Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer, page 462
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same year, was 88,878,000 pounds. The com-
merce of the state consists in the exportation of
these products, and a great variety of others
brought down the Mississippi from the western
states. New Orleans is the centre of commerce
for the state. The imports for 1829 were valued
at 6,857,209 dollars; the exports of domestic pro-
duce at 10,893,183 dollars; total exports 12,386,-

060. The shipping of the state in 1828 amounted
to 51,903 tons. The pop. is 215.575. of whom
109,631 are slaves.

The inhabitants of the state consist of remnants
of the former Spanish and French possessors in-
termixed with Americans. The French are very
numerous and exhibit in their manners the cus
tomary gaiety and volatility of that nation. This
is one of the few states in the Union where the
slaves exceed the freemen. The Catholics are
the most numerous religious sect; they have
above 20 parishes in the state. The Baptists have
14 ministers; the Methodists
6; the Presbyterians
5, and the Episcopalians 3. The state is divi-
ded into the Eastern and Western Districts, which
are subdivided into 31 parishes. New Orleans is
the seat of government. The Legislature is styl
ed the
General Assembly, and consists of a Senate
and House of Representatives. The senators are
chosen for 4 years and the Representatives for 2.
The Governor is chosen for 4 years, and is elect-
ed by the legislature from the highest two previ-
ously voted for by the people. Suffrage is univer-
sal. There are colleges in this state at Jackson
and New Orleans, but general education has re-
ceived little care.

This state consists of the Southern part of the
extensive country purchased by the United States
from France in 1803 for 15,000,000 dollars. It
was first settled by the French, and afterwards
occupied by the Spanish, but subsequently came
again into the hands of the French. Louisiana
under its present limits was admitted into the
Union as a state in 1812.

Louisiana., p.v. Pike Co. Missouri, on the Mis-
sissippi. 96 m. N. W. St. Louis.

Louisville, p.t. Jefferson Co. Kentucky, on the
south bank of the Ohio, at the falls. This is a
busy and flourishing town, situated upon a slop
ing plain at the junction of Beargrass Creek with
the Ohio. The chief declivity of the falls begins
a quarter of a mile below the town. The three
principal streets run parallel with the river, and
command a pleasant view of the opposite shore.
The streets are paved with blocks of lime-stone.
The buildings are mostly of brick. The town has
considerable manufactures and a thriving river
trade. Pop. 10,352.

Louisville and Portland Canal, passes round tne
falls of the Ohio, through the town above men-
tioned to Portland below. It is 2 m. in length
and is cut through a limestone rock. It has sever-
al locks which overcome a descent of 24 feet.
It admits the passage of the largest steam-boats
and thus opens a line of free navigation from
Pittsburg to the sea. This canal was finished in

Louisville, p.t. St. Lawrence Co. N. Y. on tne
St. Lawrence, 30 m. below Ogdensburg. Pop.

1,076. Also a p.t. Jefferson Co. Geo. 50. m. S.
W. Augusta.

Louistoicn, a village in Talbot Co. Maryland.

Louis, St. a county of Missouri, on the Missis-
sippi. Pop. 14,907.

Louis, St. the capital of the above county, and
the chief commercial town in the state of Mis
souri, stands on tlfet Mississippi, 18 below the
mouth of the Missouri, on a gently rising ground
and is accessible by steam-boats from New
Orleans at the lowest stages of the water. The
town was founded by the French from Can at. a
in 1764. and many of the inhabitants are still
French. Here is a Catholic college and cathe-
dral. A considerable part of the western fur-trade
centres here, and the town is otherwise well situ-
ated for commerce. The passage to New Orleans is
1,200 m. by the river, and there are 6 steam-boats
constantly plying between these two places.
There are also the same number constantly running
between this place and Louisville, besides others
to different places. The town is regularly la.d
out and extends 2 m. along the river. Pop. 5,85e.
Lat. 38,26. N., long. 89. 56. W.

Louie, a town of Portugal, in Algarva, sur-
rounded by antique walls, and seated on a river
of the same name, 10 m. N. W. of Faro.

Lou-ngan, a city of China, ofthe first rank, in
the province of Chan-si, situate near the source
ofthe Queyho, 270 m. S. S. W. of Pekin. Long.

116. 56. E., lat. 31.46. N.

Lourde, a town of France, department of Upper
Pyrenees, with a castle on a rock, 10 m. N. W. of

Louristan, a mountainous but fertile district,
of Irak, in Persia, bordering upon Khusistan. It
is abundantly watered, and the pastures are most
luxuriant, but agriculture is quite neglected.
The inhabitants are a barbarous and independent
race, and reside always in tents. The only town
is Korumabad.

Louth, a corporate town in Lincolnshire, Eng.
with manufactures of blankets and carpets, and
also a large soap manufactory. Here is a noble
Gothic church, with a lofty spire; also five meet-
ing-houses for dissenters, a free school, founded
by Edward VI., and another founded in 1677. It
has a navigation, by means of the river Lud, and
a canal, to the German Ocean, at Tetney Creek.
28 m. N. E. of Lincoln," and 141 N. of London.

Louth, a county of Ireland, in the province of
Leinster, 27 m. long and 18 broad; bounded on
he N. hy Armagh and Carlingford Bay, E.
by the Irish Sea, W. by Monaghan and E. Meath,
and S. by E. Meath, from which it is parted by
the river Boyne. It is a fertile country, contains
61 parishes, with about
101,000 inhabitants, and
sends two members to parliament.

Louth, a town of Ireland, in the county of the
same name, containing the ruins of an ancient
abbey, founded by St. Patrick, 1xc2xa7 m. N. N. W.
of Drogheda.

Loutre, a village in Montgomery Co. Missouri.

Louvain, a city of the Netherlands, in S. Bra-
bant, with an old castle, and a celebrated universi-
ty. Its walls are nearly 9 m. in circumference,
but within them are many gardens and vineyards.
The churches, convents, and public buildings are
magnificent. Large quantities of cloth were
formerly made here, but this trade is decayed,and
the town is now chiefly noted for good beer. It
was taken by the French in 1746, 1792, and 1794
and is seated on the Doyle, 14 m. E. by N. of.
Brussels, and 20. S. S. xc2xa3. of Antwerp. Long. 4

41. E., lat. 50. 53. N.

Louviers, a handsome town of France, depart-
ment of Eure, with a considerable manufacture of
fine cloths. It is seated on the Eure, 10 m. N. of
Evreux, and 55 N. W. of Paris.

Louvres, a town of France, department of Seine-
et-Oise, 14 m. N. of Paris


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Brookes' Universal Gazetteer of the Worl


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