Welland, and Ancholm. This country is divided into three districts, called Holland, Kesteven, and Lindsey. The air is various. The soil, in many places, is very rich, the inland part producing corn in great plenty, and the fens coleseed, and very rich pastures; whence their breed of cattle is larger than that of any other county of England, except Somersetshire xe2x80xa2 their horses are also excellent, and very large; their sheep are not only of the largest breed, but are clothed with a long thick wool, peculiarly fitted for the worsted and coarse woolen manufactures, and many of the unimprov- ed fens are devoted to the rearing of geese, the quills and feathers of which are sent in immense quantities to fiie London and other markets. In the N. W. part, the rivers Trent, Dune, and Idle, form an island, called Axholm, which is a rich tract, and produces much flax. To the N. E. is a large tract ofheathy land, called the Wolds, in which great flocks of sheep are bred. The SOUtll! :*rn portion is for the most part enclosed and well inhabited. Lincolnshire has no consid- erable manufactures, and its trade is almost con- fined to the exchange of its produce for manufac- tured and grocery goods, and other consumable commodities.
L'acolnton, towns in Lincoln Co. N. C. and Lincoln Co. Geo.
Lmdau.a town of Bavaria, with a castle and wall, deemed to be Roman works. The French took possession of this city in 1796 ; and it became subject to Bavaria in 150o. It is a trading place, seated on an island of the lake of Constance, join- ed to the mainland bv a long bridge, IS m. E. S. E. of Constance, and 75 S. W. of Auosbunr Long. 9. 41. E., lat. 47. 32. N.
Li.ndtm, a town and castle of Germany, in the principality of Anhalt-Kothen, 5 m. N. of Zerbst.
Lindeness. See Naze.
Linden, p.v. Marengo Co. Alabama.
Lindenfds, a town of Germany, in Hesse-Darm- stadt, 22 m. N. N. E. of Manheim.
Lind!ei/stmcn, p.v. Steuben Co. N. Y
Lindisfarne. See Holy Island.
Lingen, a county of Germany, in Westphalia, divided into Upper and Lower, and partly belong- ing to Prussia, and partly to Hanover.
Lingen, a town of Hanover, with an excellent Calvinist academy. A little to the N. of it is a nissag0 -'.'er trie Elbe, called the Lingen Ferry, jt i5 or. the Elbe. 40 m. N. N. W. of
Lm-kr ~:.g. a cuv of Thina, of the first rank, in the province of Kiang-si. It is thinly inhabit- ed : b.itit :s of some note, on account of one of ite villages being the general mart for all the d-:gs s-Id in he empire. It is seated on the Yn-.no. 4i*xc2xbb m. N. w E. of Canton. Lono- 115. 0. F... la*. 27. 5'. N.
' Lte.ir oping, a govermnent of Sweden, corres- ponding liearly t: tine old province of East Goth- land. It xe2x80x98..es ring the Baltic, and contains 3,280 sc. m with 1-V...V,, inhabitants.
LiTriwing. a *rwn of Sweden, capital of the foregoing g^Temment. and a bishops see. It is defended by a castle, and stands on the river Steenor. near the luke Roxen, 112 m. S. W. of Stockholm.
Linlithgow, a borough of Scotland, capital of Linlithgowshire, seated on a rising ground, over- looking.a lake at its E. end. It has manufactures of leather, and in the ne.ghbourhood are an ex- tensive printfield, bleachfield, and two distille- xe2x80xa2v 57 ries. Here the kings of Scotland had one of their noblest palaces, now in ruins; but the room is still shown in which queen Mary was born. Lin lithgow is 17 m. W. of Edinburgh. Lon or. 3. 33. W., lat. 56. 0. N. |
Linlithgowshire, or l-Vest Lothian, a county of Scotland, 20 m. long and 12 broad; bounded on the N. by the frith of Forth, S. E. by Edinburghshire, S. W. by Lanarkshire, and N. VV. by^ Stirling- shire. It is divided into 13 parishes, and con- tains about 20,000 inhabitants. The surface is finely diversified witli hill and dale : it is fertile in corn and pasture, and produces coal, iron, lime- stone, and lead. The chief rivers are the Avon, and Amond.
Linnhe, Lodi, an arm of the sea, on the W. coast of Scotland, which separates the counties of Argyle and Inverness. It extends in a N. E. di- rection from the sound of Mull to Fort William, where it takes a northerly direction, and acquires the name of Loch Eil. Another branch, in a south- easterly direction, is called Loch Leven. This lake is bounded on each side by lofty mountains. The island of Lismore lies at its entrance, and in it are interspersed several smaller ones.
Linvidi. a town of the Prussian states, in the duchy of Juliers : seated on the river Roer, 5 m. N. X'. IV. of Juliers.
Lin-tchtin. a city of China, of the second rank, in the province of Chan-tong, seated on the great canal. Here is an octagonal tower, divided into eight stories, the walls of which are covered on the outside with porcelain. 187 m. S. of Pekin.
Linton, a town in Cambridgeshire, Eng. seated on the river Granton, 10 m. S. E. of Cambridge and 40 N. by E. of London.
Lin^z, the capital of Upper Austria, and a bish- op's see, has two castles, and considerable woolen manufactures. The French became masters of it in 1741 and again in 1800. It is seated on the right bank of the Danube, over which is a wooden bridge, 96 m. W. of Vienna. Long. 14. 16. E., lat. 48. 21. N.
Lintz, a town and citadel of the Prussian states, in the late electorate of Cologne, seated on the Rhine, 23 m. S. S. E. of Cologne.
Lions,Gulf of, in the Mediterranean, lying along the French coast between Spain and Italy. It was named thus from the furious storms to which it is subject, yet is commonly incorrectly written Lyons, as if called after the city of that name which is nearly 200 m. inland.
Lipari Islands, a cluster of islands in the Med- iterranean, lying to the N. of Sicily, to which they politically belong. They are all of volcanic origin, were feigned to be the residence of Aldus ana Vulcan, and formerly called jEolian Islands. They are 12 in number; and nearly as follows, in the order of their size: Lipari, Stromboli, Vol- cano, Salini, Felicuda, Alicuda, Panaria, Volcan- ello, Vacheluse, Lisca, Dattolo, and Tila Navi. They produce great quantities of alum, sulphur, nitre, cinnabar, and most kinds of fruits, particu- larly raisins, currants, and figs. Some of their wines are much esteemed, particularly the Mal- vasia.
Lipari, the largest and most fertile of the Lipari islands, about 15 m. in circumference. It has not suffered from subterraneous fires for ages past though it every where bears the marks of its for- mer volcanic state. It abounds with the currant grape ; cotton also grows here; and great quanti- ties of pumice are exported. It has a town of the same name, which is a bishop s see, and stands 2 p 2 |