tershire, Eng. In the civil wars the walls were in a great measure demolished; the castie was also dismantled, the hall and kitchen being the only parts that are left entire. It has 6 churches, 18 meeting-houses for the different denominations of dissenters, several hospitals, a free school and three charity schools. In 1821 an act was passed for lighting the town withgas, which has since been carried into effect. The principal manufac- ture is that of stockings, of which several years ago the value amounted to xc2xa360,000 annually, and it has of late much increased. A canal passes hence by Loughborough to the river Trent. At a parliament held here, in the reign of Henry V., the first law was made for the burning of heretics. In the meadows near the town are the ruins of an abbey, in which Cardinal Wolsey died. It is seated on the Soar, 28 m. S. by E. of Derby, and 96 N. N. W. of London. Long. 1. 8. W., lat, 52. 33. N.
Leicestershire, a county of England, bounded on tbe N. by Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, E. by the counties of Lincoln and Rutland, S. by Northamptonshire, and W. by Warwickshire and Staffordshire. It is about 45 m. long and 30 broad, contains 51,456 statute acres, is divided, into six hundreds and 196 parishes, has 12 market towns, and sends four members to parliament. The cli- < mate is temperate and the county is well watered. The chief rivers are the Avon, Soar, Swift, Wreke, Anker, and Welland; and it has three distinct lines of canal navigation. The soil, in general, affords great quantities of rich grazing land and is peculiarly fitted for the culture of beans. Toward the N. W., the Bardon-Hills rise to a great height; and in their neighbour- hood is Sherwood Forest, a rough and open tract: further to the N. W. are valuable coal mines. The manufacture of stockings, the principal one in the county, is very considerable ; but it may be considered rather an agricultural than a man- ufacturing county. It is famous for its breed of large black cart horses, numbers of which are continually sent to London, and for its fine neat cattle and sheep: the latter, owing to the great care paid to crossing the breed and other modes of im- provement, have been brought to an astonishing de- gree of excellence. More than half the land is con- stantly in pasture, and most ofthe rest maintained in tillage is also rendered subservient to the rear- ing of cattle. The principal object of the gra- ziers here is to fatten their cattle for the butcher, but the dairv is also in some places attended to ; and great quantities of cheese are annually ex- ported. The Stilton cheese is made in this coun- tv, near Melton Mowbray.
Leicester, p.t. Worcester Co. Mass. 46 m. S. AV. Boston. Pop. 1.782. Here is a manufactory of wool cards. Also a township of Livingston Co. N. T. on the Genesee. Pop. 2.042. Also . a townxc2xabh:u of Addison Co. Vt. on Otter Creek. 42 m. N. AV. Windsor. Pop. 633.
Leigh, a town la Lancashire, Eng. with consid- erable manufactures, particularly of fine jeans, in imitation of those of India, fustians, and other cat- ion articles ; an i a great traffic by its canal navi- gation. 12 m. W. of Manchester, and 198 N. W. of London
Leigh, a small sea-port in Essex, Eng. opposite the E. extremity of Can rev Island. It is noted for oysters, and has a good road'for shipping. 18 m. S. S. E. of Chelmsford, and 39 E. of London.
Leigh, a parish of England, in Worcestershire 4 1-2 m. W. by S. of Worcester.
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Leigldin, Old, a decayed town of Ireland, in the county of Carlow, 9 m. N. E. of Kilkenny.
Leighlin Bridge, a village of Ireland, in the county of Carlow, with tne ruins of an ancient abbey, and also of a strong castle; seated on the river Barrow, 7 m. S. of Carlow.
Leighton Buzzard, a town in Bedfordshire, Eng The trade consists in corn, cattle, lace, platted straw, &c. About half a in. distant are the re- mains of a Roman camp. It is seated on the Ouse, 18 m. S. of Bedford and 41 N. AV. of London.
Lein, a town of Germany, in the duchy of Nas- i sau, 4 m. N. E. of Welburg. j
Leinin.gen, a small town of the Bavarian circle j of the Rhine, 3!) m. S. of Mentz. j
Leinster, a province of Ireland, 104 m. long and , 56 broad; bounded on the E. and S. by St. i Georges Channel. W. by Connaught and Muns- * ter and N. by Ulster. It contains the counties of f Carlow, Dublin, Kildare, Kilkenny, Kings coun- | ty, Longford, Lough, East Meath, West Meath, I AVexford, and Wicklow. Dublin i3 the capital. The principal rivers are the Bovne, the Barrow, the Liffey, the Noire, and the May.
Leipa, a town of Bohemia, with manufactures of porcelain, glass, fine cloth, and cotton. 47 m.
S. E. of Dresden.
Leipheim, a town of Bavaria, on the S. bank of the Danube, 12 in. N. E. of Ulm.
Leipnic, a walled town of Morvana, near the river Beczwa, 14 m. E. S. E. of Olumtz.
Leipzig, Circle of, a province of the kingdom of Saxonv, bounded E. by the circle of Meissen, S. by that of the Erzebirge and the principality of Altenburg. and AV and N. by the Prussian part of Saxonv. It comprises 14 bailiwics, and is the seat of considerable manufactures.
Leipzig, a city of Saxony, in the circle of Meis- sen, with a famous university, and a strong cita- del, called Pleyssenburg. It carries on a consid- erable trade ; and has three great fairs every year, which last a fortnight each. The number of in- habitants exceeds 30,000 ; and the principal man- ufactures are silk, gold, and silver stuffs, linen and cotton printing, leather, and paper. There are six handsome colleges belonging to the univer- sity, besides the private colleges; and the exchange is a fine structure. Leipzig was taken by the Prussians in 1745 and 1756. The Austrians, in 1756, besieged it in vain ; they took it two years after, but were soon obliged to give it up. Leip- zig is celebrated for two of the greatest battles recorded in history having been fought iu its vi- cinity, between the French and allied armies, on the 16th and 18th of October, 1813, which were followed by the capture of the town and the rear-o-uard of the French army, on the follow- ing morning, and also the king of Saxony and Iiis family, who were made prisoners. It is seat- ed in a plain, on the river Pleysse, 64 m. W. N. AV. of Dresden, 90 S. W. of Berlin, and 180 N. E. of Frankfort on the Maine. Long. 12. 21 E., lat. 51. 19. N.
Leiria, a town of Portugal, in Estremadura, and a bishops see, with an ancientteastle on an eminence. 77 m. N. N. E. of Lisbon. Long.
8. 34. W., lat. 39. 48 N.
Leisznig, a town of Saxony, in Meissen, with manufactures of cloth, lace, stockings &c. it is seated on the Mulda, 24 m. E. S E. of Leip zig and 32 N. W. of Dresden.
Leith, a sea-port of Scotland, on the frith of Forth, 2 m. N. N. E. of Edinburgh, of which it is the port. It is situate at the mouth of the river |