Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 447
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L1G    447    iilM

the river Meuse is divided into three branches,
Which after passing through the city, under sev-
eral bridges, unite again. Liege is 4 m. in
circumference, and has 16 gates : it has also
large suburbs, in which and the city there were
formerly a great number of churches and religious
houses, part of which are suppressed. The mag-
nificent cathedral contains many relics; and the
other public structures are the castle, the council-
house, the hotel de ville, and the arsenal. There
are manufactures of arms, clock-work, nails, cloth,
leather, glass, &c., and a brisk trade. In 1792
the French took the city; they were driven
thence in 1793, but entered it again in 1794 ; and
it was afterwards annexed to France. In 1814,
however, Liege, with its district, was delivered
up to the allied forces. It is 60 m. W. S. W. of
Cologne. Long. 5. 35. E., lat. 50. 38. N.

Liegnitz. See Lignitz.

Lien-tcheou, a city of China, of the first rank, in
the province of Quang-tong. Its territories bor-
der on the kingdom of Tonquin, from which it is
separated by inaccessible mountains. It is seated
on the Lien-kiang, which forms a convenient
harbour for Chinese barks, 325 m. W. S. W. of
Canton. Long. 108. 40. E., lat. 21. 40. N.

Liere, a town of the Netherlands, in the pro-
vince of Antwerp, with manufactures of woolen
and cotton, besides extensive breweries and dis-
tilleries, and a trade in cattle. It is seated at the
junction of the Great and Little Nethe, 10 m. S.
E. of Antwerp.

Liesse, a town of France, department of Aisne,
famous for an image of the Virgin, to which a
great number of pilgrims used to resort. 7 m. E.
of Laon.

Liffey, a river of Ireland, which rises in the
county of Wicklow, runs W. into Kildare, where
it has a cataract near Leixslip, and then turning
N. E. passes through the county and city of Dub-
lin, below which it enters t.he Irish Sea.

Lifford, a borough of Ireland, in the county of
Donegal, situate on the Foyle, 11 m. S- S. W. of

Ligne, a town of the Netherlands, in Hainault,
on the river Dender, 15 m. N. W. of Mons.

Lignerolles, a town of France, department of
Allier, 4 m. S. of Montlucon.

Lignures, a town of France, department of
Cher, with a collegiate church and a castle, 24
m. S. of Bourges.

Lignitz. or Lfignitz. a government of Prussian
Silesia, including the former principalities of
Glogau. Lignitz. Karolath. with part of
those of Jau-r and Upper Lusatia. It is divided
into the circles of Lowenburg, Bunzlau. Gold-
berg. Lignum Luben, Glogau, Sprottau. Sagan,
Friestaai. Grunturg, Gorlitz, Rotlienbhrg, and
Lauban. The climate is mild, and the soil in ma-
ny places ferule : it is neccessary, however to im-
port corn.

Lignitz. an ancient town of Prussian Silesia,
and capital the government of the same name,
a considerable trade in cloth and madder. It
is surrounded by
an earthen mound, and has four
gates, but is
not fortified. The old palace of the
princes, though within
the town is surrounded with
a distinct
moat and high wall. The other remark-
able objects
are the castle, the council house, the
two Lutheran
churches, the Catholic church of
St. John, and the superb chapel where the dukes
of Lignitz and Brieg
were buried. Here is also
an academy founded
by Joseph I., for the educa-
of the sons of Silesian gentlemen, whether















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Protestants or Catholics. It is seated at the conflu
ence of the Katzbach, and the Schwartzwassar,
30 m. W by N. of Breslau, and 110 N. E. of
Prague. Long. 16 12. E., lat. 51. 12. N.

Ligny, a village of the Netherlands, in the prov-
ince of Namur, celebrated for a sanguinary en-
gagement between the French and Prussians, on
16th of June, 1815, which was the prelude to the
battle of Waterloo, 3 m. N. E. of Fleurus, and 11
W. N. W. of Namur.

Ligny, a town of France, department of Meuse,
with a castle, and a collegiate church. The in-
habitants are estimated at about 31100. It is seat-
ed on the Orney, 9 m. S. E. of Bar le due.

Ligonia, villages in Somerset Co. Me. and
Westmoreland Co Pa.

Ligonta, a village in Amelia Co. Va.

Ligore, a town of the Malay peninsula, sub-
ject to Siam, situate on a river of the same name.
Long. 100. 35. E., lat. 8.18. N.

Ligueil, a town of France, department of
lndre-et-Loire. 21 m. S. of Tours.

Lihons, a town of France, department of Somme,
18 m. E. of Amiens.

Lilienthal,a town of Saxony, on the river Warp,
10 m. N. N. E. of Bremen.

Lille. See Lisle.

Lillers, a town of France, department of Pas de
Calais, seated on the Navez, 17 m. N. W. of Arras.

Lillo, a fortofthe Netherlands, in Brabant,on the
N. side of the Scheldt, 9 m. N. N. W. of Antwerp.

Lilley Point, a village of King William Co. Va.

Lima, a province of Peru ; bounded N. by Trux-
illo. E. by the Andes, S. by Arequipa, and W. by
the Pacific Ocean.

Lima, the capital of Peru, and an archbishop’s
see with a university. This city was founded in
1534, by Pizarro, who gave it the name of Ciu-
dad de los Reyes, or City of the Kings. This
Spanish name it retains in all legal deeds, but is
better known to foreigners by that of Lima. It
is 4 m. long and 2 broad, and surrounded by brick
walls, with ramparts and bastions. The streets
are handsome and straight: the houses are gen-
erally only of one story high, in consequence of
the earthquakes. They have flat roofs, and trees
round them to keep off the sun. The river forms
canals in the streets, which run to most of the
houses, and serve to water the gardens, &c. The
churches and convents are extremely rich; and
many images of the saints are of gold, adorned
with jewels. Here are the courts of the viceroy
and the archbishop, the royal mint, and the court
of the municipal body. All the provinces remit
their product and manufactures to Lima, and are
supplied hence with the neccessary commodities.
The inhabitants, estimated at 50,000, are rich,
fond of dress and splendid retinues, and extreme-
ly superstitious. Lima is 90 m. from the Cordil-
leras, and 850 S. by E. of Quito. Callao is its
port. Long. 76. 49. VV., lat. 12. 1. S.

Lima, p.t. Livingston Co. N. Y. 16 m. W. Ca
nandaigua. Pop. 1,764.

Limale, a town of the Netherlands, in Brabanx,
seated on the Dyle, 13 m. S. E. of Brussels.

Limavady. See Newton Limavady.

Limburg, a province of the Netherlands, bound
ed by Prussia and the provinces of S. and N.
Brabant, Liege, and Antwerp. It contains an
area of 1,500 sq. m. with 290,000 inhabitants. It
has good arable ground, and abounds in a fine
hreed of cattle and contains mines of iron and lead.

Limburg, a town of the Netherlands, capital of
the province of that name, with & castle huilt of


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