'Malaga, a sea-port and city of Spain, in Gran- ada, with a good harbour, capable of containing 400 merchant vessels and 20 sail of the line. The cathedral is a stupendous pile, begun by Philip
II. while married to Mary of England, and their united arms are over the gate. The inhabitants are about 50,000, who have some trade in raisins and excellent wines, and manufactures of silks, velvets, soap, paper, &c. Malaga was taken by the French in 1810, and remained in their posses- sion till 1812. It is seated on the Mediterranean, surrounded by hills, 55 m. W. S. W., of Granada. Long. 4. 10. W., lat. 36. 35. N.
Malaga, p.v. Gloucester Co. N. J. 30 m. S. Philadelphia; p.v. Monroe Co. Ohio. 147 m. S. E. Columbus
Malahide, a town and bay of Ireland, in the county of Dublin, 6 m. from the capital. In the vicinity is Malahide Castle, the residence of the Talbot family.
Malambito, a town of S. America, in the prov- ince of Carthagena, about 60 m. E. of Carthage- na, on the W. side of the river Magdalena.
Malamocco, a small island and town of Austrian Italy, 5 m. S. of Venice.
Malatia, a town of Asia Minor, on the site of the ancient Melitene, once the capital of Arme- nia Minor; seated 15 m. W. of the Euphrates, 90 W. N. AV. of Diarbekir. Long. 57. 30. E. lat. 37 30. N.
Malaicully, or Malavilly, a town of Hindoostan, in Mysore, with a large mud fort, separated into two parts by a transverse walL Here is a fruit- garden of great extent, planted by the late sul- tans. Tippoo Sultan was defeated here by gene- ral Harris in 1799. It is 35 m. E. of Seringapatam.
Malehin, a town of Germany, in the duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, seated on1 the river Peene, where it forms the lake Camrow, 22 m. E. of Gustrow.
Maleho, a town of Germany, in the duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, between the lakes Calpin and Plau, 23 m. S. S. E. of Gustrow.
Maldeghina, a town of France, department of Lys, 10 m. E. of Bruges.
Malda, a town of Bengal, capital of a district of the same name, on the N. E. side of the Gan- ges. It is the residence of the commercial agent of the E. India Company, and carries on an exten- sive trade in raw silk, and manufactured goods. Long. 55. 4. E., lat. 25. 3. N.
Malden, a borough in Essex, Eng. with consid- erable trade, chiefly in corn, salt, coal, iron, deals, and wine. It has two parish churches, a free school, a librarv, and a town-hall. A'essels of moderate burden come up to the town, but large ships are c-bligod to unload at a distance below, in Black water Bav. The custom of Borough Eng- lish. by which the youngest son succeeds to the burgage tenure, is kept up here. It is seated on an eminence, on the river Blackwater,8 m E. of Chelmsford, and 37 N. E. of London.
Malden, j t Middlesex Co. Mass. 5 m. N. E. Boston. Poo. 2.010. Also a town and fort on Detroit river. V. C.
Maldives, a cluster ot small islands, in the In- dian Ocean, lying S. W. of Cape Comorin, ex- tending from the equinoctial line to 8. N. lat., and situated between 72. and 74. E. long. They are divided into 17 attolons, or provinces, each having its separate governor and its distinct branch of industry, the brewers residing in one, the gold- smiths in another, &x. Tbeinhabitants appear to be a mixture of Arabs and Hindoos from Mal- abar. They supply ships with sails and cordage cocoa-nuts, oil, and honey, dry fish, tortoise-shell, and especially cowries. |
Maldonado, a town of Buenos Ayres, with a harbour sheltered by a small island of its name; seated near the N. entrance of the Plata. Long
55. 36. W., lat. 34. 50. S.
Maldonado, a small river of Buenos Ayres, which enters the sea in the bay of Maldonado.
Malemba, a sea-port on the coast of Loango, AVestern Africa. 50 m. S. of Loango.
Male, the principal of the Maldive islands, and the residence of the prince. Long. 73. 10. E., lat.
6. 20. N.
Malesherbes, a town of France, department of Loiret; seated on the Essone, 35 m. N. E. of Orleans.
Malestroit, a town of France, department of Morbihan , seated on the Ouse, 19 m. E. N. E. ot Vannes.
Malharn, a village in W. Yorkshire, Eng. sur- rounded on every side by mountains and rising grounds, which abound in natural curiosities: and among them,on a high moor, is a circular lake, about a m. in diameter, which is the source of the river Aire. 6 m. E. of Settle. 233 from London.
Malines. See Mechlin.
Malivaaonga, a river of Ceylon, which rises among the hills to the S. E. of Candy, nearly en- compasses that city, and, after many windings among the mountains, enters the sea at Trinco- malee.
Malleville, a town of France, department of Aveiron,6 m. N. E. of A'illefranche.
Mallirolio, one of the largest of the New Hebri- des, in the S. Pacific, extending 20 leagues from N. W. to S. E. The inland mountains are very high, and clad with forests; but the soil is rich and fertile, producing cocoa-nuts, bread fruit, bananas, sugar canes, yams, eddoes, turmeric, oranges, &c. Hogs and common poultry are the domestic ani- mals. The inhabitants appear to be a different race from those of the Friendly and Society Is- lands. In many particulars they seem to cor- respond with the natives of New Guinea, particu- larly in their black colour and wooly hair. They go almost naked, are of a slender make, have lively hut very irregular features, and tie a rope fast round their belly. At the S. end of the is- land is a port, named Sandwich Harhour. Lono-. 167.53. E., lat. 16. 25. S.
Mailing, West, a town in Kent, Eng. 6 m. AV. of Maidstone, and 29 E. by S. of London.
Mallmo, a borough of Ireland, in the county, of Cork, with considerable linen manufactures and a fine spring of tepid water. It is seated on the Blackwater, 17 m. N. by AV. of Cork.
Malmedy, a town of the Prussian province of Lower Rhine, government of Aix-la-Chapelle, seated on the Recht, 20 m. S. of Aix-la-Chapelle.
Mulmot, a sea-port of Sweden, government of Malmohus, with a large harbour and a strong cit- adel. It has manufactures of woolen, and a con- siderable trade ; seated on the Sound, 18 m. E. by
S. of Copenhagen. Long. 13. 7. E., lat. 55. 36
Malmohus, a government of Sweden, including a great part of the ancient Schonen or Scania It lies along the Sound and the Baltic, and compri- ses an area of 1,380 square m. with 137,000 in- habitants.
Malmsbury, a borough in Wiltshire Eng. with a woolen mai ufacture. Its castle is demolished but there are some remains of its once celebrated abbey. It is seated on a hill, almost surrounded |