Thames River Deptford Lambeth Thames River Southwark, Surrey, England, United Kingdom Limehouse Vauxhall Oxford-street St. Giles Holborn Skinner-street Newgate-street Cheapside Cornhill Leadenhall-street White-chapel Mile End Essex Road Piccadilly St. James's Street Pall Mall Charing Cross Strand Fleet-street Ludgatehill St. Paul's Churchyard Waitling-street Cannon-street Tower-street Tower Hill Wapping Holborn Grosvenor Square Portman Square Berkeley Square St. James Square Hanover Square Manchester Square Cavendish Square Bedford Square Russel Square Tavistock Square Bloomsbury Square Montague Square Leicester Square Bryanston Square Finsbury Square Lincoln's Inn Fields St. Paul's Cathedral St. Peter's Cathedral at Rome Westminster Abbey Gothic Sebert, King of the East Saxons Henry VII Chapel Leland Wonder of the World St. Stephen's, Walbrook Wren, Christopher Bow Church Cheapside St. Bride's Church St. Dustan's Church