Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 451
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Lissa, a village of Prussian Silesia, on the
6 m. N. AV. of Breslau, celebrated for
a victory gained by the Prussians over the Aus-
trians in 1757.

Litchfield, a city of Staffordshire, Eng. It is a
county of itself, and, united with Coventry, forms
an episcopal see. It has 3 parish churches, be-
sides the cathedral, which is a beautiful structure,
and walled in like a castle. Litchfield is the
birthplace of two celebrated contemporaries, Sam-
uel Johnson and David Garrick. The city is
governed by two bailiffs, &c., and sends
2 mem-
bers to parliament. It is seated on both sides of
a small river, which soon afterwards joins the
Trent, 16 m. N. of Birmingham, and 119 N. W.
of London. Long. 1. 44. W.,lat. 52. 41. N.

Litchfield, a mountainous county of Connecti-
cut, bounded N. by Massachusetts, E. by Hartford
county, S. E. by New Haven county, S. W. by
Fairfield county, and W. by New York.
The soil is fertile, yielding large crops of wheat
and Indian corn, and affording fine pasture. Pop.

Litchfield, the capital of the above county, sit-
uated in an elevated plain. It is a good agricul-
tura! town, and contains numerous mills and
manufacturing establishments.
6 m. N. N. AAr.
ofNen Haven. Pop. 4,45s.

U'c’fidd. a township of Hillsborough Co. X. II.
Pop. 5o5 a township of Herkimer Co. N. Y. 10 m.
S. Utica. Pop. 1.750: ph. Lincoln Co. Me. Pop.
2,305, also villages in Bradford Co. Pa. and Gray-
son Co. Ken.

Lithuania, the former name of an extensive
tract of country lying between Poland and_ Rus-
sia, now forming the three Russian governments
of Wilna, Grodno, and Minsk. It was divided
into Lithuania Proper and Samogitia; and in
1569 was united to Poland, under one elective
king. It is a flat country, fertile in corn, and
produces honey, wood, pitch, and vast quantities
of wool; also excellent little horses which are
never shod, their hoofs being very hard. There
are vast forests in which are bears, wolves, elks,
wild oxen, lynxes, beavers, wild cats, &c.; and
eagles and vultures are very common.

Lltiz, a village of Pennsylvania, in Lancaster
county, and a settlement of the Moravians,
66 m.
AA'. bv N. cf Philadelphia.

Lits:: iu. a town and castle of Austria, on the
frontiers of Bohemia. 23 m. X. AV. of Horn.

L:" :c. a town of Moravia on the river March,
9 m. X. X. E. ofOlmutz.

Britain, a township of Lancaster Co. Pa.

Little Conpton. ph. Newport Co. R. I. on the
eastern point of Xarraganset Bay. Pop. 1,378.

Utth* Crr-t.a township of Sussex Co. Del.

L ::I: Egg Harbour, a township of Burlington
Co. N Y. Iving upon the sea; with a harbour and
river '.5:- same name, navigable for small craft.

Liv e FAls, a village of Herkimer Co. N. Y.
on the Mohawk.
8 m. below Herkimer.

L'ttV P tth. o.v. King and Queen’s Co. Va.
^ m. X. E Richmond.

Littli R>:k. the capital of Arkansas Territory,
xc2xabo named by anUphrasis from the enormous mas-
ses of r .ck around it. The town stands on the
southern bank of Arkansas river, 120 m. from the
mouth of the stream. 400 m. S. AV. St. Louis,
300 N. W. Natchez. Lat. 34. 17. N., and 1,068 m.
W. of AVashington.

Littleton, ph. Grafton Co. N. H. on the Con-
necticut. 75 m. N. Concord. Pop. 1,435. ph.
Middlesex Co. Mass. 28 m. N. W. Boston. Pop.

947. p.v. Sussex Co. Va. 36 m. S. E. Rich

Little Valley, a township of*Cattaraugus Co. N.
Y. Pop. 337.

Little York, p.v. Montgomery Co. Ohio. 77 m.
S. W. Columbus ; p.v. Harding Co. Ken. 90 m. S.
W. Frankfort.

Livadia, a province of Independent Greece. to
the north of the Morea, comprising Attica, Bceo-
tia, Phocis and Locris. The town of the same
name is situate E. of Mount Helicon. 50 m N. W.
Athens. Pop. 4,000.

Livenza, a river of Austrian Italy, which runs
on the confines of Trevisano and Friuli, and en-
ters the gulf of Venice between the mouth of the
Piava and the town of Caorlo.

Livermore, ph. Oxford Co. Me. 18 m. N. E
Paris. Pop. 2,456.

Liverpool, a city in Lancashire, Eng. with mar-
kets on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Up
to, the close of the seventeenth century it was a
very inconsiderable place, having only one
church, which was a chapel of ease to Walton, a
village 3 m. off. In 1669 an act was passed to
make it a distinct parish, and erect a new church.
Since this period it has been gradually advancing
in importance ; and, with respect to population
and commerce, it is become the second port in the
kingdom. It extends 3 m. along the E. bank of
the- river Mersey, and about a mile in average
breadth; contains'23 churches and chapels for the
establishment, a much greater number of meet-
ing-houses for dissenters, five Roman catholic
chapels, and a Jews synagogue. Among the
public buildings, which comprise numerous speci-
mens of architectural taste, the most important
are*the town-hall, exchange buildings, lyceum,
AVellington rooms, com exchange, infirmary, St.
John’s market, blue coat school, dispensary, asy-
lum for the blind, theatre, athenaeum, music hall,
news room, custom-house, and a borough gaol on
the Howardian plan. The streets are generally
spacious, some of them elegant, and the greater
part lighted with gas. At the head of the insti-
tutions for literary and scientific pursuits is the
Royal Liverpool Institution, opened in 1817 at an
expense of xc2xa330,000. To enumerate the asylums
for the wretched and unfortunate, of every de-
scription and denomination, would be altogether
incompatible with our limits. The increase and
prosperity of Liverpool have been greatly promo-
ted by the enterprise and skill of its inhabitants,
by its local advantages, commanding the trade of
Ireland and America, and hy the wisdom of the
corporation in abolishing all exclusive laws, and
encouraging every species of industry and com-
mercial talent. The principal manufactures, be-
sides those connected with the shipping, which
employ an immense number of persons, are fine
porcelain, watches, glass, iron, salt, copperas, &c.
The watch movement and tool business is almost
confined to this part of the country; and the
breweries, soap-works, brass and iron founderies,
sugar-houses, &c., are on an extensive scale.
Few towns possess accommodations for shipping
at all comparable to Liverpool: it has, at present,
six docks, the Dry Dock, Salthouse Dock, King’s
Dock, Queen’s Dock, George’s Dock, Prince’s
Dock, North Dock, and Brunswick Dock, which
with their basins occupy nearly
100 acres of land.
The estuary of the Mersey may be properly term-
ed an arm of the sea, opening to this port
a ready
access to the Western Sea, and ships of any bur-
den may come up fully laden to the town; while

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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the World (1850)


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