs which cover their marshes, are believed to be the spirits of their deceased companions. |
KnitteJfeld, or Knitterfeldt, a town of Austria, on the river Muhr, 98 m. S W. of Vienna.
Knoetopher, a town of Ireland, in the county of Kilkenny. 12 m. S. bv E. of Kilkenny, and 63 S. Wi of Dublin.
Knottinglei/, an extensive and populous village in W. Yorkshire, Eng. on the river Aire, 3 m. E. N. E. of Pontefract, noted for its great production of limestone.
Knoivlton, a township of Sussex Co. N. J.
Knox, a county of Ohio. Pop. 17,124. Mount Vernon is the capital. Also a county of Kentucky. Pop. 4,321. Barboursville is the capital. Also a county of E. Tennessee. Pop 14,498. Knox- ville is the capital. Also a county of Indiana. Pop. 6,557. Vincennes is the capital.
Knox, p.t. Albany Co. N. Y. 20 rn. W. Albany. Pop. 2,186. Also townships in Columbia and Jef- ferson Cos. Ohio.
Knoxville, a town of Tennessee, capital of Knox county. Here is a college, established by gov- ernment. It stands on the river Holston, 22 m. above its junction with the Tennessee, and 200 S. by E. of Frankfort. Long. 84. 8. W., lat. 35. 58. N. Also villages in Crawford Co. Geo., and Jefferson Co. Ohio.
Knutsford, a town in Cheshire, Eng. Here are some cotton-mills, and manufactures of shag vel- vets, &c. It is seated on a branch of the Birken, 25 m. E. by N. of Chester and 175 N. W. of Lon- don
Koang-sin, a city of China, of the first rank, in Kiang-si. Here are manufactures of good paper, and the best candles in the empire. It is 250 m. S. bv W. of Nanking. Long. 118. 20. E., lat. 28.
30. N.
Koei-tcheou, a province of China, near the S. W. extremity of the empire. It is almost a desert, and full of precipitous mountains, inhabited by barbarous races, whom the Chinese have never been able fully to subdue. In the mountains there are mines of gold, silver, copper, and mercury The horses are the best in China; and exceLVnt 2 N 2 |