Matthew, St., a small island in the Indian Ocean. Long. 123.51. E., lat. 52. 3. S.
Matthews, a county ofthe E. District of Virginia. Pop. 7,663.
Mattapoiset, a village on Buzzards Bay in Ply- mouth Co. Mass.
Mattituck, p.v. Suffolk Co. N Y. on Long Island.
Muito Grosso, a province of Brazil, bounded N. by the province of Para, S. by that of St. Paul, VV. by that of La Plata, and E. by that of Goias, and lying between 52. and 64. of W. long., and between 10. and 23. of S. lat. It was first visited bv the Portuguese in search of gold, which abounds near the sources of many of its rivers. The coun- try is generally fertile.
Muntumay, a sea-port in the island of Jeso, cap- ital of a province of the same name, tributary to JaDan. Long. 138. 55. E., lat. 42. 0. N.
Matura, a sea-port of Ceylon, with a small fort. The country round is exceedingly wild, and abounds in elephants, which are here principally caught for exportation. It is seated at the mouth of the Melipu, near the southern extremity of the island, 25 m. E. S. E. of Galle. Long. 80. 23. E., lat. 5. 53. N.
Matura, a town of Hindoostan, in the province of A*ra, 22 m. N. E. of Agra and 70 S. S. E. of Dehli
Maubtugt. a fortified town of France, depart- ment of Nord, with manufactures of arms and woolen stuffs. In 1793 the Austrians formed the blockade of this place, but were so in driven from their position. It was one of the fortresses occu- pied by the allies from 1315 to 1318. Seated on the Sambre, 13 m. S. of Mons.
Mauch Chunk, a village of Northampton Co. Pa. on the I.ehig^i, 35 in. S. W. Easton and 103 by the river above Philad. Here are large coal mines, for an account of which See Pennsylvania.
Mauldah, a town of Hindoostan, in Bengal, sit- uate on a river that communicates with the Gan- ges. It arose out of the ruins of Gour, which are in its neighbourhood ; and is a place of trade, par- ticularly in silk. 170 m. N. of Calcutta. Long.
88. 16. E., lat. 25. 3. N.
Maule, a province of Chile, 132 m. long and 120 broad. The soil is fertile, and the province is well watered. The capital is Talca. Lat. 34. 47. S.
Maule. a river of the above province, which rises in the Cordillera, and enters the Pacific in lat. 34. 50. S.
Maul ton. a town of France, department of Ven- dee. with an ancient castle on a rock. It is seated near the river Oint. 52 m. N. E. of Rochelle.
McAern. a town of France, department of Lower Pvrenees. 2? m. W. S. W. of Pau.
a town of France, department of Up- per Pvreaees. 23 m. S. E. of Tarbes.
Msxov*. a river of Indiana, flowing into the Ohio. Also i village in Wood Co. Ohio, on the same river.
Maurc. St-, an island in the Ionian Sea, on the W. coast of Greece J5 m. N. ofthe island of Ceph- alonia, about 5*} m. in circuit. Its surface is mountaineer* and ragged, and it is subject to fre- quent earthquakes Tne chief products are wine, olives, citrous, poor-grantes. almonds, and other fruits. It forms part of the Ionian republic, and sends four deputies to the assembly. There are several good ports ; bwt no town of consequence except uie capital, of the same name, situate at the N. extremity of the island. Long. 20. 46. E., lat 38.40. N |
Maurepas,a lake in the eastern part of Louisiana which discharges its waters into Lake Pontchar train by a strait 7 m. long xe2x96xa0 the lake is 12 in. in length and 7 in breadth, with a depth of 12 feet
Mauriac, a town of France, department of Can tal, famous for excellent horses ; seated near the Dordogne, 29 m. E. of Tulle.
Maurice, St., a town of Switzerland, in the Va- lais, situate on the Rhone, between two high mountains, 16 in. N.xe2x80x98 W. of Martigny.
Maurice, St., a river of Lower Canada, flowing into the St. Lawrence. Also a county lying upon the same river. '
Maurice, p.v. Cumberland Co. N. J. on a rtream of the same name, falling into Delaware Bay.
Mauritius. See France, Isle of.
Maurua, one of the smaller Society Islands, in the S. Pacific, 14 m. W. of Bolabola. Long. 152. 32. W., lat. 16. 25. S.
Maury, a Co. of W. Tennessee. Pop. 28,153. Columbia is the capital.
Mautern, a town of Austria, on the S. side of the Danube, opposite Stein, with which it is con- nected by a long wooden bridge. It is 11 m. N by W. of St. Poften.
Mates, St., a borough in Cornwall, Eng. It has no church, but a chapel has been erected at the expense of the late marquis of Buckingham. Henry VIII. built a castle here, opposite to Pen- dennis, for the better security of Falmouth. It is seated on the E. side of Falmouth Haven. 12 m. S. S. W, of Grampound and 260 W. by S. of London.
Maiatauny, a township of Berks Co. Pa. 20 m. N. E. Reading.
Maxen, a town of Upper Saxony, celebrated for a victory obtained by the Austrians over the Prussians, in 1759, when 20,000 Prussians sur- rendered themselves prisoners of war. It .s 10 m. S. of Dresden
Maxfield, ph. Penobscot Co. Me. Pop. 186.
Maximin, St., a town of France, department of Var, seated on the Argens, 21 m. N. of Toulon.
May, a small island of Scotland, at the mouth of the frith of Forth, with a light-house, 6 m. S E. of Anstruther.
May, Cape, a cape of N. America, on the N side of the mouth of the Delaware. Long. 75. 4 W., lat. 39. 0. N.
Mayamba, or Majumba, a sea-port of Africa, in Loango. The chief trade is in logwood. It stands at the mouth of the Banna, 110 m. N. W of Loango. Long. 10. 20. E., lat. 3. 40. S.
Maybole, a town of Scotland, in Ayrshire, with a manufacture of blankets; seated on an emi- nence, surrounded by hills, 8 m. S. of Ayr.
Mayen, a town in the Prussian province of Low-* er Rhine, with a castle and a collegiate church , seated on the Nette, 15 m. W. by N. of Coblentz ,
Mayence. See Mentz.
Mayenfield, a town of Switzerland, in the Gnsoti country, chief place of the League of the Ten Ju risdictions, with 900 inhabitants; seated on the Rhine, in a romantic valley, 22 m. S. by E. of Appenzel.
Mayenne, a department of France, including part of the former province of Maine. It takes its name from a river, which flows S. by the cities of Mayenne and Laval, to that of Angers where it receives the Sarthe, and soon after joins the Loire. Laval is the capital.
Mayenne, the chief place of an arrondissement in the above department, with a castle on a rock It has manufactures of linen, woolen, and thread |