Brookes Universal Gazetteer (1850) Page 464 Right Column

Brookes’ Universal Gazetteer (1850), Page 464 Right Column
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    Paris, Treaty of (1814)
    Martinique (directional)
St. Lucia (Island), Cape de Verd Islands (main entry)
    St. Nicholas (Island), Cape de Verd Islands
St. Lucia, Val di Demona, Sicily (main entry)
    Messina (directional)
St. Lucia, Buenos Ayres (main entry)
    St. Lucia River
    Monte Video (directional)
    Buenos Ayres (directional)
Luciana, Andalusia, Spain (main entry)
    Ecija (directional)
Lucito, Molise, Naples (main entry)
    Molise (directional)
Luckau, Lower Lusatia, Prussian States (main entry)
    Berste River
    Dresden (directional)
Luckenwald, Prussian Saxony (main entry)
    Nute River
    Berlin (directional)
Luckford, Dorsetshire, United Kingdom (main entry)
    Holme (directional)
    Luckford River
    Frome River
    Purbeck Isle
Lucknow, Oude, Hindoostan (main entry)
    Goomty River
    East India Company
Luco, Naples (main entry)
    Lake celano
    Celano (directional)
Lucon, Vendée, France (main entry)
    Canal of Fontenay
    Fontenay (directional)
    Nantes (directional)
Luconia (Island), Philippine Islands (main entry)
    Manilla (Island) (synonym for Luconia (Island), Philippine Islands)
Lucrino (main entry)
Lucy, Savoy, Sardinian States (main entry)
    Chamberry (directional)
Ludamar, Central Africa (main entry)
    Kaarta, Africa
    Bambarra, Africa
    Sahara desert
    Great desert
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