Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 434 Left Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 434 Left Column
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Landeron, Neufchatel, Switzerland (main entry)
    Lake Neufchatel
    Neufchatel (directional)
Landes, France (main entry)
    Atlantic Ocean
    Gironde, France
    Lot-et-Garonne, France
    Gers, France
    Lower Pyrenees
    Mont de marsan, Landes, France
    Dax, Landes, France
    St. Sever, Landes, France
    Adour River
    Douze River
Landisburg, Perry County, Pennsylvania, United States (main entry)
Landrecy, Nord, France (main entry)
    Eugene, prince
    Paris, Treaty of
    Sambre River
    Cambray (directional)
    Valenciennes (directional)
Landriago, Milanese, Italy (main entry)
    Milan (directional)
Landsberg, New Mark, Bradenburg (main entry)
    Warta River
    Custrim (directional)
Landsberg, Upper Bavaria (main entry)
    Lech River
    Augsburg (directional)
Landscron, Cracow, Poland (main entry)
Landscrona, Schonen, Sweden (main entry)
    Lund (directional)
    Copenhagen (directional)
Lands-end, Cornwall, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Great britain
Landsford, Chester District, South Carolina, United States (main entry)
Landshut, Bavaria (main entry)
    Trausnitz (Castle)
    Iser River
    Munich (directional)
Landshut, Schweidnith, Prussian Silesia (main entry)
    Bober River
    Scheweidnitz (directional)
Landshut, Moravia (main entry)
    Morau River
    Brunn (directional)
Landstraas, Carniola, Austrian Illyria (main entry)
    Landtrost (synonym for Landstraas, Carniola, Austrian Illyria)
    Cistercian Convent
    Gurk River
    Cilley (directional)
Lane River (main entry)
    County Kerry, Ireland
    Lough Lane
    Castlemain Bay
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