N E. of Pans. Long. 6. 10. E., lat 49.
Metzovo. a range of mountains in European Turkey, separating Albania from Thessaly. It ls^he ancient Pindus. There is a village of this Same among the mountains.
Meudon, a village of France, with a magnifi- cient royal palace and park; seated on the Seine, 6 m. S. of Paris.
Meulan, a town of France, department ofSeine- et-Oise ; seated on the Seine, over which is a stone bridge of 21 arches, 26 m. N. W. of Par- is.
Meurs, or Moers, a town of the Prussian states, capital of a small principality of the same name. It has a castle, and was formerly a place of strength, but its fortifications were destroyed in 1764. 16 m. N. N. E. of Dusseldorf.
Meurlhe, a town of France, including part of the former province of Lorraine. It is bounded by the department of Moselle, Vosges, and Meuse, and comprises an area of 2,500 sq. m., with 365,600 inhabitants. The climate is temperate, and the soil in general fertile. Nancy is the capital.
Meurthe, a river of France, which rises in the department of Vosges, and flows by Luneville and Nancy into the Moselle.
Meuse, a river which rises in France, in the department of Upper Marne. It enters the Neth- erlands at Givet, flows to Charlemont, Namur, Huy, Liege, Maestricht, Ruremonde, Venlo, Grave, Battenburg, Ravestern, Gorcum (where it receives the Waal), and Worcum. At Dort it divides into four principal branches, the most northern of which is called the Merve. These form the island of Yaselmonde, Voom, and Over- slackee, and enters the German Ocean below Briel, Hel voetsluys and Goree.
Meuse, a department of France , including the farmer duchy of Bar. It is bounded by the grand duchy of Luxemburg, and the departments of Moselle, Vosges, Marne, and Ardennes, and com- prises an area of 2,500 sq. m. with 285,000 inhabi- tants. Bar sur Ormain is the capital.
Mewar, an extensive district of Hindoostan, province of Agimere, lying chiefly between 25. and 26. of N. lat.
Meu-at, a hilly and woody tract of Hindoostan lying on the S. W. of Dehli, confining the low country, along the W. bank of the Jumna, to a comparatively narrow slip, and extending west- ward 130 m. From N. to S. it is 90 m. Its inhab- itants, the Mewatti, have been ever characterized as the most savage and brutal, and are still noted as thieves and robbers. The country contains some strong fortresses on steep or inaccessible hills. It is nominally possessed by the rajah of Macherry.
Mexicano, or Adayes, a river of New Mexico, on the confines of Louisiana, which runs into the gulf of Mexico.
Mexico, a country of N. America, now forming an independent republic, situated between 42. and 113. W. long., and extending from the Pacific Ocean to to the Carribean Sea, the gulf of Mexico and the Sabine River. It comprises an area of
1,700,000 sq. m. with about 7,000,000 ofinhabi tants. In general it is a mountainous country intermixed with many rich valleys: the highest mountains many of which are volcanoes, are near the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The eastern shore is a flat country, IbH of impenetrable forests, with hogs and morasses, overflowed in the rainy sea- xc2xa3fju, which is from April to September Although a considerable portion of Mexico is within the torrid zone, the climate in general i3 temperate and healthy. No country abounds more with grain, fruits, roots, and vegetables, many of them
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feculiar to the country, or at least to America, t is also celebrated for its mines of gold and sil ver, and has quarries of jasper and porphyry, and exquisite marble. Cdchineal is almost peculiar to this country; its indigo and cocoa are supeunr to any in America; and its logwood has long been an important article of commerce. Among the quadrupeds are the puma, jaguar, bears, elks, wolves, deer, &c. The peccary of this country is sometimes called the Mexican hog. These ani- mals frequent the mountainous and woody parts and go in large herds together. They commit great ravages among the sugar-canes, maize, man ihot and potato fields. In Guiana the Indians shoot
them with poisoned arrows blown through a tube. The domestic animals of Europe, particularly horned cattle, have multiplied here, almost with incredible rapidity. Numbers of these having been suffered to run wild, now range over the vast plains, in herds from 30,000 to 40.000 ; they are killed merely for the sake of their hides, which are annually exported, in vast quantities, to Eu- rope. The inhabitants consist of native Spaniards , Creoles, who are descendants of Europeans ; Mu- lattoes, the issue of whites and negroes ; Mesti- zoes, descendants of whites and Indians; Zam- boes, descendants of negroes and Indians; and African negroes, with whom are classed a mixed extraction from Europeans, Africans, Indians, and Malays or others of Asiatic origin. Far from becoming extinct, the indigenous population goes on increasing, especially during the last hundred years; and accordingly, it would appear that, in total amount, these countries are more populous at present than they were previously to the arri- val of Europeans. The kingdom of Montezuma did not equal in extent the eighth part of New Spain as it now exists. The great towns of the Aztecs, and their most cultivated lands were met with in the environs of the capital of Mexico, and particularly in the delicious valley of Tenochti- tlan. The kings of Alcolhuacan, of Tlacopan, and of Mechoacan, were independent princes. Be- yond the parallel of 20. were the Chichimegs and Otomites, two wandering and barbarous nations, whose hordes, though far from numerous, pushed their incursions as far as Tula, a town situated near the northern border of the valley of Tenoch- titlan. It would be just as difficult however to estimate, with any degree of accuracy, the number of Montezumas subjects, as it would be to decide respecting the ancient population of Persia, Carthage, or Greece, or even with regard to many modern states. History presents us, on the one hand, with a train of conquerors |