/cin deer. He is 4 or 5 feet in height, and feeds upon the buds and tender twigs of the forest. He is shy and has very acute senses. His flesh is highly esteemed by the hunters and Indians, and the horns when soft are a great delicacy. The elk has often been domesticated.
The soil is various : the alluvions of the rivers are fertile; along the shore of Lake Michigan it is sandy and sterile. The chief mineral pro- duction is lead, for which See Lead Mines Cop- per was formerly thought to exist here in great abundance, but this does not appear to be the case. Iron is found in various parts. The cli- mate of the southern parts is mild, but in the north the winters are severe. One of the most valuable natural productions is the wild rice which grows on the marshy borders of the lakes nd rivers. It grows in 6 or 7 feet depth of water where the bottom is mud'dy ; the stalk is 12 or 14 feet in length; the leaves and spikes resembles those- of oats. Sheaves of them are bound together while growing, to preserve them from the birds who resort to these spots in mil- lions for the purpose of feeding upon the rice. After it has ripened in this manner, the Indians roiv their canoes through the rice and beat the grain with sticks into the canoes where blankets are spread to receive it.
There are miny Indians residing in this ter- ritory. The tribes are the Cbippeways. Winne- bagoes, Menomonees and Ottawa*. Their num- bers amount to abont 30A Terr groat proportion of the county is still in a wild state, and the settlements are chiefly within the penin- sula. The counties in the territory are IS. The pop. exclusive of Indians is 31,260 of whom 27 are slaves. Detroit is the capital. The Methodists have 11 preachers in the territory; the Presbyterians 6: the Episcopalians 5; the Baptists 2; and there are some Catholics.
A settlement was made here at Detroit by the French, so early as 1670, but they never occupied much of the country. The territorial government wins established in 1805. The peninsula was over- run by the British in 1812 shortly after the com- mencement of the war, but they were driven from the territory by General Harrison the next year.
Michigan, Lake, one of the great chain of lakes in North America. It lies wholly within the limits of the United States, inclosed in the terri- torv above described. It is 290 m. in length, 55 in breadth, and 500 in circumference, ft com- municates with Lake Huron at the northern ex- tremity bv the Strait of Michilimackinac, which has 12 feet depth of water. The lake is deep enough to be navigated by ships of any burden. It abounds with fine trout, sturgeon and various other kind* of fish. Canals are in contemplation to connect it with the waters of the Missis- sippi
MtcnMSTtllt. p.v. Hartford Co. Maryland.
MiehHirtarkinac, a county of Michigan. Pop. 877. It comprises all the northern part of the Territory. Michilimackinac or Mackinac, on the island of that name, is the capital.
Miehilimaekinac, a strait which unites the lakes Michigan and Huron. It is 6 m. wide ; and on its S. E. side, in Lake Huron, is an island, with a fort and village of the same name. Long. 84. 30. W7., lat. 45. 48. N.
Michilimackinac, Little, a river of the state of Illinois, which enters the Illinois 200 in. above xe2x80x98ts junction with the Mississippi. |
Middleborough, ph. Plymouth Co. Mass. 40 m. S. E. Boston. Pop. 5,008. Here are manufac- tures of nails and iron, which are supplied with bog ore from ponds in the neighbourhood.
Middlebrook, p.v. Augusta Co. Va. and Mont gomery Co. Maryland.
Middleburg, a large commercial town of the Netherlands, capital of the island of Walcheren, and of all Zealand. The squares and public build- ings are magnificent; particularly the town-houso, formerly a celebrated abbey. The harbour is commodious, and has a communication with Flushing by a canal, which will bear the largest vessels. Middleburg was taken by the Eritish in July, 1809, but evacuated in the December fol- lowing. 85 m. S.W. of Amsterdam. Lon*. 3. 37 E., lat. 51. 29. N.
Middleburg, a town ofthe Netherlands, in Flan- ders, 5 m. S. E. of Sluys.
Middleburg, one of the Friendly Islands. See Eaoowe.
Middleburg, ph. Schoharie Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,266 ; p.v. Union Co. Pa.; p.v.Fredricks Co. Md. p.v. Loudon Co, Va.; also a village in Nelson Co. Ken. and a township in Cuyahoga Co. Ohio.
Middleburg,pA. Addison Co. Vt. on Otter Creek. 33 m. N. AV. Rutland. Pop. 3,463. Here are man- ufactures of cotton, iron and marble. A .quarry of this last material exists on the banks of the creek within the town. Middleburg College at this place was founded in 1800. It has 5 instruct- ors and 99 students. The libraries have above
4.000 volumes. There are three vacations, in January. May and August, of 13 weeks. Com- mencement is in August.
Middleburg, ph. New Haven Co. Conn. 36 m. S. W. Hartford. Pop. 816; p.L Gennesee Co. N. Y. Pop. 2,415; p.v. Portage Co. Ohio.
Middlefield, ph. Hampshire Co. Mass. 24 m. W. Northampton. Pop. 721; p.t Otse*o Co. N. Y. Pop. 3,238.
Middleham, a town in N. Yorkshire, Eng. with a woolen manufacture. Here are the ruins of a once stately castle, in which Richard the III. was born, and where Edward IV. was confined after being taken prisoner in his camp. It is seated on the Eure, 11m. S.byW. of Richmond and 232 N. N. AV. of London.
Middle Island, p.v. Suffolk Co. N. Y. on Long Island.
Middleport, p.v. Niagara Co. N. Y.
Middlesex, a county of England, bounded N. by Hertfordshire, E. by Essex, S. by Surrey and Kent, and W. by Buckinghamshire. It contains an area of 179,200 acres, has two cities (London and Westminister) and seven market towns, and sends eigbt members to parliament. The air is. healthy ; but the soil in general, being gravelly, is not naturally fertile, though by means of its vicinity to the metropolis many parts of it are converted into rich beds of manure, clothed with almost perpetual verdure. Besides the Thames. Lea, and Coin, which are its boundaries to tbe S., E. and W. Middlesex is watered by several small streams, one of which, called the New River, is artificially brought from near Hert- ford, for the purpose of -supplying London with water.
Middlesex, a county of Massachusetts. Pop. 77,968. Cambridge is the capital. A county of Connecticut. Pop. 24,845. Middletown is the cap- ital. A county of New Jersey. Pop. 23,157 New Brunswick is the capital. A county of the E.difr trict of Virginia. Pop. 4,122. Urbana is the capital |